his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
just some thoughts.lalala. (: (i wanted to put ':(' but it would be so weird cos my posts all seemed to be so perky and she tells you to call the girl you like, even though itll break her heart. she tells you to ask that girl to the dance, even though she knows she cant stand to see you with her. she says shes happy for you when you get with that girl, when really all she wants to do is cry. she would do anything to make you smile, even if it makes her miserable. you mean that much, & you dont even have a clue. boy,you're such an asshole. lol life.grrr. 5.30pm. ---------------------------- t0day was okaaaay.was raining like hell. woke up late.thought there was bloody flexi-_-.grr! so i ran in the rain like one idiot,forgetting my beloved lessons was alrite.english was a blaast as usual.cos of hott cher. X) i soooo hope hes my form teacher or sth next year=) and and chinrong was telling sam and i bout his life plan.WOAH.ha! malay was fun cos of the crazy duh.laugh like physics was a LITTLE boring.was cursing myself cos i just couldnt put my head in the subject.i was heavily distracted by lots of stuffs.heh after sch put on this 40-size shirt tht i found in sc rm.LOL then 3 of us played at the fitness corner there.heh had fun,laughing our asses off.(its called releasing stress,okay!haha) and yeaa,talked bout some stuffs too.was quiet fer a while. set me thinking bout things which ive never thought weird, jermyn dared yz to run the balancing thingy(whtever its called tht he would give her 10bucks if she can run across it.which is my idea.haha. then ferst time she tried,she was successful and we were like YAYE!=) then 2nd time yz ran again.but then she slipped and fell straight on her NOSE! and both sam and i was like HAHAHAHA,really it was hilarious.but ah im not that bad la.cos it was really a sudden! i just stood dere,and stared at her,laughing my ass funny!she said her nose felt numb or sth like tht.LOL ahhhhhhh.damn memorable day fer yz la. lol
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
27 October 2007. saturday;was wearing my pumps.bored. found my cats too cute take pic.haha! :) work. aka kendarat at bukit panjang. and yes,it was suppperr far! :D && it was my 2nd time on the lrt! lol made new friends,with da rest;hajar,ain,ain,helmi,ayu.the rest idk.hah yes,so there were like 3 ains altogether?like wth?! lol and its so freaking irritating wen nur aka my COUSIN keep irritating us by calling our names and pretending to be calling the others.kanasai=) i think overall it would be FUN and okay. minus the bad stuffs. and theeey are ; no1.the place was very,verry far. we were lost. lol no2.the food arrive super,goddamn late. the ppl were cursing us and all. even the vips!lol all we cn do is smile! haha. gah. no3.wen the food came,no jugs,not enough water and food la. aiya,in other words the catering simply SUCKS.and once again, we were scolded by the people cuz was mouthing the f werd to me wenever she pass by me and i was laughing like hell. and yes,i was sweating, and cursing under my breath as well.GRR! haha. it was a ferst time for me to carry those large,heavy plates. so yea,experience la ah.i can carry alot of dirty plates at once okay!:) and dint i tell u,my bloody pumps were WAY too huge that i had to stuff tissues in it so my shoe would not be left behind and all! embarassing.haha and bcos of dat,my feet was seriously bruised.not forgetting,feel like ahh.after a few of unhappiness,sweating like nobodys business, and enjoying da view of the some of the hot guys there,we FINALLY got to eat(the food and then receive money(not much.DONT ask.haha) and send us to yishun mrt in this super small and crammy van. which carries almost all of us.and i swear,i was suffering from suffocation! LOL but overall,it was fun but seriously tiring and a job well done! (: went home only at arnd 12 nagged at by mother. (duh.heh) put some yokoyoko at my feet and went to slp at 1 plus. ------------------ 28 October 2007,sunday. Newbalance 10km run. i woke up at 5am.which means i slept fer only 4 hours.bloody hell. need to reach sch by 6am.which also means ill be bloody late as my ferst bus here is only at 5.45am. =X like wth right?! so i had no choice but to take da bloody taxi.