his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Friday, July 29, 2005
miie wOrld iz getiin darKer n darKer byy da miinute..holdiin itt steadiilyy..iin miie dowN riightt swEaty-hand, aimiin miie heaDD .. *bang!* *bang!* am ii dead yett ? y am ii still aliiVe ? iim aliive ?!!! WTH ! niwayz.. latelyy, ii hav tiiz funny feeliing insiide miie.. ii gett all madd n angryy suddenlii .. n a tear or tWo drop frOm miie eyez .. ii quicklyy wiipe itt away.. as itt roll dOwn miie rosyy-cheek .. sometiimes,ii wonda .. "do miie friends nOtiice itt ??" or . "dunt deyy ?" riite now.. iim feeliin realli awfull .. no wOrds cud describbe miie .. da feeliings insiide miie .. tat'z goiin to explode anii mOmentt nOw.. yeaHH .. iim depressed .. depressed at da thiings tat'z happenin to miie .. "why cant dey go miie way ?" "...fer once" but dat will neVa happen ii noe iit wunt . coz miie liife iz juz full of [shiitt*] n darN [bad luckks*] .. nuthiin good eva happened to miie .. na-ahh .. nOt once.. in da begiinin it miight onlii be good.. budden..a tragedy will striike .. n dere gOes miie mood .. sometymes duriin da dae.. n even da niightt .. alOnee in da room .. ii criied .. wonda iv ill eva manage to survive through tiiz shitty liife of miine .. wonda iv ppl still do caree bout miie ? used to jOke around .. used to playy arOundd n create smiles on ppl's faces .. but nOw.. weneva ii go arOund.. dere's onlii tiiz greyy cloud abOvee miie .. fOllowiin miie everywhere ii gO .. iiv onlii ii cud gett riid of itt .. yeahh .. hOw ??! n nOw..miie worstt niitemare has cum .. yeaHH . miie crushh noe tat i liike hiim .. da worstt thiing ferr miie iz wen miie crushh noe tat i liiked him.. but he onlii treats miie as a fren.. yess . such humiliatiOn n sadness .. budden cum to tiink fo itt.. someday or another.. he will stiill fiind outt,,riite ??!! but still ii dunt tiink nOw iz da rightt tiime .. but ii gues too badd.. fer miie.. coz finallyy it has leaked outt . n itz miie fault niway . -aiin Friday, July 22, 2005
22July2O05YESHH !! tat wOnderfuLL daee !!!! npcc certaiinly rocks ! well , ii meaN we rawk npcc !! thougHH lotz of peepz were absentt , itt was still freakiin FUN !! HAHA . dere's tiz game where .. we hav to step oN oUr opponents balloons .. n eacHH paiir muz cOnsistt of a boii n a ger !!! YEAHH . but, ii still partner wiit sAm as our grp onlii cOnsist of 2 pathetiic boiis . hahakz !! yurrps . pa-the-tiic .. miie favv wOrd . hurhur =p ii was iin group 1 . well, aniiq,wendy,juliia,meliissa n mOre [sorii cudnt rememba da name] were iin miie group .. n guess wad ?!!!!! we WON !!! [3 cheers fer us !] well,mOstly thnkz to meliissa n juliia !!! fer guiidin deir balloons so well.. well,cudnt deny itt,i [sucks] at protectiin miie balloon ..hehkz.. n sAm too . >.< well n of cOurse ii shud be giiven da crediit too .. fer screamiin da LOUDEStt .. aha . see !! i cOntriibuted to da grp,too !! *wheeeeeee !! yeaHH . our tactiic was to screaam at aniione hu cum neaR us . well, itz pretty lame .. but HEyy !! itt workks !! serve uu guys riite .. uh-huh .. especiially da "dunno-da-name-indiian" sir n a ma'am . but no faiiR . dey keptt burstiin ouR balloons , but not da REStt!! gawd . neVa miind .. we stiil wOn ,huHH ?!!!! *yipeeeeeee !! iim happii !! but haviin a reAl baDD sorethrOatt ,man .. =)) da drill [sucks] though .. yeaHH . ii mean miie grp kena called "shiit","sucks" n eVen a "daMn" !!! oh miie gawd . tat soo [sucks] , man . ii mean seriiouslii we onlli liike go ferr 3mOnths den take LCP test, not liike our siirs hu gOt da experience of 1year++ !!! SUChh a biig diff , huH ?!!! n yet dey kept compariin us wiit dem .. WADS DA PROBLEM WIIT DEM ?!! damn larhh de . well, still miie drills do [sucks] .. coz ii verii blUr maHH .. haiiz .. ii siickeniin [sucks] badly at da belokk dat one .. yalarHH . so cOnfusiin sia !! n dey expectt us to be liike "soo-gOod" iin juz one daRn dae ?!!! on miie gawd . iim soo hatiin da siirs . reallii !! n our tiimer kena changed liike 3tiimes ?!!! ii mean .. "wad-da hecKK!!" .. fiirst,itt was DD deN you weii deN viictoriia .. lastlyy,changed bacKK to DD .. well, cudnt deny itt.. he's da bestt tiimer iin ouR squaDD .. orhh man . i cant beliieve itt ..!!!? did ii juz praiise hiim !!!!? hahakz . o.o guess so .. though he still shOutt liike a gerll !!! muaha .. >.+ b4 goiin hOme .. DD paper bagg liike pecah liike tat lorhh.. so helped hiim stapled his bloody bag .. den he BULII miie !!! damn he . niwayz da best partt iz .. DANIAL U OWE MIIE ONE ICE-KWEAAAMM!!! yeshh!!! wasnt easy to get itt . ii kiinda [threaten] hiim . well, at leastt ii can still look fOrward to miie ice-kweaam,huHH ?!!! till deN, aiin =DD ->p.s: FiFa !! uu owe miie one,too !! heeez..=]] Monday, July 18, 2005
he's usiin miie..DAMMIT . its obviious.. i hatee to sayy itt.. butt..i realiised it's realli truue.. he's juz usiin miie ferr thiings.. weneva he's sadd, he wud cum to miie n fill hiis probs wiit miie.. but weneva he's happi [liike riite now], he havv 4gotten miie.. completelii.. DAMN . he's liike a bro to miie.. n yett he did tiiz to miie.. haiiz.. i feel so sadd sia.. i feel liike cryiin.. i even feel liike blockiin him in miie msn.. so i wudnt hav to feel hurtt..wenva he's onliine.. whyy do i owaes kena used by miie frens ?!!! maybe im juz a punchiin bag fer everii1.. i hate hiim fer tiiz... i hate hiim soo.. MUch.. words cud descriibe how im feeliin riite now.. damn RITEEE.. im so pissed.. bro, why muz u existt in miie liife??! i hav juz cum outt of da darkness.. tryiin to changee miie liife to da betta.. but here u are.. tryiin to spoiil miie dayy,, miie new-found liife.. how dare uu.. im tryiin so hard here,,uu noe.. tryiin to be as happi .. n as crappi as possible.. so dunt.. im pleadin to uu,.. dunt destroy tiz new-found liife of miine.. itt takes miie so muchh to earnn tiiz.. so dunt destroy miie.. juz dunt . - aiin Sunday, July 17, 2005
well,todae..amaziinlii im iin a diff kiind of mo.Od. yeahh..kiinda happi..ermms..dunno whyy though..i soo funnii sia..wheeeez~ woooots~ yeaahh~ nye-arrh~ !!!!!!! c ?!! iim backk to miie crazee self luffin mie headd off at sOme tupiid jokes miie siis iz makiin..*wheeeeee!!!* HEYY,,IM NORMALL!!!!!!! *clap,clap* "thnk uu,thnk uu..ermms..1st of all i wud liike to thnk miie cat..etc. etc.!!" heez..kkiies..tatz crappz..=)) soriie ppl but as uu can see.tatz liike miie 1st crapp in diz few heyy iim eXcItedd..!! kkies..i guess nuthiin to riite more..tiill deN.. -aiin =DD *im waiitin fer someone's SpEcIaL message..!!!!! weeee !! =p *some1 blanja miie ice-kweaaaaaam ?!!! =D well here's a sonGG whiich juz cudntt gett off miie heAD!! itt realli means alot to miie,too!!!!! =p =>>> all a'bout luviin uu - bon jovii everitiime i look att uu,baby i see somethiin neW, itt takes miie higher den b4, itt makes miie wantt uu morE... i duntt wanna see itt tonight, baby,itz juz a wastee of tiiMe, wen ii lookk at wad miie liife been's cumiin to.. iim All About Luviin Uu.. Tuesday, July 12, 2005
