his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Saturday, November 25, 2006
hmm today. npcc training. wahsehtwo werds to describe it; damn memorable. lol well erm fall in quite late. but lucky dint get scolded. both ics dunt come so deres assistant ics. which is me and kj. idiot ryte. hahs but as usual kj report. of course not me la! hehes. took out da stupid rifles..which im so not used to. im used to da dummy one! more easy to use. wahahahs. yeah so it suck la. kinda used to it now. i guess den got two cis come..HAWT ht and duno hu. lol come liao le. run ard lyke crazy ppl with stupid rifles. dat one okay la. den have pt. with rifle. toot sey. cmonla. i gt no arm power lo. hahas i was lyke sweatin lyek shit.shoutin lyke a maniac cos i was pissed by da two white shorts ppl.LOL make me pissed and see wad u gt man. wahahahas xD fine so i cheated in some of da stretchings but hu cares la. and den deres da part tt i hate da most;running erm while singing some of da dumb np songs. which surprisingly im addicted to. hahas. so many ppl fall out afta dat. i was so close to kissing da grnd. but i survived! hehes. den bloody chest pain come. walau. toot sey den had to change to full-u fer drills. urgh learnt some new rifle drills. i was fed up man. i still cnt do rusuk properly!! until just now i hit my right eye wen i wanted to do hormat fr rusuk. LOL it hurts okay! all da rest just laugh. haha. and its swollen now. just now blueblack a lil. urgh. i hate u,u damn A56 rifle!! i still rmb da no okay!lol den drills my grp taken by jiajun den jeremy den hawt ht!! hahaha. was so happy man. but er aiya den learn new stuffs. ladeda. drills. pretty tiring la. cos rifle is heavy to me man. fine im weak,cn? hahahs. damn it. xP den briefing bout da criteria and all. blabla learn more bout MOI. lol i love it i tell u. hees. den we had 10 freakin changing parades,MIND YOU and its from PTKIT TO FULL U. and vice versa. & some of da sec3 were laughin at us. toot i tell u it sucks la. ferst of all. we're going home. den we so sweaty lyke hell. our uniforms and pe shirt lyek so wet sey. damn smelly la. we dunt give a damn sey we just reach toilet. stripped. hahaha. somemroe stupid ncc outside toilet. and toilet no proper door. idiotic sey. lol somemore its trackpants fer us gerls,mind you. no werds cud describe how pissed i was with da CIs la. bloody kuku. give us 5mins. den dey sae we late. den do again and again and again... dey confirm lie one la! den give 4mins. PHFT it wasnt fun i tell u. rushing lyke hell. i even almost lost a button. urgh told ya. todays training so damn memorable. lol ahhs fine. im tired out. needa catch some slp. hehes. tata. takkare <3 haiz was so sad wen i dint see u just now.. i mean i was expecting it la..but haiz its just tt i miss u so much.. its hurting me so badly.. 2 more days.. i dunt tink i can take it anymore.. no werds could describe how much i miss you. i just wana hear your voice again. and ohyesh. I DIDNT FALL OUT OR FAINT. WOOHOO. DO I ROCK OR WAD? lol (x (fine so i im still depressed.. =( Friday, November 24, 2006
ohmygawd. bloody headache is KILLING me.damn it. it's been bothering me since in da kfc. wen i ate my lunch with da rest. wth i feel lyke crying man. its huitng me so bad. i couldnt believe it. it feels just lyke dat time when we went fer kayaking. but that was seasick. ive been on da land..-_- since lyke days ago. urgh wth is wrong with me man. issit migrane? i really dunt noe how to describe it. but its just kinda on-off. and its juz continuous. and it hurts so freakin badly i wana cry. and i feel lyke vomitting. somethin is so wrong with me. im abnormal. god damn it. and my fever is coming back. well its always coming back. but i guess now its just gettin worse. urgh my whole body is burning so badly. damn it. no medicine. fuck its okay i hope ill be fine.. just imagine. double combo;bloody headaches+burning fever. i feel so lyke dying right now man. not forgettin how mentally disturbed & depressed i am right now. haiz. i really do miss him. almost everything reminds me of him. how da hell do u tink im feeling ryte now? and my freakin hair is thinning & falling so badly. how worse cn it get? i knew it. i guess tt was true.. and today's council is damn boring and shitty tiring. not forgettin tmr. np. bloody toot. haiz haiz. im missing u so badly. i couldnt take it anymore.. my health is deteriorating so badly now. its lyke from sucky turning to shit. my slashes are killing me too. i feel so drunked,dizzy. and pain all over. inside and out. and my heart.. its gone. he took it away with him..away from here. i feel so heartless cn? it feels so empty. i geddit. im all alone now. 3 more days.. to my deathbed? haiz i wana kill myself so badly Wednesday, November 22, 2006