(which is double charge,mind you!) i swear i was almost crying in the taxi cos no1,ive no money and no2, ive forgotten da sch's wonderful address.hahaha! but ah nvm. reached sch at arnd 6.05.dan called me.and msgoh gave me a very weird look and say 'auntie,can walk faster or not!?' and i was just ignoring her. lol i was seriously i swear my fever was killing me and flu was an irritant! i so wanted to tell msgoh,tht i couldnt take it and i dint even want to come in ferst place but haiz.well i came and its all for her. awwwh i know. lol then 2nd person best to tell was danial.but ah dint do it.cos i know he'll complain to msgoh && stop me from running and ahhh no fun! :D lol so i was on the verge of tears wen i reached da foyer(god knows why,when im sick its jus tlike tht! lol) told wendy hwin tht i couldnt really take it cos i was having fever and my job.and she understands. heh :) so in da bus,i secretly cried again.for wht reason i think its bcos the bus was getting awfully too cold and my flu and fever was downright killing me. i wanted to tell somebody,but ah there wasnt really anybody there i really wanted to talk to. so sigh,ate the chocolate(msgoh gave each us one:D) and fell asleep. was awoken by msgoh and blabla.reached.walked a few more then we reached the starting point. started to wear our chip thingy on our feet and tag on shirt.(: and bloody hell la my tag was a junior MEN's and NOT a junior WOMEN's. i was so pissed yet it really cracked up some of da rest there including dan.grr! haha heres da pic; hahahaha! M= men. lol ps; GREEN is for guys. girls' is yellow in colour. so yeah,seriously i was the blooody odd one out.felt so weird=X and my fever was killing me but i still didnt tell anyone. arggh i dont know why i was damn stubborn. like seriously. lol so ran ferst with vivien but after arnd the ferst or 2 km,she couldnt really take it so i just jogged on my own.i was swearing at the fast runners(LOL), at the sun and at my own super heart not able to take it. i kept telling myself that 10km is seriously a no joke.that i coudnt take it and all.but i still carried on. despite my aching body from previous job,lil amt of sleep,bloody fever and flu and all.i jogged,walked,ran and jogged somemore. and to came to a point when i coudnt take it any more.i was finding a motivation to push me to go on eyes was only slightly open.and the blaring sun was all i could see.heat was seriously killing me.i thought i was dying la.hah tht was when you appeared.i could just suddenly envisage you in mind head, so clearly,you cheering me on that i could do it if i were to put my mind in it. and i did,with you in my head,i was trying my best,i ran.jogged. all at the same time. at 5km,met sharon and continued with her.she cheered me on,too!:) we had ; road 7km,sand 1km, trail 1km and runway 1km. the sand was the hardest cos i kept sinking in and argh,part of my motivation at tht point was this old man(old enough to be my ah who was running at the sand part,whereas i was slowly walking catching my breath. i was like WOAH. and yeah,i held my head high and just went on.despite of my sickening chest pain that was worse than ever.i endured it.i shut off my mind of the pain tht i was facing. instead,i was facing on finishing the all means. i thought i almst died at some times but argh dats only wen i look at the ground. i guess thats not such a gd thing to do but yea. so i ran and almost give up at the 8-9km part cos i couldnt even continue jogging but thankGOD sharon, was motivating me and yeah,i just jogged not caring bout wth i look and i seriously love her.wen i saw the finishing point,the feeling was so great, ahh no werds could describe it! seriously,only in order to feel it,you have to do it,for REAL! heh. and yeah,both of us came at a timing of 1h30mins.which is freaking AWESOME for me cos well i cant even run.rmb?lol so yeah.1okm = 1h30mins. great achievement. despite my aching legs(from,and idiotic sickness,i managed to go through it all.and its all bcos i believed dat i could do it! and tht now i really believe tht its for real,this sentence; its all in the mind. :) we were dropped off at pasir so bloody far lar can!lol so i was really bored so i decided to make full use of my new phone.heh i know im kinda bad but aiya doubt they'll ever read my blog also. and it'll really help if you,my DEAREST reader(s) dont tell those who appeared here in my beloved blog. =) lol you know who la eh they. hahaha she sat next to me so yeah =) sigh,and now im really,reeeealy in the mood and and motivated to just chiong in my preparation for my,and ive never been this serious! hehe. and ahh i needa go now. will put up more photos soon! =) sigh,i love 3e5.despite me being the loner. lol :DDDDDDD Saturday, October 27, 2007
