his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Monday, August 29, 2005
somethin's troubliin me in sch. yet.i still dunno wad itt iz. shiit. WAD ISSIIT ? arghh.maybe itz coz of -nameblocked-. or issit bcoz of -nameblocked2- juz council? DAMMIT . wads happenin to me. why am ii so2 troubled? issit bcoz im worried -nameblocked2- might haV a bad impression on me. or issit bcoz -nameblocked- wantin to see me. but me avoidiin him ? GAWD . whyy do i feel so insecure. suddenlyy.whyy ? wad did i do. to deserve tiz. HAIISHH. i cantt beliif im tryin to avoid da TRUTH. yeshh. ii AM afraiid to face da truth. coz ii noe da truth usualli sux . blardy larhh . ii cantt belif im suchh a coward. yurrps.iim a coward. sometimes,i juz feel lyke cryin so badlyy. yet no tears came outt.whyy? whyy am ii so sadd boutt tiz un-important stuff of tiiz ? ii dunt get itt ? wad da f*ckk iz rong wiit me ? iz tiiz mood-swiings ? NO. itz iznt. im verri sure. outt. of.tiiz.trauma.iim.havin.i couldnt. stand.itt.anii.mOre.plz.iim.haviin.sleepless. nights.yett.i.still.dunno.wad.da. f* --sudden silence-- -aiin da ENFERMO . --''am realli soriie ferr da vulgariities. realli.''-- Friday, August 26, 2005
sickk. yurrps. still blardy sickk.
dammit. voice still "sexy". LOL. yeah rite. =) chiaxin lurvve itt . yeaHH. weirDD. ahaha. erms. so todae half-dae. yerpp. doesnt feel lyke itt though. dunno why. no mood. haishh. stress. STRESS!! ha! realli arhh. hav alot of things in ma mind. np ROD,sc teachers dae,Lit and mani more !! hav to tinkk of dance steps ferr ROD, hav to help up n stayy LAte2 fer teachers dae, Lit pro-ma grp still havent had our turn YETT. blardy hell. n yeahh,todae afta sch. i cried. yurrps. stress boutt da Lit thingy. todae iz a blardy half-dae, n we r suppose to stay until 1++ juz, to complete our drama or iv not we'll FAIL ?!! WTF !!! soriie ferr tat. cant control maself. [well,hav to sae sorri.itz bout sc stuffs.] [hav to say sorri wen say bad words. blar2..] yerpp. kinda crapp to me sia. hu cares . niwayz didnt cried too muchh. juz a lil 'sob' 'sob' here n dere. haiishh. n i stop sobbin wen da cher finalii came n see us all . thnk GAWD! no need to meett. yurrps. =) but all of us were still stress bout some stuffs. haisshh. yarhh. realli. tiz week iz juz lyke totalli DOOM ! yeahh. ferr me,tat iz. hw,projects,cca's,teachers dae n blar2 .. soo sickk larhh . okie so afta tat,we went to BK to hav our meal. was freakkin hungry. we missed both our, breakfastt n lunch . wentt POKAII afta tat. ha! =] blar-blar-blarh .. wentt backk to jiemin with cx . now tiredd. realli TIRED!. wanna restt. lotz of hw to-do. haiishh. tmr sc meeting. haiishhh agaiin. okielarhh me wanna take a nap. bbbubyez. n cyaz guyz !! [n galz,tat iz.] *grins aiin =DDDDD [[some lade-da. crapp,tat iz. LOL.=) ]] luv iz like HOT CHOCOLATE. yeahh. itz hurts wen itz hot. but afta awhile, ull enjOyy n feel refreshed. =)) ++[[_a love iz easy to feel,so hard to explain;so easy to get,so hard to let go; so easy to spell,so hard to spell,so hard to define n yett every1 iz riskin itt.++_]] [[ma lurrbbes to da worlD ! ha. PEACE! crapp again. =) ]] stayy strong kayys FiFa !! lurbeee ya !! =) thnkz ferr ur 'ouhh-so-sweet-poem' !! LOL. n sam,itz okae ferr wad happened durin sci thingy. sometimes,da word BIASED do exist on ourselves. but we juz coudnt realise itt. =P stayy violentt ferr me owaes,kayys ? ha! <3 lurrbbe evry1 !! lurbbe those hu had been dere ferr me !! <3 lurrbbbe ma Tigger. <3 <3 lurbbe BARNEY !! hahs. +DDD Wednesday, August 24, 2005