orh happeniin to miie?? dese few daes..suddenlii ii feltt lonelii.. n emptii too.. yeh..i duntt even noe how or fr where.. itt came.. but i noe,..itt camee in a sudden bliiss.. 'da loneliiness iz kiliin miie.. stabbin miie..breakiin miie.. n completelii changiin miie.. why cantt ii be liike b4.. yeah..da crazee miie.. hu neva 4gets to smiile.. n luff liike one hell of a madd gerrl.. b4 all da miseriies came to gett miie,, i was liike tat sunshiine wakiin up da emotiion in everionee.. but riite now.. im juz..totalli..different.. but.. juz liivin miie life.. makiin da day dull, sadd n discontent . everiitime i triied to piick miieself outt of dis worlld of darkness,.. itt onlii lasts fer awhiile.. dammit.. i keptt fallin back... over,n over agaiin.. however stiil,itz seemed difficultt.. no matter how hardd i triied, dere's no way outt . guys..[miie frens] iim so sorrii fer da sudden change iin miie.. ii noe..tat u wud be iin a sudden shockk.. iim sorri coz.. i juz dunno.. wads happenin to miie.. to miie world.. itz juz bcumiin darker n darker by da miinute,,uu see.. somehow or rather.. i tiink im stuck.. stuck in diz "darn thiing" called miie liife . urghh.. some1 please.. help miie.. take away tiiz lonliness off miie chestt.. n takke miie away wiit uu.. somewhere which i usedd to enjoy liivin iin.. i dunt wanna miie liife to be shattered.. na-ah.. not niimOre . riite now.. miie liife iz juz full of lies.. im smiliin fer da sake of smiliin.. im crappin fer da sake of cheerin mieeself up.. i cantt beliieve itt.. n ii hate to admiit itt..but.. im liivin iin miie liife full of lies . -aiin Saturday, July 09, 2005
to tiiz god-bro of miine..bro,,cheer up..yah.. show tat wiide *smiile* tat u owaes show others.. crapp liike hu uu used to be.. be as crazee as uu were... crackkin up jokes...n makin ppl luff.. uu briing joy to da worrld,,ya noe tat?? uu miight tiink tat ppl miight look att uu onlii as a clown..but hell no..u were npcc,, ppl do respectt uu..yea..especialli ur juniors... uu r our role model... im realli sorrii... tat all tiz had to happened to uu.. tat uu had to face soo much juz at a tender age of 14.. tat succh ppl had to existt iin ur liife... HECk wiit dem larhh... im sure dey r juz SHITTy jealous of uu.. i noe how u r feelin riite now.. itz realli diffiicultt.. u were riite.. fer normall human beiins,im sure dey wud juz had given upp at tiz moment,, but NOT..uu.. uu r strong..n r not givin in.. uu believe in urrself so stronglii tat.. uu noe tat u will achieve itt.. im surre u wud, too . bro,, uu r a grreat guyy.. hu will soon grow iinto such fiine man.. no doubtt.. go to da riite way..riite path.. rite place where everithiin will run smoothlii n as how u wanted itt.. i believe in uu tat u cud makke da riite decisions in liife.. n one tiing ferr surre.. not liivin in a liife believin in lies... n yea..stop callin ur self a monsta... u r NOT one..n tats ferr surre... iits harrd in miie den itz on uu.. i hav to see some1 dear to miie heartt.. breakin down n clearlii bcum low in spiirit.. hav i saiid nithin in yesterdae's convo tat wud hurrt u soo?? Im realli sorri..iv i diid... itz realli diff fer one to understand anotherr.. especialli such a dumb kidd liike miie..understandiin uu.. uu muz be strong n stayy cool.. dere's onlii uu,,ur soul n ur conscience . "n i CARE..=DD" -aiin.. Friday, July 08, 2005