im tired out.and ive not even gone to work.lolwent out with umang² just now to buy our work clothes. kanasai.spent hours finding it,and at last found it northpoint. haha! i feel like sleeeping. *yawns. maybe im gna take a short nap before going out again. my throat feels like its swollen or sth. sucking onto a really YUCKY logenzes. orange flavour.hate it.but wth,throat really hurts. :D just found out that my cousin is gna work at the same place as i am! hahahaha. seriously,what a coincidence. and so gna see her later! :) gonna meet umang² later at 3.20. yishun mrt. lets hope the job's gonna be tons of fun. meaning,theres like lots of hot guys or sth! haha! i love fasihah!. gna miss her wen i graduate ): random again! ha. zoukk out! :DDDD Friday, October 26, 2007
today was okay.cant really recall what happened in sch.ohyeah! had irritating spring cleaning.admin stuffs. bleah. results was like shit but i saw it coming,so WHTEVER (: lol went to jiemin pri with mskoh and mr teo aka thee HOT guy,haha! went there in his car tht is just as hot as him! hahaha. gave my so-called '2mins' speech.went well i think. at least,i didnt like mess up or anything.and i felt so much confidence in me and the feeling was almost similar to the one when i was there 3 years ago. i dont know why,but im still nervous in yishun town.maybe its just diff here=X the pri6 ppl were awfully quiet it was really weird. even mr teo was fascinated by their quiet-ness.haha then went back to sch.took attendance for sec1. attendance was downright pathetic. but ha. i dunt care. lol slept.felt more feverish.god knows WHY.argh. i neeed an irritating,white plain tshirt for my job tmr. im so excited to begin my (so-called)very ferst job with umang² aka fathin. meeeting at khatib tmr.i also dont know why.heh sunday is THE day.yes,finally 10km Newbalance Walk. maybe im just like going to stroll or sth.but ill feel like a total loser! despite me not feeling very well,ill still run.I DONT CARE! lol=) pssssh;READER(s),pray for me tht ill be okay yea? heh. i so freaking miss 1/3' o5. those pathetic,innocent times. where my fringe was only a strand or two=X awwwh,but HECK!it was the best year ever. ill give in anything,just to turn back to 2005. and relive those ohsowonderful memories again! :)
np rocks! rod night. dance. argh. (pssh;my editing seriously sucks,LAST ahhh,random stuffs. as usual. "you pakai hairband pun rambut messy" -quoted by mr teo. HAHAHA! i love it when he speaks malay. awesomely seriously. =D i love love YOU! AHH,I LOVE EVERYONE LA! :) :DDDDDDDD Thursday, October 25, 2007
rahimi called me weird. (look whos talking eh? haha)fasihah announce to the whole msn world tht she LOVES MUA. lol gay piggy called me a pigg. (as usual. used to it la. lol) kak pah aka iifa gave me duno how many comments. (: im still waiting for sam to call me for the help of the speech tmr! HEH this sat confirm job at khatib.still finding for black shoes and white tee. LOL today was stupid bcos we walked 6km bck to old campus. old campus is not as likeable as the new one.too bigg and weeird. heh edited two pics and they dint turned out as well as i wanted. but heck! lol tomorrow is dooms day and im not goin to be very happy with my results. =) im feeling very random now. god knows why. heh PEEEEARLY SHELLS! ahhh. atc is here,like sooooon. but not excited. haha. psssh; I LOVE FASIHAH (sthsth) VERY,VERY MUCH TOO! :) OUT! :DDDDDDDDD Wednesday, October 24, 2007