tiz short poem iz ferr FiFa . yurrps . n yeahh itz all about friendship n stayin strong no matter wad happens . she's somehow or another goin thru some rather diff times . rememba FiFa,ill owaes be dere fer u . no matter wad happens . =]] hope u lyke tiz "short-n-simple-yet-sweet-poem" .. ehehe. *muuaakkzz* well here goes .. =P Lighting Ur Way If i was one thing,I'd be a candle, lighting da way so u can handle things easily . Ur life easier without woes, not havin to fight with ur foes . I wud help keep u from stumblin over, things blockin ur path to ur life . Iv i light ur path,life wud be easier, Even strong winds,da light will not deter . No matter what,im here fer u. To cheer u up wen u r blue . Do not fret wen time gets tough . iv things look down or kind of rough. Juz rememba,im owaez here . In ur heart,close n near. I will help u in every way . but den dere's oso moments, wen i cant live forever . or wen one dae we might be separated . u may no longer need my light to shine. iv tat dae cums,go on ur own way,my fren . And i will hope to see u again one dae . Iv one dae,i dont appear, Do not worry,do not fear . i may be gone,but in ur heart . da light i gave u did not disappear, it will forever be dere,i promise . =) - aiin =DDDDD [_++ cud u be da one ferr me ? sometimez da only way to find love iz to first lose it . _] ++ Tuesday, August 23, 2005
todae realli sux . yurrps . iim sickk ! fever . bad sorethroatt . headache . blardy thing . yeahh . wentt to sch . bad mood liao . coz cantt tok mahhz . haiiz . n -nameblocked- father picked me up damn late . tat ii dunt realli care . somehow used to itt . >.<> gettit ? arhh. wadever . n erm yes ,i sound lyke a 'idiotic-guy-freakk-monster' .. but it sound pretty sexy too ! ehehe. =) den at sch . receive math results liao . 3 failures . yepp . was realli scared . thought it was me . but thank GAWD ! ii passed !! yepp . by a few marks,tat iz . =) den lade-da .. den had np meetin on da R.O.D thingy . ii was freakkin NOT happi wit ma group . yeahh. coz dey wanna do danciin n wear dose mini-skirtt .. euwww ! sorri . not ma type . realli . was even more pissed of wen -nameblocked2- came n find me durin recess . juz to tok bout da blardy thing . hell cares man ! do ii even look lyke i CARE ?!! arsehole . den yeahh lyke i said we had a meeting . da sec1 n da sec2s tat iz . all of us were re-group . coz alot not happi . *wheeeeee!! so ii was lyke damn happi . =]] yeahh . den can choose hu wantt to do PDS . ii dunt wanna but sam wantt to . so ii too raised ma hand . -nameblocked3- chose me n qy. was pretty shocked as only 2 pathetic gerls kena chosen . tat was not badd . den da worst part had cum . da sec2s can onlii choose 6 of us chosen by -nameblocked3- . yerpp . n da sec2s onlii chose da guys . well halfway thru itt . ii backed outt . coz no gerl joiin mahhz . blardy ting . niwayz itt wudnt be faiir to da restt of ma frens hu .. oso badly wanted to go fer PDS . one 4 all, all 4 one mahh !! n yeahh i promised sam a da restt tat i wud onli join .. iv deyy are inside !! butt need onlyy 1 more sec1 .. so we didnt go in .. onlii one mahh . iv sam go,she abandon me . n iv i go,i abandon herr . n tat isnt called friendship . na-ah . not at ALL . yeahh. WE sacrifice . tupiid sec1s guyz not gentleman enuff . so in da end da pds grp contains sooo much BOIS n so liil gerls .. yurrps . biased! ii was lyke WTF !! haishhh . neva miind . maybe itz juz not OUR luckk . yerpp . OUR . arhh nevamiind . let dem do itt . ii hell dunt care . let dem be called *fucking assholes . hahaz . n ill be dere to luff at dem . LOL. hopefulli , =P aiin +DDDDD [[__pissed realli badlyy . n am freakkin sickk !! blardy ass . arhh . wadever .++_]] p.s: *am realli sorri ferr da vulgarities . hope uu dunt miind . =) * Friday, August 19, 2005
lalalas .. so todae was realli happi,happi n HAPPI !! yurrps . np,tat iz . was fun as dere were no drills !! muaha . =)) wear da blardy half-u ferr practicalli nuthin !! wad da hell . arhh . hu cares . i still enjoyed maself niwayz . =p we onlii had campcraftt . my "not-so-enjoyable-thingy-in-np" .. LOL. coz we had to memorize da knots n all .. n ii hate memorisin thingz . =1 todae basicalli juz do some basiic knots . ii forgotten most of dem,but of course . *grins was in cheng chap [iz tat how u spell itt ?] siir grp . not bad ii guess . but i still prefer lishuang ma'am grp . =]] den afta tat we had a so-called 'meeting' on wad , to do fer tiiz year ROD. yeahh . R-O-D . hahakz . we were divided into grps . ii was separated fr da rest n ended up .. blardy arse . iin grp 1 . wasnt too satisfied,though . no friend,mahh . so sian lorhh . but no choiice . mmm . wonder wad ma grp iz gonna do . we still dunt hav ni idea yett . haiiz juz waiit n see . |