his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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neesa!CROC♥! afrah ann khairiah susu ruzzie ruohannnnn li fen shubaa julia nabilah fasihah♥ kakpah(: umang2(: quan yi jessica wei qi jarratt muthe rahimi gwen lili hiu tung siti rahmat kamal atiqah Fushan FC 'o8 NADirah ((: azita ((: nur ((: jasmine mira ((: aidil jarratt-bestf! muhaimin♥ syafiqah pe ah (: drumrolls
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Monday, December 31, 2007
ahhhh. news update.(or whtever u call it la!LOL)wont be able to use da lappy later. freak brother): which means i wont be able to chat with you wtf so yeah,in a super bad mood right now. plus my never-ending fever/flu/sorethroat combo. ha feels so weird. but one thing fer sure. i feel like spending the countdown of new year with you. just like we did,last year(or this year.same even though it was just plainly on msn.but wth it means aLOT to me la can? haha!=) but yeah,now its all impossible now=( ass,i miss you ): short,random post la =D SICK!friggin fever.and sexy voice-_-and school starts like in 2 days time! and im still left with some hwk to do.what more mentally preparing myself fer next year=X at least,theres a good thing la fer next year. form teacher is; MR EMMANUEL TEO. WOOOOOO! in ur face 4/7 & 4/6-ians! LOL(X co-form is; MRS GISELLE ONG. aka my maths teacher. which means im gna have maths tuition everyday of my life next year. good or bad?=X god knows man. lol and yeah,havent do my eng. so MUST do! been in his class before (: and i havent done maths too. im seriously a dead goose ): but ahh anyway,this is just a short,random post. will post more later. when ive the TIME=) im sick. and tskkk. i miss chatting with you ): I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did. & you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did :D Labels: cooked goose LOL, im sick la grr, imy a not-so bad day (:
Saturday, December 29, 2007
today is like superduper happening can?in a bad way la,i guess.lolferst,theres da pizza incident.yw bought 6 pizzas.all x-large(i think) he asked arnd la who want to eat or who dont want. some of the gerls and i were 'no' la cos wanted go out eat wht.haa but aiya,in the end too much pizzas were being bought,yz paid 50bucks while some others who ate paid super lil and da rest dun want eat or pay. seems complicated i know,but yeah.told ya.happening beb.haha! so yeah,da squad was squabbling bout it(nt infront of juniors,tht is.ha) and i gt so pissed,i even shouted at aniq.but den i laugh it off so yeah one lesson learnt today;pizzas can CAUSE CONFLICT (: hahaha oh man,it so reminds me of ss and the history shits all. LOL! but whtever la,cos we did came up with a solution;sell remaining pizzas to other ug officers.since they are pretty RICH,aka bb and ncc ppl.haha it was pretty cool la.and thank GOD,no CI found out bout this lil conflict of ours.cos it turned out pretty bad just now.but nw okay la=) and i superduper love my squad no matter wht happens laa! woooo! haha! :] and did i mention fer da interug games,fer da girls NPCC WON FERST! WOOOOO! thanks to powerful players like mariah,vic and others. and also not forgetting those wonderful cheerleaders which includes ME (: haha! and so we did sorta da same as last year;stomp(: ohya,game was captain ball=) ncos went crazy and did several cheers even before the game started. to motivate ourselves la tht is.if not boring sey.hahaha and and erm da whole unit npcc GIRLS did the bloody SOLID CHEER while crowding arnd me.yes,i was like the victim.nvr give me chance one sey.esp my OWN beloved nco-mates and the ncostobe (: sec2s were soft la! HA they bad la bully like such a nice person can?almost went deaf, perhaps,it was just bcs i talked a LIL too much,and went super nuts. dun ask why. period. LOL and and we did WARFRONT cheer with PANG MAAM.aka pci.HA she superduper rocks laaaa.out of the rest of the cis! woooooo! [: so yeah.helped painted 'JOIN NPCC' banner.bloody big.friggin paint. adn so many stains here and there.which means we had to clear up like shit also. ferst,umang and i was like 2 bangla wives wiping the floor in the rain.LOL den,ju aka dearestOC and sam joined us.and we became the official philipino maids. cos we looked like one.especially our dearestOC we made a pretty big mess,bought the wrong type of paints,no paint.and we paint NOT by using paintbrush but by using our BARE HANDS or newspaper-_ haha! but it was F-U-N la.seriously.singing tunelessly and laughing at each other.LOL but i gt super pissed cos of the friggin __s. cos they friggin suck thats why.big shot ah?ohya,they are.LOL but still its AFTER np,damnit! "pin up ur fringe","tuck in ur shirt", "wear your shoes","dont lie down there" and all shits.some of us werent wearing shoes cos we were clearing up the place la,walau! and its AFTER np,its MY problem i want my haphazard fringe to be down or nt! and ohya one even went; "NCOS!WHY ARE U STILL DOING HERE!?!"