his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Friday, September 30, 2005
ytd.ii tink.
HE saiid 3 words to me iin malay class!!! AAARHHHHHHHHHHHH! okay.okay.i noe. over-reaction.hahakz. cant help it.=)) he shoooo CUTE larr he saiid da 3 words wiit such a CUTE expression.lalalas. iim not tellin.*zips* ehehe. lalalas.covers ears.*grins den ytd oso arr. (i tink.bad memory arr.*paiseh*) place bet wit ernest. on whether chealsea or arsenal win. iv ii win,he blanja me ice-cream. iv he win,i blanja him lollipop. hahakz.budget. i noe.i noe.LOL. budden results cum . n it was a draw :0-0 so too bad i dint get my ice-cream. neither did he get his lolli.haha. fair.n-square.ahaha. ernest's cute. plz dunt tink too far i like to bulli him. case u dunno. he's my new business partner. yarr.partner iin SC. guardiin da Home Econs stairs.haha. in crime..= lol. nah.he too blur arr. he cant even look at me. direct in da face while tokiin.haha. cute larr his dimples.LOL. lemme repeat arrh. i ONLY like his dimples.full-stop.ha. he's realli weird arhh. tok to girls no see face one. kiinda irritating sometimes.haha. told him tat.n he juz shook his head. n a smiley freak. offence.=)) always irritate him. n ask him to tok.n TOK. as he too quiet pity hav such a partner. n a junior somemore. like ME. =]] have been doiin duty. wit him fer like a few daes now. yet i onlii noe tat his name iz ernest.(duh) he like soccer.(duhh) n he has cute sori dunt mind me.*winks i hav tiiz obsession wiit dimples.ha. no bondiin between sec1 n sec2. tsk tsk tsk.*wags finger ii wanna complaiin to nikita ! niwayz.betta go now. wanna study. me guaikia.(spelling?) LOL. i.hav.tiz.strong.obsession.wiit.dimples.and.small.eyes. weird. hu cares. heeez.* -aiin =DD Sunday, September 25, 2005
dance.erm.went well.thank goodness.
yesterdae.was a relli fun dae. actually before,da practises were pretty much disastrous. we faced through so much challenges. and so,i guess u can sae its worth it. i even got almost kicked out from council once. (dunt ask.juz dunt.) n i guess nobody noe realli much of it. i cud still vividly remember da good n da bad times, we had together durin da dance. we might hav a heated argument, and 1min later,we are all frens again smiliin, lyke nuthin has happened. and da most wonderful thing ferr me iz . da bondin between da sec1s n sec2s iin my group. its true was agree at some poiint of da time. n it was also diff to communicate. wit one another iin (oh well) juz a few daes. and guess wad my fellow frens? we succeeded! now we are even much closer den before.=) and iim realli glad tat even , through thick and thin together we went thru, we managed to do our bestt ferr da nite itself.=D so lets giv each other a pat on her shoulder and shout in deir ears "thank you !!!!!" . haha. still rawks.yeee-haaa! LOL. enuff bout da serious stuffs. n now da fun before da dance,we sprayed n coloured our haiir. red n piink colour !!!!! looked damn blardy havoc like tat.haha. n ppl were lookin like we came from a different planet like tat. wakakaka.verii de fun larr. (ohyah)not to forget.we tied our hair to sideways. n we all looked like "3-year-olds-devils". yeahh.devils.remember da red colour.haha.*grins though we smell(realli bad!) after da P.O.P, we were in high spirits to dance.DANCE.n dance!!! hahakz. speakkin of POP.urghh.dunt remind me. it sux! had to stand under da hot.yes! HOT sun. 3tiimes ferr da rehearsal. n once ferr da actual one. oh my gawd.itt was terrible larr. we smell.DAMNtired.sweatingLIKE HELL. n but of course.iim so black now.urghh. curse cudnt you shine at da rite tiime. hahakz.n curse you POP.ferr makiin me so miserable, da whole tiime i was standiin dere.urghh.LOL. nemind.itz all over.and iim glad? ehehe.*smirks eyy.lets dunt forget da pds,yarr? dey were liike so cool !! yeeee-haaa ! LOL. n da guys gel up deir haiir,look like the esplanade to me. wakakaka.LOL.but nice arr.=) den dey spray blue colour.urghh.copy us.nemind.nemind.ahaha. den but of course.HE looked so kawaii-neh ! wiit his hair spike2 like tat!!! *wheeee n he wear two shirts.yellow at da outside. n pink in da inside (i called it his undie.or bra larr oso can=p). hahakz.n i called him a gerl. n kept kacau-ing (is dere even a word?=P) him.LOL. n he gave me dat "u-better-shuddup-or-else" look. wiit da "oh-so-CUTE-gugu-eyes" .hahakz. kay.iim crazzie.yarr.crazzie over him.wakaka.LOL. n aniq look so CUTE too ! hahakz. realli orh.his hair n all. he's hot! (juz like his colour.=P) gtg now. blue.n.gel-up-esplanade-hair.rawks! piink spray.rawks! n but of course. -aiin Sunday, September 11, 2005
