his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
oh sooo dead..sam n some of da rest noe hu i lyk in sch alreadii de...okies tat sucks..hahakz..nolahz..actualli wor i dunt mind..i mean i guess it was pretty obvious hu i lyked in da last written lyke HIM.."why?! gt problem issit..?!! hhuh??!"...hehe...nolahz..jkjk even betta..."plz observe decorum!! =p" muahaha...crapp..=DD...actuallii i dunt mind..u tellin ani1 else..or da restt..budden i noe lerh..he lyke some1 betta dun lahz,,..=$ okies..but,,. neva mind..neva mind...president..president...lolz..okies...soo todae...iz totalli "borin"...i mean deres "stupiid" subjects lyke da historii n musiic...oh man..i juz hate dem...soo.....muCH!! well,da musiic wasnt too bad...but da historiii...oh miie out-of-worrds..!!! well..basicallii i was almost asleep...too bad..i cudnt tok lyke i used to....cos..i hav changed seats..!! dammit..can u believe itt..?!!! im seatin in da 1ST ROW..!! shit larh..cant tok..or even slp...but to tell ya da truth..juz historii class,,i slp in everii moment i can find to slp...muaha...i tink my cher realise...budden,,juz ignore wor..heck herr larh..haiz... funni sia...tiz time post...nuthin to ritte....haiz.... -aiin =DD haiz..
Monday, June 27, 2005
well todaee iz da 1st sch dae..afta da june holidaes reopen...thought itt wud be a greatt dae...budden cum to tink of was not too bad i guess...well..1st thing in da morning..HE greeted me..lolz,,..but too bad i didnt realli hear itt..onlii notice itt wen miie fren..told i hav been crushin fer tiz guy fer lyke months..n somehow..or one notices ittt..yeh..!!! i hav been HE used to chatt wit miie..everydae...non-stop...without fail..we wud cum online at certain times juz to has been lyke 1 month i hav nt been it means..i hav not chatted wit HIM fer 1 BLOODY MONTH!!!!! dammit..tat so misses chatttin...especialli wit HIM..cos HE iz one realli funni guy..n both of us juz lyke to "merepek" lyke miie..hahakz..we lyke to sing..all da kiddish songs..lyke da barney song,,teletubbies..n yeh..we both lyke..DBZ..!!!! dragon ball z..!!! soo fun sia..n bcos HE iz one heck of a "selenge" guy,,i lyke to bulli HIM..!!!! yurrps..!! though HE iz olderr by miie by erm..1month plus,,i guess??!! sometimes..HE lyke to bulli me..=$ n yeh..i lyke to "merajuk"...a LOT...hahakz...n one more things tat we juz love soooooo mucch...itz ice-kweaaaaaaaammm...!!!! wheneva...i bulli HIM..n HE "merajuk"....ill say.."blanja u ice-kweaamm..??!".....den...HE'll go crazee..bout itt..lolz..soo funni sia...sigh... n sometimes..wen-neva...i made HIM angrii...or shocked..HE lyke to giv i lyke to call itt.."da big-eyed look"...coz u see..HE has tiz realli DAMN BIG eyes..n HE will lyke open his eyes soo big..n ill lyke go.."woo relek arhh..."..hahakz..tatz..funni...budden..haiz.. too bad..tiz will onlii be ***sweet memories*** ferr i go online..i wondered wen he will go online...too...n whether HE will still rememba miie...da fun tiimes we had chattin together..i wonder...but i dunt mind iv he miee..wadeva it iz..HE will FEVA still be miie fren...n it wudnt hurt miie one bit bout itt...