his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Friday, November 25, 2005
ouh wells,the day have come!
*drum rolls* its..1/3 chalet ! YESH ! and guess what ?! im not in da mood to enjoy da freaking chalet. especially after da meetings ive attended n da hard work put in by da organisers.*sheesh* i must go! "wth!" to my mood.i MUST enjoy myself! packed my bag ytd nite... my bag weigh like an elephant,i okae2.i tnk ive overpacked.. but ouh well,its for the good. yeaaaa..hahahahax 1.30 gonna meet some peepz at 7-eleven at northpoint dere..gonna take da me,its a freaking LONG trip..yes.i noe.ive sian..haiz..tokin to muthe rite now.. he n his blog..hahakz. aite2.gtg now..nothin to rite aniway... so .. tc everyone..n ta-ta ! wish me luck ! huhkz? haha,crap =) iv hot-ness's a crime,HE wud be in jail. - tom felton aka Draco Malfoy -aiin / =DD p.s: btw,i found out tat HE has six abs!!! amazed. hahahahax. x) n its not fats,okae! xD Thursday, November 24, 2005
Aite,hey guys !
just changed the blogskin again.. yep2. draco n hermione.. uh.pick it bcoz i tink Draco looks kawaii. n i mean like seriously.. hahahahax obssesed wit Harry GOF. gotta admit that.haha! my heart is breaking..ouh man! cn some1 just like freaking agree wit an idiot like me that tom felton is CUTE ? hahahahahax so far,ive been gettin nasty words such as Gay and uh..Sick.hakz. ouh wells,my heart's bleedin. OUCH! that hurts,man.. okaee he does look a LITTLE gay..but nobody's perfect ! any GOOD,n i really mean good person hu cn agree wit me frankly, that he's cute n all.. i would be freaking thankful! haha thanks ! heartts ya ! <3 hahahahahahahax aite den ta-ta ! draco is so cute tat he frekin rocks my Bloody Hell socks off ! smile!- no matter wad happen = my motto =) -aiin / =DD xx.not really anxious bout tmr.xx Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Today is an 'all-sc-room-cleaning-up' day. Well,at least that's the way I would like to call it. x)Today was such a great blessing for me,as it freaking rained the whole day. Like I say in the previous2 entry,the rain is part of me! And,so I love the rain! Hehe. Besides,it's romantic too you know,walking in the rain. Well,at least I think so. *smirks Then in school, have a Walked to Sun Plaza in the rain with samantha,shubaa and suhaidah. It was so fun! We were like soaked to our skin and it felt so,uh COOL? Hahahax. It was more of a 'cold' than a 'cool' thing. Hehe. Reached there,eat Kfc. Dum-de-dum. Bought certain stuffs for the chalet games thingy. Suhaidah had to go back after that as she had her flights for KL,while Shubaa had her dance lessons to go to. Damn! Just imagine,they can skip the Council but myself and samantha can't. Lol. Ouh wells,so we just brave through the rain,back to the Holding Campus. Again,reached the school and was freaking drenched. My hair was simply in a 'weird-undescrible' way. Sam and Yanzhen said I looked like Sirius Black daughter. Haha! Look on the bright side. I'm related in Harry Potter in some way,i guess. lol. Crap lah they all. Then,in the room,help clean the floor tiles with the freaking 'awful-Bloody-Hell' thinner. Ouh wells,it's true that im used to it but the darn smell almost killed me! Haha! Everyone in the room was like trying to cover their nose. And,cleaning the tiles was just as awfully as bad. It was a back-breaking job. And yeah,when I rest and finally got out of the room,I was like a drunkard feeling awfully dizzy. Hahahax. Damn,i never thought it would get me that bad. Har. Bahx,don't give a damn. Then chit-chat at the table. La-de-da. Help put back the stuffs back to the council room when it's finally clean. (uh,i don't really think so,though.Haha) Then,released! Yes,like finally! And it is already around 5 pm plus. So,went back with Yanzhen and Mabel all. I like Yanzhen's new nick. "Hungry". Yes,that's her new nick. At least,that's what she told me. Hahahax. Mabel2! Thanks LOADS for carrying my 'darn-heavy-set-of-books' for me. You rock my world! lol. xD Aite then,am really tired now. Lazy ass gonna rest. Ta-ta! Till then! x) cheers! - aiin p.s: i heartts my 'ever-rocking-horny-guys' in my life! They are : You wei, Clarence and Aniq. You guys freaking rock,too! XD Monday, November 21, 2005
Today was a Fab-useless day! Hahahax.