alo !!! yeahh.long time no blog liao. usaul.busyy.ahakz.yeahh rite.*grins man,im blardy bored.yeahh. still got da sci summaries n maths hw to do. of course.=) hav to rush.or ill be dead.realli. yeahh.i did a so-called 'gallery' at da marquee. ahaha.was plainlyy bored n discovered itt. so dere itt is.checkk it outt,yarr? contain mostlyy of da recent pics i hav taken. well.mostlyy craps n erm.yeahh me lookin weird.=) dunt worri.ill update da piccys too,okayy ? *smirks -aiin =DDD Wednesday, September 07, 2005
urghh.damn.sheesh. i miss him. blueks.yeah rite.huh. oh man.i dunt even get wad im thinkin. haha.okayy1.weird. he's cute. he's blur.yeahh. he's juz so 'cute-n-blur-4eva' . yay-ness.LOL. long time no chat wit him. damn.haishh.hmm. am i juz goin to wait 4eva ferr him. to make da 1stt move? wad da hell. wad was i thinkin. huh.arhh.nemind.wadever. kkz.ferr dose readin. dunt terase or even tinkk dirrty.yeahh. itz not youuuuuuuu*. wakakaka.itz juz..hmm.nemind. iv onli dere's wayys i cud try to 4get him. suggestions ? (no hittin my head against da rock or somethng lyke tat.plz.) yurrps.LOL.=DDDD [[ getiin over youuuuuu* . ]] somedae i might get over youuuuu*.. im not sure how.. or because of hu.. da days are as long as eva.. n da nights were even more lonelyy.. tiz picture of your facehaunts me.. whyy wontt youuuuuu* let me be ? i thought i was doin fine.. n den i looked at da stars.. because of youuuuu* my heart iz filled wit scarz.. da pain has bcum soo real.. dis iz not fair ferr me to feel.. i miss youuuuuuuu*.. but i noe wad i hav to do.. so i wipe away anudder tear.. knowin myy biggestt fear has cum true.. todae iz da dae i hav to get over youuuuuuu* . Tuesday, September 06, 2005
todae.YAY-ness. dance wentt practicalli a-okayy :) though dere were more ppl den expected. too bad fathin had to go so fastt. n had to miss da fun tat we had todae. =) mishh u. *smirks decided to cum outt wit stunts of ourr own. we did leapfrogs. almostt knocked into me. while fault.shoulnt hav raise my head. *paiseh* wakaka.*grins den i had to change place n go to da frontt. i wass at da backk initially.yerr see. deyy sae my dance good.tats why.ha.yeahh rite. but neva mind.i still insist on standin bhind. witt sam,fathin n da restt. coz at da backk hav a lott of fun.n can bcum monkeyys ! yarhhh.LOL. =DD sam.sylvia.faezah.fifa.n me. den we went to northpointt.neoprintt.n take pics. yeahh.da pics(stickers,tat iz). turned outt realli nice.YAY-ness. :) n i looked weird (as usual) whahakz. =DD den go home . - aiin =DDDDDDD we.RAWK.totalli. =) supastar.urrps.kewL! npcc.rawkk ! na-ah.we RAWK npcc.yeahh. sam.sylvia.faezah.fifa.n me. supastar-z 4eva !!! =P Monday, September 05, 2005
whew.damn tired sia. dance practise.urghh.took 5 hours. to noe da whole dance steps ferr da song. hmm.not bad.kewL ! ahaha. =) we picked da song 'superstar' . hmm.yeahh.da dance steps was realli nicee. realli ! ferr once i enjoyy dancin ! wakaka. *grins i took lyke so long juz ferr da 1st partt of da song. haha.i suck at dancin realli. da sec2s gers dunt wanna cooperate wiit us. so deyy see2 us trainin.den wentt home. arhh.dunt care dem.heckk care larhhx. deyy can be da extra-s n put at da backk. wakakaka. im evil. *grins niwayz,not all came.lotz were busyy.yeahh rite. as ivv.wud i even believe dem. n da rod nightt mightt be tiz fridae. yeahh.n which iz whyy we hav to perfectt da dance soon as possible. or we r soo dead.realli.arghh. we lyke repeat.n REPEAT da song. so manii times.tat im havin a freakin headache. haiiz.n we had to practice tmr oso.yurrps. okayy larhhx. i wana restt sia. gtg nOW. - aiin =DDDDDDDDD [[ermm craps ? iv u wanna.=)]]
look into my eyes u will see. love was meant to be. search ur heart. search ur soul. ull find dere n ull search no more so dunt tell me itz not worth tryin for. can tell me iz not worth dyin 4 u noe itz true everythin i do. i do it ferr youuuuuu . =)) Saturday, September 03, 2005
ouhh kayys i hav changed ma blogskin.
fer da 'dunno-how-mani-freakin' times,tat iz. =)) itz pretty simple - mostlyy black n white . simple,yurrps.Me. im simple. at leastt i tink so. hah. niwayz,ytd was realli GREAT ! double yay-ness ! da concertt was terrific though i cudnt realli watch it. *sob sobx* =(( niwayz,da jumpin around waS erm.. TUPID ?! >.< well juz imagine we were jumpin around *lyke crazee*, while other ppl look at us lyke we cum fr some kind of planet ? it was realli fun thoughh. at leastt dey stand up. dats good enuff ! rightt ? well,i noe one person hu did jump around wiit us ! but of course, rahimi ! hahakz. saw him standin quite in-frontt of me. thnkz bro,u realli rawkk-z !!! *smilez n yerrp. da councillers went crazee. n wasnt itt greatt !! *wheeeeeee =DDDD did some kalang waves .. n lade-da,lade-darhh. me.IDIOT.yurrps. jump.JUMP.lyke.a.monkeyy! yay-ness.x) aiin outta ! =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD