his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
apparently ive just rebonded my dearest fringe.and perm-ed my already wavy hair. pretty dumb thing to do but its done. doesnt i look like a really weird sotong. and the lotion stinks. eww. met this mat called aizat at the saloon. enough said,hes just one of them. have i told you people how it sucks to be a loner? when theres absolute no one to go to the lib with? yep. that freaking sucks. boo me. Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it So tell me Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you - why can't i. liz phair BLOO'S MINE! (: the time is passing so bloody fast now. 2 papers over. left with many many more. gah anyway,i gtg off very soon. dont ask why. so im just gona make this a really fast one. i cant believe im still not over him. he suddenly appeared in my head when i was doing my malay paper. god knows why man. and hell,no im NOT missing him. i don't want to. pls. life's cruel enough as it is. and now im getting all jealous when he have girls going after him and all. i seriously need to stop being so naive. oh bugger.glad hes moved on fast.glad tht hes happy even without me.cos thts all tht i wanted in da begining. ahhh.screw tht thought. anyway,enough said. i gotta get my head back to eoy. or ill be murdered by the papers. --- i really,really am missing those times. it just aint the same w/o you.. for some weird reason,i miss watching Blooregard Q. Kazoo IS MY CURRENT OBSESSION! (: Monday, September 24, 2007
today was such a blue-y monday.well, the morning,found out tht the rest of them went off to school ferst w/o me,cos they have transportations. and i dont. so,i was stranded. all on my own. pathetic. as if walking to sch alone wasnt bad enough,the weather grew kinda was so freaking scary la. just imagine this, the trees were swaying in this weird motion,the lights by the side of the road went off one after another,just as i walked past them. & the wind almost blew me away. like seriously. it was like one of those scary scenes in harry potter or sth. where da dark mark appeared,and voldemort suddenly appeared from nowhere. and i was uttering under my breath,praying tht i wouldnt get struck by lightning. cos well,it was so dark and all,what are the odds? ahhh,anyway,just a dumb and naive imagination for me to entertain myself. as usual. once again,pathetic. reached sch,sorta played in the rain with sam =) then this guy he was walking opposite of me and he sorta bumped into me and hit my boob.i swear,its true! ask sam! grr.nvm tht. the weather was so nice and all. so damn cooling. was trying to imagine whether it would be the same in london. but ah scratch tht thought. then in cls,ended up feeling pretty feverish,almost froze to death. and was having severe tummy aches,god noes wht i ate wrong this time. screw my stomach.weakling! gahh! wanted to go home halfway. but well,i persevered and by recess,i was okay! (: bestfriend came. the same old routine. as usual. sometimes,i really wonder whther i really do have a life or not. but ahh oh well, i love my life as the way it is already (: then blabla,maths stinks. still have tons of paper to complete. fugg. thats when i saw him,he was oh so cute (as usual) in the bus,wanted to say hi but i waivered tht thought anyway. just couldnt help looking in his gorgeous eyes. its just a pity hes one year younger than me. life stinks! why does it feel so wrong to feel so right? ------ gah,i sorta miss talking to him and all. imagine how close we used to be. ahh,life's getting weirder as time goes. oh bugger. Monday, September 17, 2007
im so fucking depressed and sad.only God freaking knows why. home is more than hell now. i can never concentrate in this place tht i detest oh so much. school's just stressing me out even more. a definite not helping. somehow,sth tells me this is the limit. i might as well,just slit & bleed myself dry or sth. --- i hate it wen im being super sadistic. =( Saturday, September 08, 2007
8 september 07,10.32amI'll be frank,the most tempting to do right now in this blog is to confess every sin,type out every feeling i have in caps, and whine and complain like no other. i'll spare you guys feelings. saturday morning table-lamps love to hear my screams and watch me write my notes to the ones i love & the things i hate. Never did such a simplistic letter or note means so much to me. I'll look at my life through the snowglobes that i call my eyes. a perfect and eternal setting. Beautiful nights with lamposts and benches; a blizzard to set the romantic scene. Oh,but look! There,the 2 statues sit; boy and girl,hand in hand,robots to their obliviousness. Forever blinking, no breathing,no motion. just love. so let me disillusion myself. a fake heaven is better than the real hell,itself. -- but in honesty,Home is where i want to go. H ....hold my hand so tightly,& take me... yesterday was a great night with my darl,ezah. and wenwei. we were laughing our ass-es off through-out the journey there. took dumb pics of monuments tht are somehow or rather related to s'pore.duh laughed like some nuttos again,crapped,got lost there =) i was in awe and amazement at the beauty of town at night. a view which is pretty much not the same,as i witness in my everyday,boring life. the lights,the sea,the trees swaying,beautiful sky filled with stars. a definite,damn romantic spot for a date,i suppose. pretty obvious eh?