well,juz came backk fr npcc lerr...tirred sia..n i smell NIICEEE too...until miie sista doesnt even wanna cum near miie..!!!!!! muaha..torture herr...!! =) da drills was tough,no doubtt..but heyy it was funn too..!!! i mean i was soo shocked wen saffir siir noe miie name..!!!! yeh..!!! he called miie niceee n clearlii.."zu-ra-iin"...yurrps..n arent im prouud..hehe..=p ..well at some poiint of da turnins...i did ronglii...yeh..i was so damn blurr..long tiime didnt go practice mahz..yeh..da ncos obviouslii notiice...n i juz giv hiim a wiide grin..hehe..i still hav da cheek to smiile sia...well i hate da go up n go down da staiirs..!!! it sux biig tiime..!!! realli..i mean..i was liike so sweatiin liike hell...n i was outt of breaths mostt of da tiime..!!! yeah..!! i rememba i was liike an ashmatiic person juz now,,gaspin ferr aiir..hahakz... den afta tat,dere's... siing-along-session..!!!!!!!!! yeh..!!! quiite fun oso lahz...except ferr da sec2 were liike tokin to da sirs liike deir friiend liike tat sia..n da wayy dey behave,.,,itz liike soo chiliidish...more chiliidish den us sec 1...dey were all liike luffin..all da way...n us..suddenlii...[hu used to be havoc..especialli miie x)] seemed so ANGELIIC..yeh..was a biig surpriise ferr i hav owaes looked up to dem...well,,itz obvious da rest of miie squad iz startin to hate dem too..we were liike "diao,diao" to dem all da way..juz now...den most probabaly bcoz of dem..we kena shouted byy da siir,..liike siao liike tat..but dey stil hav da cheek to stilll smiile..damn larh respectt.. den go hoome... yeah,,,n HE ask miie to carrii his bagg home ferr HIM..hey..fat chance....!! i onlii carried HIS bag b4 avoiid bein late n stuffs... REALLI!!!!!! hahakz..=)) well..i guess so tatz all.. miie gtg tiime den ill blogg agaiin ... -aiin =DD -"fer once i wanna make miie frens appreciate miie n not take miie fer granted.." Wednesday, July 06, 2005
to U..miie actions juz has ruiin everithin.. i broke UR heartt,,thnkz to miie tupiid actions.. i swear i regrett wad i diid.. itz juz totalli dumb n tupiid..of miie wud U eva forgiv miie?? IM SUCH AN IDIIOT . URGH.. thnkz to miie,i brokke UR heartt, thnkz to miie,i ruined UR love-liife, thnkz to miie,i miight hav lostt a god-bro, thnkz to miie,i spoiil UR life.. funni,,how cud U fall fer such an IDIOT liike miie?? such a DARN ting.. even I.. hate miieself... in da end i onlii ended up brokin ur heartt.. AGAIN, im sorri...but..miie heart will onlii be wiit HIM.. HIM..and HIM onlii... hope u cud understand.. he has stolen miie heartt..u see.. since da 1st tiime i had eva seen hiim.. since HE had eva tok to miie... i juz cudnt get HIM off miie miind.. im SORRI.. i juz dunno why.. im liike a small kid,, confused in herr own world of darknesss... no liight to guide miie.. im LOST.. help miie..fiind miie...n ill be dere fer U.. i promise . da onlii problem iz..HE dunno.. n will neva noe...da truee.. factt..yet..n riite now,, im juz wonderin.. "wad iv its too late?" "wad iv HE liike some1 else??" wad wud i do.. i dunno.. im soo totalli helpless... darn.. but,im jus too shy.. to even tink to sae anithin to HIM.. cum to tiink of itt,, i guess,,da onlii choice fer miie riite now,, iz to juz forget HIM.. i am leftt wiit NO choice.. im afraiid . Monday, July 04, 2005