ohwells. just came back from my new house.which is so deserted i tink da forest is just beside it. congrats ain. u deserve it. huahuahua i dunt tink anybody will even noe iv i get killed dere. lol i mean lyke cmon la. wad a house. rahh! ah niways spent da whole day cleaning up da house. imagine da pain i had to go thru scrubbing da bloody tiles in every part of da stupid house. with slashes on my arm,mind you. ohyes. da pain rocks so much. dat i cn tell u. not forgetting da bloody clif/detergent tt made my hands feel ultra weird. worse den pegging in np. tsk right now i cnt even feel my hands. damn damn numb. ARGH now i noe how maids feel scrubbing da tiles & all. it was so damn dirty,its lyke dat previous owner didnt clean her freakin house fer 20years man! she only lived in it fer lyke uh 2 years? phft not forgetting da bloody windows. almost died while climbing to wash it. was praying tt i fell actually. at least,it wud be a reason fer me to kill myself. lol fine im sadistic,so go ahead sue me. wahahahas. (okay tt was so fake-_-) gahh. i dunt wana move house! im satisfied enough living in dis lil 'cottage' i call home. yeps yeps. doesnt make any diff. still gona share a room with bloody sister. tsk & not forgettin i had to take lyke a bus to yishun interchange den take da mrt to go to school. urgh! ohya my two uncles came to help too. so obviosuly i dint look emo or nithin lyke that. i guess i looked normal? pretence. & ohyes. thnk you rain fer making me sick! flu+fever+sexy voice= ohmegawd. yeps. i sound lyke a guy now. phft! seriously. im so sick i feel lyke swallowin all da pills to ease my pain. sighs. & slashes,i hate you. pls go away. i miss you. it had been only da 2nd day tt ure gone. & i already cudnt bear da pain im suffering. everything & anything reminds me of you. ur freaking face is haunting me. in my dreams. even wen i close my eyes. i just miss u so bad. cnt u feel it? and oh yeah i need you so badly. cos it feels lyke everytings going wrong arnd here. how do u expect me to survive w/o my punching bag here with me? gahh! i miss you. hope u tink of me too. so,when will you be back? everytime i think of you i get a shot right through into a bolt of blue its no problem of mine but its a problem i find living a lyfe that i cnt leave behind theres no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wont set u free but thats da way it goes && its wad nobody noes and everyday my confusion grows everytime i see you falling i get down on my knees & pray waiting fer dat final moment you'll say the werds tt i cant say - Frente ; bizzare love triangle <3 Tuesday, November 21, 2006
dis so called stupid feeling is killing me.i miss you so bad that it freakin hurts.. i duno how long i could last.. without u right here beside me. only God noes why da hell i feel so 'emo' these few days.. i wana smile again. and be happy. lyke others. but why cant i? call me but im just not myself these days.. alritey. gtg takkare. haiz Wednesday, November 15, 2006
ahhhs. i hate dis.why am i so sad,emo all of a sudden? argh f*** it. damn damn damn. i hate myself so much ryte now.. i dunt even noe why.. *sighs* i really hope da fever will kill me. SOONer or lata. ah dammit. wtf and stop cutting. somethings wrong wit me.. and all he tinks is wantin to eat.. arghh wadever la fuck off.. Monday, November 13, 2006
uh. ATC! yaps. it freaking rocks my socks off!! (:lets just say its full of mixed feelings. -sad,happy,angry,blur. everything la. lol 1st day : woke up early2 in da morning. mit sam. walked to sch. usual stuffs (: took bus to jetty,and board da boat dere. i was one of da 3 gerls in da stupid boat while da rest were da irritaing guys hu tried to make me seasick. lol den reached ubin. walk2 found out tt we were lost. uh i tink we walked lyke 1hr+ b4 we reached da campsite. almost died i tell u. somemore bloody Mr sun. tsk den separated into grps. kena grp 9! -india ! i still hate my grp name no matter wad. its juz unfair u noe da rest get all da nice2 names. hmph. nvm (x fellow grp-mates ; benjamin,reezal,FAEZAH,YOUWEI,siti,syazwani, danny(walter 'twin'.lol),farhana,shivani,jolin,sally, aliff,teck siong,diana,me & 3other ppl whom i forgot da name. lol *paiseh* and our CI is mandy from crescent gerls! pitched tent. was pissed cos da rest were pretty useless i tell u. ezah and i had to do everything. who wudnt be pissed? lol den ice-breaker games & bla bla. and oso camp familiarisation. had night walk. quite lame la. more tiring den fun. lol den gerls had to clean da toilet at da bahru campsite. damn far i tell u. den picked & throw a stupid underwear. whom no one else doesn twant to claim. arr. dat was crap la. i was waitin fer sam to throw it whoever it belongs to. aiya next time pls kip it properly-.