(; (note to myself;bring my boyfie there. ONE DAY. lol) we walked2 like some lost tourists,went to mac cafe. drank the dee-licious Double Chocolate drink.whatever u call it. and mugg.yes,we went all the way there just to mug. haha! then we got sorta lost again,cudnt really find the mrt. lol waved goodbyes. blabla. reached home at 12pm SHARP. got screamed by mum. watched teevo for a bit. and slept like a pig =) haha,ytd was so awesome. hope we'll be able to do it again! after eoy that is! :D - Such a long way back, from this place we arrived. When I think of all the time I've wasted, I could cry... Friday, September 07, 2007 so tired.feel like sleeping.zzzanyway,just now training.ah didnt do much. just sat there,wait fer instructions and did a lil bit of revision. read magazines..talk2,got fined $1 fer speaking malay.grr=( the new 'system' is pretty cool has a fund now! den suddenly,my head was pretty much spinning. felt lyke puking.seems like everything was so blurr-ish. i even imagined myself blacking out and going to the clinic after the training. but ah thank God,it stopped after a few torturous mins. perhaps,thanks to the minyak kapak,what ever u call it in eng.heh halfway through,we were bored so we went to the monkey-bar thingy and was so hyped-up,we screamed and played arnd just lyke those sec1 days.but tht was when we were still oh-so cute.ha seriously miss those innocent days,whr we were still so blur and all. come to think of it,we didnt really change at all. we're pretty much the same super-noisy batch tht we were in '05 (: ahh anyways,gtg rush to catch a nap. later going to clarke quay with some of da ncos to do a bloody proj. yes,fugg. lyfe in np has never been good anyway. lol ohyea! heres a shot that we took at the 5stations thingy. =) (from left to right) valerie,sylvia,ME,fathin,wendy. should be la,the order if im not wrong. LOL will blog later,see what time i come back? heh the heartache that hangs from above cos i missed you. Thursday, September 06, 2007
yaye! finally the bloody 2-day course is OVER. (:yesterday was a complete boredom man.almost died. dying by this super strong perfume thanks to some bitch. the perfume was HORRENDOUS,i tell you! tskk today was OKAY,freaking hilarious at the end. i pretty much laughed my ass off,in the mrt =) the two tests was alrite i guess.I HAVE TO PASS! ILL JUST CRY & FAINT IF I FAIL THEM ! =( cos ive sacrificed 2 of my mugging days for them! argh. im so freaking tired out.woke up freaking early these 2days. and return home so bloody late. what lyfe. phftt and theres still a unit-training tmr. full-u again. WOAH i just need a freaking break. and i have to complete my bloody homeworks which ive not even touched! plus the fact that im not even halfway through my revisions! bugger. && my love-life is definitely going down the drain. period. the flu-bug and fever is catching onto me. oh bummer. life's been worse than i thought. ive become close to mute now. God knows why. sigh anyway,here are some random shots of da 2day course. pretty dumb and lame,but well i was bored! :) 1)from my view of the lecture hall (or whatever u call it).yes with aniq's head (: 2) blurred pic of the au'some lights.ha shall put in da rest of da pics next time! needa go off now, sighs. your ring feels heavy around my neck and looks so out of place. look in your eyes, I'm such a wreck. how do you deal with such a broken mess )= Tuesday, September 04, 2007
dearest reader(s),im sorry to inform you that i shall not blog for today due to being the lazy ass that i am.besides,im totally not in the mood to blog anyway. so much things happen in just a day. mixed emotions and all. thank god,ive my bestfriend to somehow whine and wail to him part of my emotional-breakdown. ha so too bad,best friend,I SHALL NOT BLOG! :) (eh wait in a way,i ahh anyway,reader(s)! go and visit my bestfriend's blog and see his recent photoshoots. in which in one of them, he looks kinda perveted. haha! AND IM NOT CAMERA-WHORE. at least im not a chikopek and a 4-eyed freak lyke somebody. =)