There was the checking out of the 1/3 'chalet' which is to be held on 25 November (this coming Friday). Yep. Was exceptionally happy in the morning to check out our new place for chalet. Well,it isn't really a chalet. Just a Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire was a 'WOW'. Seriously. With two-thumbs-up,but of course. Though the characters might have you so-called,aged, their acting skills were better than ever! When its over, I just couldn't resist giving it a standing ovation! Hahahax. Especially because it made me and Suhaidah cried! Yes,we freaking cried when the 'Ouh-so-gorgeous' Cedric Diggory died. Bloody,Voldemort and 'whatever-the-guy-name-is' for the stupid Ava Kedavra (spelling?) spell on him. It was so touching. In fact,I heard a few 'sobs' myself at the back of the cinema. That shows what a great show it is! ^^ It was such a shame though that Tom aka Draco Malfoy appeared only like three freaking times in the whole movie. Yes! I counted. Hahahax. =) Too bad. I like the Yule Ball. It rocks my socks! Hermione was 'ouh-so-DARN-pretty'. Ron is as blur as ever. Cho Chang,uh. Am not really into her. Harry must have been seriously blind to like her. "Hey,Harry. I think it's time to change your glasses lens!" Hehe. x) And,Draco he's as 'evilish-cute' as ever ! lol. Okay2. End of story,it wasn't a waste of my $7 Hari Raya money! Neither a 2 hours and 37 straight minutes waste of glueing your butts to your seat,munching away your popcorn. And yes, Im going to see it again! With my one and only sayang that is, Shubaa. Yep2. Someday. Hahahax. All right then. Gonna be 11pm soon. Ta-ta! p.s: Note To Everyone reading this: Harry Potter&GOF rocks huge time! A-must-watch! x) and sorry for not highlighting any words for this time entry. I'm a lazy ASS. xD cheers ! -aiin =DD Thursday, November 17, 2005
Ouh well,looks like today IS my last day of work at the school's Science Lab.LOL! I'll definitely miss the memoirs we had these few days. And,the great-working aunties too! You rock! haha:) Gonna miss the Labs when its all broken down. Gonna miss the school. Well,looks like I'm missing it already! Haha! Okay,im nuts. Blueks.-Nameblocked-is pissing me off real badly. REAL badly. And im not kidding. You are just freaking destroying my life,you know that?! Thanks a lot,man! -.- Urgh. Why can't you just let me be the way I am? Maybe I'm just being too emotional. Ahh. Whatever.. Samsammiiee cnt make a star! Hahahahaha. lolz. Damn.I think I juz broke my voice. hehe.=)_ -aiin p.s: NOT goin to SEXpro tomorrow.pleaseeeee- Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Ouh well,let's see what's inside this 'lil' brain of mine. Knock.KNOCK! Only two words inside: Coke & Cork. Wow. I'm such a pro at these stuffs! lol.Ouh well,yesterday was a fun day,indeed. Help pack (as usual xD) the stuffs in the Science lab. Wrap, pack, seal. That's like the only things that I ever do these days in school. Yes,in school! Shocked,huh? Well,I guess I was a 'lil' bit too hardworking these holidays. haha! Yeah right! *grins Aniway,I began to find packing stuffs pretty exciting! lol. Have been helping out for like two weeks,perhaps? It's just like factory work like that. Wow. Just imagine the experience I've gained! BOO me! haha. Sorry Susu! I used your phrase. Hekz. x) I love my 'helping-mates', mainly are samantha,eunice & nazahah. We rock! The 'aunties' working in the Science lab rocks,too! Thanks a million for the 'two-days-supply-of-cokes'! Haha! =) Ouh,and not forgetting the two idiots who rock the day,too! The ever-horny guy in my life,You wei & Mr blur-blur,Danial. So,the day wouldn't be prefect without us,the FANTASTIC six! Haha! We talk about all kinds of stuffs. Mainly on,sex. Yeah. But am going to spare the details. lol. While packing,listen to the radio. Dum-de-dum. Before the end of the day comes, we played with corks! Uhh. Meaning from the dictionery: Cork- 1. A bottle stopper 2. A part of a man's body. Please take note that it's the meaning No.1 and not No.2. Haha! Actually,I was playing with the guys. We were throwing at each other like CS (Counter Strike) like that. Hakz. But not fair! I was out-numbered. Two against one. PHFT! lol. It was fun! But,painful too. Those bloody corks! Haha. Oops. Didn't mean to say that. Hehe. At one point of the time,I was cornered by them. Darn,no escape! So,I just duck(hide). Buaha. It was seriously,freaking fun. =) We throw at each other until going home time. You know something? Danial fell when he was running away from me! Haha! So nice the way he fall. Sam said he like roll like that. HAHA! Serve you right! *evil laugh lol. Damn lah,I didn't saw it. Because when I reach outside the school gate there,I saw he was already on the floor. Seeing that,I laugh hysterically. Waa,chim seh. lol. xD And yeah,I brought home three-broken-pieces of a cork. As a souvenir,NOT. Haha. Nahz,just as a memo,perhaps. Hee. =) Today was just a great day as yesterday. My life couldn't just get any better. Gonna cut hair soon! Hope it'll turn out okay. lol. Ta-ta! - aiin playing with corks.xx :) Tuesday, November 15, 2005
love beyond reason.
in the darkest moments deepest pits. ____________ you picked me up when I was turned my entire life around. broken, yet you still cared still loved. you love the us foolish, ragged things. _____ such a love. that's beyond all reasons . -aiin xx.mungkin takdir yg meminta.xx Saturday, November 05, 2005
lyfe Sucks.-aiin// xx.break me.xx