his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Friday, March 24, 2006
have you lyke ever feel 'empty'?lyke suddenly u cnt feel anything.. and u dunt noe wad has happened to you and suddenly ull keep so quiet dat it just simply freaks da hell out of da peepol hu's arnd you? andand tears began to fall so easily.. tt u dunt realise tt ur eyes are read and watery until your friend mentioned it.. and you'll start giving stupid reasons tt jus doesnt make sense. hav been happening to me these few days and it totally sucks to da core. u cnt talk.u cnt feel.u feel so2 DUMB. happens frequently in skewl.GAWD dis is lyke weirdier den moodswings. i noe of someone hu experience it whom i dint believe da last time he told me about tis 'empty' feeling well now i noe.n im sorry i refused to believe. cos im experiencing it myself.. maybe its just normal fer teens.. was if it isnt? why am i still trying? its weird.and i hate it.. its killing me.. 8.56PM -- aiin Tuesday, March 14, 2006
yaye. im so happy.HE wore da shirt tt i gave him(= i mean lyke 'OUH GAWD!'.lol i dint see though. sam told me HE was running at the other direction. weirdo. understandable;aha(x im still excited! HAHA mind me. i cn be really hyper at times=P happened ytd at gv wen sam and i were finding fer yz. yayaah. ha- tired. will continue updating bout ytd ICE-SKATING thingy(= 8.15PM hopelessly in love with you takaare peepol - aain(= Friday, March 10, 2006
i miss youi need you it seems lyke ages since i last saw you OMG.IM SO MUSHY?! lol still human i have feelings you know.ha- i hate updating cos no one ever read my blog! so im not going to blog for a LONG time tts fer shure(= today stinks. im tired. leg and back-ACHE. andand dunt worry,im still young(x i utterly detest service day. but i cnt seem to avoid from it. DARN IT but da last part of the day certainly rocks as usual laah- and im soo glad de(= you guys rocks my sucking-werld aha=DD u shud lyke da shirt!!! its lyke freaking so ex!!! lol.hahahaha i love da way u say 'thank u'(x --aaiin(= 9.39pm