im addicted to my blue panadols and cough syrup!hahahahaha.i consume more,and more. well least,i just want the pain to go away. really cant take it da.besides,ive no one to talk to now. and da world seems to be spinning like nobodys business. ouch. freaking head. bugger. met her just now.gave me some stuffs. promised me that im gona be okay once i took them. the pills look a wrong way. still thinking whther to take them or not.argh. 7.23pm i was awoken by the sound of mum and bro fighting with each other.mum was crying or sth i guess. argh.seriously,i think im the only one suffering in here. tsktsk. gah. forget it. ive like so many medicines to take. and practically all of them cause drowsiness. urgh! feeling really sleepy now.actually almost every min la.hah still debating whther i should go for a run or take a nap. i seriously need to start gearing up for the 10km run this sunday. or ill end up killing really.and im too young to die la=) but my fever's going for a roller-coaster ride.irritating.gah and my voice is still as sexy as ever,having dry cough.sigh 2days of mcs is up.tmr school as usual.having this 'Ceremonial Walk'. aka walking back to our old campus,together as a school. like woah. fever's skyrocketing.but i think i should really go for a run. maybe ill pop in a few more panadols and hope tht the pain will fade away. fyi,my panadols are like BLUE in colour. yes,my fav! lol anyway,im begining to miss my close buddies la.aka cx,tsunami and bamboo=( its been days since i last seen them.hope they are doing fine-r than i am. (: ahh boredom.maybe later helping my mum bake more cookies. cos apparently,they are running out and im thee scapegoat.argh not attending school for 2 days hasnt been a joy,really. apparently,i doubt anybody even noticed tht im not arnd=( hahaha. its called life,dei. face it. lol perhaps,this sat ill be working. as a waitress=) ahh,see ferst la. out! take care dearest READER(s)! :DDDDDD and im still missing you. =(3<> It's hard to imagine that I'm playing a game of Monopoly with everyone in the world and we're all trying to get that infamous Boardwalk and Park Place. Being taught the wonders of man, it's also hard to understand how we're all (each soul on this earth) carefully intertwined to create a perfect Apocalypse. It's hard to crib the world in my arms when I can hardly hold myself together let alone my closest brother or sister. Suddenly, loving thy neighbor has become a constant melee between apathy and courtesy. It's hard to accept. All at once, I'm flooded with reasons why each person (friend or foe) I walk next to in this lifetime is just another distraction from You. It's disappointing. Almost intoxicating. I'm stuck in a knee-high lake of questions I can't even begin to comprehend. It's become so tiring to keep playing these games of 20-questions with God and only end up with a point-break-insanity feeling. I'll lose more than I ever gain. It's hard to think, if not know, that I'm playing Russian roulette with God (and I'm loving the gambling-high). I can't keep up. i'm failing You with a smile on my face. Tuesday, October 23, 2007
woah,2 days of MC. fever is getting worse. argh. and my head is spinning like nobody's business. every part of my body is practically aching. i feel oh-so-freaking weak. so fragile. urgh! doctor fee was so bloody ex; $42.70! WTH?! and ive soo many medicine to take now. and ive just found out tht ive an allergy -_- fug. argh,i duno whether to go to sch tmr or not. dont feel like it. the cls gna run at Macritchie. sure like im able to do it like tht,even if i go.sigh and speaking of running,this sunday is the Newbalance 10km run. AND IVE NOT FREAKING TRAINED FOR IT. god knows how im gna survive. doubt ill be able to. lol i need a last min personal instructor. sure. ill run till my fever increases like nobodys business. and die.wooots.just the dream tht ive always wanted. oh maybe,even better. this sunday,while running i gt a very bad chest pain and die on the spot or sth : D hey! i might even end up on the tv or sth okay! wah,fame for the wrong reason. (: ah fine,confessions; i miss him. haiz. i better go. he is SO ignoring me =( oh bugger. GO AHEAD. ignore me! ill LIVE. phfft you. i miss you deiix )= Saturday, October 20, 2007
ohmygod. blogger officially sucks.ive blogged so much yet nth came out. WTH! ARGGH. haiz,f la. and my fever is getting worse. =( Tuesday, October 16, 2007