- den debrief. lights out! i hate my tent. its too low! so we had to bend our head. HAHA im soo not a campcraft person i tell u. xD cudnt sleep. scratchin almost everywhere. lol den sentry duty fr 5-5.30am. so much fer da scary thoughts. hahas. day2 ; ryte afta my bloody sentry duty had to straight away fall in. obviously dint wash up. power la. lol pt sucks. thnks to da 5bx & run. i detest running okay.(x niways i survived it. wanted to fall out. but just go on la. den change to wet attire. go fer kayaking!! i was damn nervous cos thought deres capsize drill. thnk god dunt have!! lol. but still da intructor said da lyfe vest doesnt really save our lyfe and all. immediately went pale and panic again. LOL had lots of fun fighting with ezah bout da directions and all.hahs "i said left right! u go right fer wad!!" -me "i canot hear u la!! go left!! no,right!!" -ezah example of our convo. LOL da bloody strong tides made me seasick. ive never been seasick b4! not fair. phft was damn close to faintin wen i reached da shore. survived walkin back to campsite. took da panadol tt danial gave to me earlier in da bus. yaps. & i was fine(: it was fun i shall say. but i wont be kayaking fer a long long time dats fer sure. lol aiya almost all da meals oso i eat maggi mee. with my dearest ezah,but of course. HAHA den campfire! NICE NICE . cept fer i cnt hear or see anything cos i was at da freakin back. still,i enjoyed myself very2 much! crap with CI iskandar. dat 'r' karrrat guy. lol but i find it cute la. HAH mass debrief. i tink i finally bathed tt night. lol lights out! slept with my loves; yt gerls. ditn really sleep la. damn cold da foyer. was freezing to death la actually. lol hmm. sam toked in her slp. and it freaked me out. LOL day 3; SHORT pt. & im thnkful. lol thnks to da shortage of time (x breakfast as usual. did i say tt im always pissed durin da breaks cos da mass tins fer my grp is always missing! and im incharge fer god'sake! lol den we had to rite short letters to anyone we want in our grps. i receive fr most of dem. hehe. rocks la. and all da letters were damn sweet lyke ; "ure a great aic and have done a great job.u really did create positive bonding thru da camp" OR "stay enthu always.thnks fer takin care of us." lol i feel so old wen i read it. haha nah niways i find it all really nice. love u ppl loads! den area cleaning was kinda fun. played with water. kena scolded. smiled. lol la my maam noe me too well oso. haha. lirong won best camper fer sec2 gerls. gota admit i was shocked fer a few secs. but still congrats and im proud its fr MY squad. tho now i tink its kinda crap la da award. duno how dey do it oso la. no offence (: rahimi uh won again. im happy fer him cos he deserve it. but i guess i wana see new face la. lol reached jetty. waitin fer bus to take us. almost took pic of CIs jackson & wei loon. thnks to rahimi la. and my squadmates hu sabo-ed me. damn u peepol!! LOL niways he said 'next time'. i SHALL wait. hahaks went ta long john to eat with kj,ww,sam. and da rest of yt peepol. power la area2. den blabla bla. it was fun!! we wave2 and all. hahs. and kuku rahimi dint wan to take da money. urgh. tkpe.. den went home! i missed my pillow,bed,com,hp and many2 more! and not forgettin da water here back in s'pore.xP overall atc was loads of fun. da cuts,bruises and blisters are definitely memories of da kayakings,pitchin tent and many more laa. XD to Rahimi: ohya btw we had to carry uhm our kayak to da sea dere la. it was arnd 20-30kg. ezah and i almost died carryin it. uh now den i realise how much rahimi had suffered tryin to carry me wen i fainted da other time. i dint really appreciate it. thnks & sry deiix! haha. =D i miss my grp-mates. esp benjamin;IRRITATING& weird fellow and reezal;LAME guy hu kip askin me to stop laughin. lol i love & adore ezah fer bein dere fer me all dose while. those fights,fun and everythin we shared together. and not forgetting.. ur fav song. haha. most importantly i dint even once faint or become a casualty durin dis camp tho ive gotta admit at most point of da time,da chest pains was killing me but ive survived! and im so damn proud of myself! cos i proved most of my squadmates wrong! hehe. =DD okok this is one very long entry. better stop now :D i love atc '2006! our memories shall last forever! (: ps: i miss da two HAWT CIs,can? xD out!~ Sunday, November 12, 2006
will blog soon.bout atc. yeps. tmr perhaps? i will i will. im juz tired ya see I PROMISE OKAY. lol atc rawks. my grp rawks. (name censored pls. lol) ps: dint faint. do i rock or wad? (: i miss u so i truly do ..