his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
This blog is officially decomposing. Lucky for the two days holidays of chinese new year,i could somehow or rather cover up on my beauty sleep which i am seriously in need of. Still,im stuck at home,staring at television screen wishing some magical fairy would appear and bring me far far away from here. When i mean away,i really mean AWAY,as in you know what. Im still stuck with the TONS of homewekrs that i have stared onto for three days now that has only half been touched. Im still left with one bloody composition and Lit hwk. Staring blankly at da papers,wishing somehow a magical something could happen that my phone rings and i picked up to find that i would not have to do my hwk because of several reasons or another. How fancy or rather exciting would that be! And guess what. That could only appear in my derams while sleeping laah. Only when i have enough energy to even have dreams,that is. Aint my life pathetic? Full of wishing nonsesical stuffs that will never happen. my life=wishing for some magical thing to happen. I guess staring blankly in the air wont help either cos ive tried! and im still left with these much hwk. allritey,gotta continue on my composition. I really dunt get why im supposed to be writing fiction-and-thing-tat-doesnt-make-sense on a piece of paper while another kid in another part of the world could be playing his ps2! lyfe is cruel aint it? And ouh wells,cant complain bout it. no fairy godmother or magical genie will appear granting my every wish niways. so lets go through it..PERIOD. -aiin Thursday, January 19, 2006
This is a rather emo post coz' im so not in the mood. So,if anyone of you are freaking irritated,just get lost. Period.Morning was okay. Yz was angry with sam coz' of some stuffs. Normal to me,i guess. Then recess was stupid and particularly DUMB for me coz' i cant seem to find my staircase duty. The bloody 3 staircases 4,6 and 9. Could only find one of them and by that time,it was already the end of our duty. Freaking irritating i tell you. Mt lesson was next. Was pretty okay i guess though the teacher's pretty fierce and da whole class was uber quiet. Amazing,yes. There was CSI next. My ouh-so-favourite subject. *positivity* Hehe. Didnt really understand anything but dunt really give a damn. Like wad da heck. I was so pissed off by one of my classmates that i scolded him da 'f' werd coz' he was hiding my things. It was irritating. Im really sorry though. Wasnt in the mood. And yeah,english lesson i screamed at the same person bcos he was interupting me for like so many times. It was like URGH. Seriously,my mood sucks today. Then after skewl,go eat out at yw and m. They were really at 'it' again. Like duh,i wasnt in da freaking mood so i juz kept quiet all the way i was with them from sembawang to yishun. In any case,i wasnt tt comfortable too,but whu cares. And im really sorry Sam,i made you angry bcoz i dint accompany you for your dc duty. Really am. The stupid boys dragged me to yishun. And really sorry cos' i was so quiet in da bus juz now cos' i couldnt took it anymore. Was freaking stress. Hope you understand.=) Got tons of homewerk. Maths,DNT,csi,Science. And guess what? Ive maths MOK test tmr. I mean wth. And tmr's da sec1ptr. I gotta bring da courshoes and stockings. Not forgetting da FULL PACK stuffs fer np i need to bring. Yes. Im a cooked goose. OMG. someone kill me before tmr comes. PLEASE. =( in a rather EMO-ish mood, aiin - that hurts. really A LOT. Saturday, January 14, 2006
Np traning was a 'WHOA'.The stupid sun was blazing like there's no tomorrow. And, not forgetting the stupid clouds cover. Sweaty,smelly,awfully-unpleasant beings are the best werds to describe us.:) Everytime the sun comes out,i will like 'oh SHIT!'. It was a really shitty drill for me juz now. Again not forgetting whenever 'Horny' accidentally touched my hair or stepped on my shoes. Which was freaking irritating,too. Ive told him that,and he said im the slow one. Yeah rightt.xP Imagine running around with the 'ouh-so-heavy-and-DUMB' 1.5L bottle of water. WOAH,i know.LOL. Thank GAWD,there was no pt (physical torture.x) or any changing parade. Only one reason-because we didn't bring any of our shirts. Kheskhes. =) Now,being a 'yts sec2' (aka SENIOR to da sec1s=p) , ive found out several things which are really different from last time. Uhm,let me list them down. 1. My squad's drills is turning from shit to -no comments-. HAHA 2. Youwei is turning hornier. LOL 3. We are turning from 'chowtah' (spelling?) to -OMG-. *smiles* 4. Our bondings with one another are like WOAH. 5. Im begining to HATE the Sun. 6. I love to say the word "Shit!" more often now=) 7. Im begining to hate doing lashing in campcraft. 8. Our sing-a-long session wasn't that great like before. 9. Ive discovered that Aniq like to turn arnd wenever marchin to look at his own shadow.HAHA 10. Ive changed for the better. In short,quieter. LOL Haha,okay so that was my top ten different things ive spotted in my squad so far. Campcraft was OKAY. Sing-a-long session was quite disappointing. Most of the sec1 boys (aka our JUNIORS xp) were having that 'dunt-care' attitude which made sue-ann and sam angry. Haha. Well,i told them that i dunt give a damn. Let them learn themselves. Muahaha,Im that evil. *winks* And so our dearest two ICs (aka Gerald and Victoria) have 'stepped down' after 5 torturous months. LOL. Guess who's our new ICs. Melissa and that Mr Blur king Danial. Haha,nominated by the co-ICs themselves. WOAH,again. x) They should be okay i guess,hehe. Dismissed liao,go eat KFC with sam,aniq and gerald. Chat and crap there. So funny lahs they. Hahahax. Then here i am! Okae,im bushed. So,ta-ta. Takaare everyone aite! =DDD "Je t'aime. Le coeur a ses raisons que la raisonne connait point" - i love you. The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of. luvLUvv, aiin =) p.s: im learning french! LOL :)) Thursday, January 12, 2006
ANN tagged me!Rules: Express your love for 7 and get others to know more about you. Complete the following bullets. Then pick 7 people to try it. Have fun! 7 things that make me smile: 1. my juniors :) 2. seeing my frens happy 3. good results 4. hang out 5. no homewerk! HAHA 6. ice-cream XP 7. someone. 7 ways to win my heart: 1. being yourself. 2. fun-loving. 3. a great joker. 4. cute dimples.HEHE 5. makes me smile wenever im with him. 6. understand's ones feelings 7. sweeeeet *winks* 7 things i believe in: 1. God. 2. my parents. 3. impossible is nothing! 4. love at 1st sight. x) 5. letting go of loved-ones 6. not horny. XDD 7. myself.a lil bit. 7 things that im afraid of which is just BLAH: 1. height. 2. lectures. 3. SCOLDINGS. 4. drills.sometimes. 5. insects. 6. some teachers. 7. losing a loved one 7 things i do everyday: 1. go to sch. 2. try to stay awake in class. 3. go thru day by day as it goes. 4. eat. 5. wanting to have enough sleep so i can grow taller!x) 6. put up with da homewerks 7. smile.(i try to.haha) 7 people who must do this: 1. SAMANTHA. 2. fifa. 3. ----- 4. ----- 5. ----- 6. ----- 7. ----- (sorry.somehow or rather,i think i've failed miserably on the last Question.LOL ;) - aiin x Friday, January 06, 2006
end of doom and exasperation. like finally. todae's da last day taking care of the yeps.a day which states my first joy in 4 Hip Hip Hooray! im free of those offence,aite.hehe.=) cca bazaar.was uber kewl. though it wasnt tt kewl to watch my squadmates kena well,walkin arnd da skewl wasnt tt kewl either. imagine my poor feets.ouh GAWD. n ouhwell,i took the boys. they were alright,i guess. except fer i-noe-hu dey were freakin rude to da seniors. i mean its like so shit sial okok.i dunt wanna tok bout sucks. den go to hall. da councillors do chicken and banana dance on stage tt was so much fun.yeps HAHA. imagine da embarassment.x) us,acting like 13yearOLDS.ehk.i AM still 13.haha. which means im still legal to do such stuffs. yay-ness fer me! HAHA. deen dismissed.ladeda. some of us go eat at kfc. tok bout some stuffs wit our denn me,yw and rahimi went ta Popular fer some stuffs lahs den go home. n im here.allriteyy,im tired. guys,aite. -aiin