IM A BLOODY MORON WHO DESERVES ALLOF THESE HELL! yes,that says it all.freaking bad day.woke up late.ran. checked 3 bloody papers.overall flunk both of them.fugg. i was aiming fer at least an A fer physics and wth did i get!? haiz. i studied so freaking hard for all the papers,i duno whts wrong with me. i swear,i put my hearts out in studying for them. haiz. its like i totally almost broke down and cry on my table in cls. staring at da 'ohgeezwonderful' marks tht ive gotten. i promised,tht i can take it,tht i wouldnt show how weak i was. and thts da reason why i did not really talk to bestfriend when he came to my cls,moodily and equally depressed i guess. pretty much bcos of her i guess. ah. im sorry dude,my heart was hurting as bad as it can gets. at least, i didnt break down and TRIED remaining cheerful thruout recess. tht was when i was wrong. this cher approached me in the canteen tht i flunk totally badly in this paper,tht i used to ace,very well. at tht moment,my werld totally eyes were brimming with tears. i wanted to just collapse on the grnd and die there,at the very spot. sam was there.freaking embarrasing.esp wen he compared our papers. i wanted to scream as loud as i could,run away from the truth tht ive just known. then,i guess i cant do that.its the real world. who the hell am i kidding? i went totally depressed from then and ate like nobody's business. i didnt even shed a tear. i kept it all in. nobody has to see this side of me. and then there was np.i didnt want to go i stayed,accompanied the rest and kpo-ed at da sec2s. ahh.and at tht very moment,i wished i could just like turn back time or sth.which is impossible. i smiled,i gave garang looks and all.but beneath,my heart was still aching.BADLY. once again,i was proud of myself,cos i stayed strong thruout the journey home. and now ive my beloved juniors aka jianhui and nic to console me. for being so utterly depressed. haha. they really do rock=) but i am feeling depressed.and once again,i feel like doing the same, silly old habits of sliding the razor at my wrist,once again.just like old times. but then,i what even if i do tht?i aint gna get better marks or anything. but part of me still insists,on getting the pain away. at least for now.i need it.i need anything. i laughed,i ran around,i smiled,all beneath this aching heart. but at the end of the day,i do have to admit that. im no longer the strong girl whom i used to be. shes gone. my whole shook. when you came and go,and when these papers had to just re-appear with those 'astonishing' reults of mine. Sunday, October 14, 2007
i hate my life.for being so DRAMA-ish and all.i cant believe i fell for you,once again. oh man. i just couldnt stop thinking hw it would be like,if i were to actually be brave enough and took the chance. i guess i was too naive and a freaking asshole,thts why.argh! just when i wanted to strike a convo with you,you showed me her picture. her oh-so-beautiful pic.i swear my mouth was mid open.she IS gorgeous!u made me look like a total fool when you asked about my life.cos well,it's always been revolving around you,isnt it?sure,like it aint tht obvious. so,i decided i should just swallow thee painful,heartbroken truth and move on with life.with the day,actually.but ah wasnt too cheerful. wanted to play bunga api,but i was too scared tht i might kill someone as i felt like doing so to you, ah,its screw tht thought. hence,i ended up not talking,n joking arnd with you as much as i usually do. its been months,so i guess it has been long.move on,moron.he's done it,anyway!ha. its the 2nd day of many ppl went out and stuffs. im still feeling kinda down from ytd's incident.just dont feel like wearing all those nice2 clothes and collectimoney as much i used to. i swear my whole world shook,and boyy,you ARE my world. i know im a moron,who doesnt take chances and all but ah,damn. i dont feel like blogging no more. i feel like eating.and eating.yes,ill grw fat. but ah,wth sure.either way,ill never be tht beautiful. i cant believe i just said tht. haha. ah weeird. =X buy me a plastic ring and tell me you love me Friday, October 12, 2007
ahhh.grad day's ytd.the vids were all really sad.and the sec4s having so much fun,with one another at the same time,appreciating their teachers. showering them with gifts,one cls even carried their teacher arnd! (: it was altogether a very heartbreaking moment for them, i know thats for sure.i dont want MY grad day to come,pls? ): and i feel sad too cos it'll all be so complicated.gna have a new form teacher next'll be like so weeird? argh. sad. and ill miss da awesome friends tht ive made here,despite close or far. ah what the blogging as iv im da one graduating. lol i better stop it. heh so tmr's rayaa. i know,like YAYE. survived 27days of fasting da=) and eoy's so more going to the lib,mugging like some nutto. all,this can only mean one thing;life's back to normal. which means,ill feel hopeless and useless all over again. cos my bestfriends will have their own stuffs to takecre of. ahh cant blame them,its called responsibility da,sigh so yeah.unless jarratt went off with his people,then ill be a loner once again. im so getting used to this kind of life. ahh. seriously. you know,i just realise tht the exam period is the only time where the four/three of us are able to do stuffs together. besides tht,normal school days would be difficult,cept fer recess. eventhough exam period is freaking stressful with the mugging and all, i rather have a much longer exam period. at least tht way,ill be able to spend more time with them.