well..riite noww,,i am soo sickenin bored..uh-huh..actualli had plans to go outt wit others..but last min call,,dey cant make itt...[well,i cant force dem,,too yehz?!] sooo,,at least lata im still goin outt..go to sheng shong shop2 around wit miie kuzzins..!!! yeah..cant waiit..hopefulli,,ill be in a betta mood biie den,huh?amazinlii in such a bliss,,twoo daes of sittin around at home hav pass...n tmr..iz indeed another schh kinda prepared fer tmr alreadii i guess..npcc boots n badges hav been polished though i cud not make outt wads da diff between b4 n afta..funni..maybe,,i diid itt ronglii or sometiin..hehkz..=p..hw..almost all completed..well,,tatz alreadii gd enuff fer a laziibum liike dere iz tiz funni feelin of miisin some1 soo badlii;..yeah i guess..i do miss HIM a lot... yeah,mizz tat quirkyy smiile, yahz,mizz tat adorable?? facee, yurps,mizz tat lameeee n tupiid jokes tat he cracks, ahh,mizz tat biig goo-goo eyes tat he hav, 0.0 wooo,mizz his reactions of beiin madd, yarrh,mizz crappin wiit himm, uh-huh,mizz tat blur2 sotong expression of his.. woots,mizz hiim askiin miie to blanja hiim ice-kweeeeeammm... yeahz,,tatz long enuff,i guess??! cant tink of aniimore stufs,,i guess..hopefulli..tmr..will biie a greatt dae..hopefulli,tmr HE will greet miie in da mornin liike on anii other daes..hahakz..fat chance though..ahhh...wad-eva crapps im tokin larh..iv onliii he wud biie onliine riite now...well,,den..i guess so tatz all fer todae.. -aiin =DD ** i mizz miie smiliin botakk,too..!!! =p Saturday, July 02, 2005 was...amazinlii FUN n FANTASTIC..!!!! congrats to nikita...jeremiie,apoorva n of course all da 7th ex-cos..!!!! not to forget miie dearest 2005 batch,,too....ferr bein officiallii councillers..yeh..!!! we rock,,huh?!! =DD orh liike sooo shitty happi..!!!! high heels...n da stockins kinda sucks...but hey..i still enjoyed itt,.didnt ii?? hehe..=)) well..dere was dis slideshow n ...n oh miie god..dere is miie face..n it looks... soo stupid..!!!! dammit..hahakz....n i looks kinda biig too..=$$ gosh..i was soo embarresed...[spellin?]den dere was oso tis part bout miie sec 4s...n it waz reallii so sadd...tatt i almostt crieed..!!! muaha...i noe..i pathetic..n silli...budden..i was realli touched..n thinkin back..i wud realli mizz dem wen dey leave tiz sch...da support dey given us through everithin..yeahh...da sandcastle n doubt...dey will biie sweet memories fer miie lives...okies juz wonderin..wud i cry..wen im leavin da sch ,,too??!! i hav another liike 2 go,,huh?? yurrps..well i betta be prepared den..hehe..=p den at da end of everiithin..afta eatin two damn delicious creamm puff....i went crazee... at da ppl around miie..congratulatin n shakin deir hands[includin da seniors]...n yeah?? i wonda..was i even in right in da head dat time??!!!?! na-ah....i am 4eva one...hehe..tatz a fact..all rite...funni..ppl reacted to miie in diff wayz...some were juz totalli happi..while some..were juz too surprised n taken aback biee miie greetins??? >> dey muz hav thought.."iz dis gerl rite in her head,,or somethin??!! " ....yeah..i guess so...uh-huh....n yeh..surprisinglii,,one of dem was jeremiie..!!!! tat was strange...mayby he hasnt seen succh of miie biig reactions.. ,,i guess..hehkz.. wel..gtg now...gonna rememba tiz investiture ferr lives..!! -aiin..=DD n gonna mizz eng wu's tupiid jokes,,too..!!!! hehe..x))