& tht would really mean alot to me. our various commitments are practically tearing us apart.gosh. but ah,whatver happens,im sure we'll go through it together. just a few more months my friends,and it will soon be our turn, to be receiving our very own portfolio on stage,on grad day :) recently,i sorta fall in love. and then out of it again. (and thts only cos i force myself to,anyway.) and later at 12pm,ive np.SCREW NP.ARGH im so supposed to prepare intensively for raya and all.but ARGH,nvm. its just so stupid of me to even fall for you in the ferst place. cos i know,you'll never feel the same for me. sometimes,i wonder why i even tried. to all Muslims out there, SLAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI! MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN. ENJOY DA! (: && all ytzens, EXAMS ARE O-V-E-R! NO MORE MUGGING! ENJOY YOURSELVES TOO. IM SURE YOU GUYS DESERVE IT! FREEEEEEEEEDOM :D Sunday, October 07, 2007
ahh screw's been pretty hard lately.been crying my hearts out every once in a while. god knows how hard it is,to pretend to be okay. 2 words,'family issues'.period. call me weakling but whatever cos every little thing that you said is making me weaker by the sec. pls,its only 5 more days to raye.dont do this to me. so i cried waking up,knowing life's gna get worse.and harder than i thought.cos for god's sake im 15.its LIFE.ha. and i cried before i went out of the house.made sure i dry myself thoroughly before going out. meeting BEStcadet-jianhui and PIGGY-nicholas. they seriously rock my werld la. thanks for studying with me!(: (though most of the time,we were talking bout np.duh.haha!) oh so happy. that i know who his daaaarling is=)gd luck eh. bugger.gaay pigg.weirdo.smackurfacela.studyla. and he sure did earn some names fr me in just a day=) ahh anyway,tmr's maths. i think im going nuts. love like you've never been hurt before - Friday, October 05, 2007
pure geog paper was okay,actually.just that1 and a half hour is too freaking SHORT for me. ass. didnt manage to finish the 8marks qns.sigh i might as well kiss goodbye to my one and only,A1 ): ha.ohwell. anyway,believe it man. i DID NOT. sleep ytd. not at all. i planned to sleep at 3am la,after puttin all da pure geog shits in my coconut.but i failed miserably. & its thanks to my stupidity.of drinking coffee at 12 midnight. LOL i wanted to stay awake mah cos i was so damn tired. so yeah,couldnt even close my eyes. just lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling until i get up to go to school =) haha. so went to school,feeling groggy and lil drowsy. almost slept during the paper. but well,i dont even have the time to let my hand rest ! screw you paper.and time. but still was pretty hyper in school today (: heh and noow is 2.01pm sharp. i think im gna take a break. and start mugging a maths after break fast. now wana sleep ferst la.only god noes how sleepy i feel right now. and my god-awful eyebags! ARGH. tskk. and YES! ive changed the size and type of my font. thanks to complaints from various READER(s) who need an extra pair of eyes. but nvm i shall be nice=) anyway im so over him. yes,him him. haha! nvm (: im so going to catch on my beauty sleep. :) cos its never the same,when im with you boyy and i love you,tooooooooo! :D Thursday, October 04, 2007
HISTORY PAPER WAS A GREAT ONE!(: yaye.god bless la. everything i studied,came out! thanks to my sayaaang shubaa=)aww.haha! anyways,tmr's pure geog.unfair lar!3/6 no paper. whereas the rest's taking freaking art.which is easy lor! lol ahh neway,just now yz,sam and i hang arnd,in the sc rm. as usual.laughing our asses of like some weirdos (: its called being stressed out you know. hahaa. so well,we decided to draw ourselves in a form of cartoon! so tada! our brilliant drawings=) four of us.drawn by sam=) (a NICE-version :D) us again!guess who is WHO? lol (er.a not-so-nice version D:) yz!drawn by mua.yes its awful,thts why=) which is also the reason why im a pure geog student. haha. thts sam!drawn by yz.i think. hah tmr's paper a scary one i think. ive killed enough brain cells for both hist and chem. screw them! and now plate tectonics and shits. gosh! cruel werld! alrite,i guess i better go now. mug mug. pure geog. i so freaking have to maintain my a1 for da paper lar. cos thats the only one which is a sure,tht il get an a1 in xD ahh.gota stop lazying around. and start using the coconut in my head. thts half dead. :D -- i dont know whether i want to go down on grad day or not. even if i do,it'll be with a very heavy heart. and gosh. people,slap me if tears starts flowing out fr my eyes or sth. cos i know ill see you there. & im still not ready yet to face the freaking truth. that you'll be leaving. PUUURE GEOGRAPHY! IS THE SHITT! :D Wednesday, October 03, 2007
i cant believe this. i studied chem until 3.30 am ytd.the paper was such a pain in the ass,i almost broke down. i couldnt believe how much i could forget. like WTH! and i thought i could do it for my mum. even if its not for me,i was doing it for her. im scared wht i fear most would come true. and so i do not want to regret it later. i just want to make her proud.not myself.tht aint impt. sigh guess im losing it. if the news really is true, i dont know what to say already. fate freaking hates me. since the day i was born. thats for sure. now i have to study doubly-triply hard for physics. to cover up for my DAMN chemistry paper.argh tmr's hist.gotta save my combhumans,too. i so need to get a lot of things out of my head. esp the things that shouldnt even be in there! GOSH. i want to sleep. but its for my mum,i say. ill do whatever tht i save my butt from being retained. if that happens,i swear,ill never forgive myself. sighs better get going. gna take a shower. then start mugging oh-so-beloved historyy. (: steals my heart whn he takes my hand, and we dance to the rythm of the band. but when he smiles,i feel like a little child. - infatuation. christina aguilera I LOVE HISTORY. HISTORY ROCKS! GOOO HISTORY! (: -one of the pathetic ways which i noe,would really work! =) Tuesday, October 02, 2007
ahhhs. maths paper 1 was okay. do-able. thank god!tmr's chemistry. a confirm fail paper.but ah still gna try my best (: and im gna study a lil bit on hist too! doubt deres time la. gah anyway,discussed some stuffs in the lib with them. sam's gna roll around with her baby. she calls it bonding i think. lol chiaxing gna dance hip hop with her baby. cool eh? yanzhen's baby gna sing and do poetry with her. haa. and my baby,will ah have big,gugu eyes whos forever hyped up, loves running around and laugh nonstop. my kind of baby. sounds weird though. LOL and no,my baby's not a freak! =) ahh i love talking bout this kind of shits. at least,it keeps my mind off bloody school stuffs. thts making me nuts. and boy,you're making me nuts too! arghh wish me luck, dearest READER(s)! chem chem chem. damn you chemical thingys. boggles my mind only. I HAVE TO PASS MY CHEM PAPER. (: which means i gotta go now. needa start mugging la. haiz. what life. i swear after eoy,im gna just go bonkers and all out. just wait and see. ohya,argh! theres still bloody o's. oh bugger. cos all tht i ever wanted comes down right to you- - 2/10/2007. 2.15pm Monday, October 01, 2007
3 more chapts to go. revision for e maths.cmon ain,you can do it! yes,thts wht you call internal motivation. which i seemed to have alot,mind ah anyway,been mugging the whole day. kinda hope it'll all be worth it for tmr's paper. *crosses fingers* i know this sounds really weird but it suddenly feels like tmr's my graduation day or sth. yeah fine i know its dumb but ah. screw the grad song thts practically stuck in my freaking head.sigh i seriously cant imagine how life would be after grad. only god noes how much ill freaking miss the buddies ive made here in yishun town. god. im not sentimental la! haha. alrite,i really needa go back mugging. no time wasted. FOCUS! (: goodbye bloggie. hello maths tbks. again. and ohya! bestfriend was practically drunk this morning. hangover. see la. drink redwine somemre,during night before exam. haha! his face so red. cracks me up la. aiyo. its like i knew you before we met -