-shouting at us while we were cleaning the floor with bloody thinner.haha and we even gt shooed out.dey gave us a TIME LIMIT to get out of the school. ferst of all,we HAVE to wait fer da paint to dry and it'll take some time. secondly,its OUR FRIGGING SCHOOL fer gods sake. not you people's! ARGH shows just how plainly egoistic and dumb they can be. is it our fault mrsoh wants us to complete da friggin banners ALL by tday!?FISH so super pissed with da friggin __s. think they are so big shot.please guys not god okay?you aint perfect,EITHER. i was swearing and cursing at them all the way.cos imagine laaa. we come in the morning;parade. den take sqd. den gt interug games. den paint until like 6pm!? and did we complain? FRIGGIN NO! so i just hope i dun leave np,feeling sad and unhappy. its like so stupid. it'll be totally wasted la. screw them. seriously laa. lol 1 day more; i turned away,as if he didnt even matter Labels: frigging __s, npcc girls won ferst :), paintPAINT, PIZZAS CAN CAUSE CONFLICT stupid,friggin life of mine
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
went out with dan,aidil,fasihah,amirah,adibah and fitra.met up at 12 at northpoint gv.duno why was a little late.cos needa pass bestfriend his ipod ferst. and he had to pass me some of anp stuffs fer da board. we took super long to deide on which movie we wana watch la. we spent most of the time crapping and laughing at stupid dan-_ but anyway,we decided t eat at LJS ferst.den to go to amk hub (thanks to the influence of watch I Am Legend! ate.crapped.laughed my ass of.went to lan.played car racing and my alltimefavourite, PHOTOHUNT! LOL (; & finally went to amk hub. decided to watch the 4pm show.cos the 3pm one was almost FULL. and there were only seats at da ferst row,and we had to be separated. so yeah,dats why.which means fasihah cant watch with us too cos she needa go yeah=( haha.but sigh ohwell. den we walked arnd ferst,cos it was stll super early. so yea (: bought the tics.seated at the LAST ROW.aka couple seats. LOL! but anyway,wasted time by going to mac.i ate icecream with adibah. she blanjaed me, i love the people arnd me man.haha! and ohya,aidil paid half of ma tics! and youwei gave me 5bucks to put in ezlink(: cos my ezlink,in it was like negative-_ lol thts how pathetic i am=) so THANK YOU,guys! wooooooo! you guys rock my werld! haha! :D anyway,so bought superlarge combo.i know,cos i was the one who bought them=) the guys didnt even chip in any money but they also eat.kns.LOL anyway,sat with adibah.couple seat,rmb?haha.she kept screaming thruout the show.LOL well,it was a really nice show la.ALOT of suspense!one part its like seriously emotional too(almost cried.ha!)thrs horror a lil here and dere. and mostly action la but of course.but seriously la,its SUPERDUPER nice! i recommend you people to watch la! haha! (: pretty worth my money=) gt shocked a lot of times.super funny la amirah. "eh wht,sound system spoil ah?" -an inside joke. HAHAH! (; then met yz,zhihao sir and the top3 at subway.met them again at lan at gv there.played somemre photohunt and racing :P raced with the 3 guys,and i lost miserably to them.KANASAI,haha! and im super bad at this shooting game.failed MISERABLY,too!LOL but anyway,lade da. so we went home (: and i enjoyed myself tremendously LA! on the eve of xmas 2007! and i superduper love THEM and all of you,too la. lol :D argh.everyone in the house's scolding me for every lil thing that i do. every thing i do is please,give a fucking break! god knows how many slashes i have right now. if only i could do sth bout it.whrs santa wn u need him? sigh. yeah,being naive aint gna help i really helpless. the only person who i would definitely mre than love to turn to is..the one whom ive been cursing for the past few days. sigh,im really sorry what had happened. its all my fault the emotional one. i shoudnt have taken such a small matter too far. sorry i gt carried away. jsut that..if only you know the things thts happening to me now,then i guess you would be able to understand.i do need you,you knw. sigh,doesnt matter if you dont believe sigh,screw you dad. no really. i really really hope tht everythings gna be fine. soon. if not ill just have to get out of here,my way. ah, on a lighter note. MERRY CHRISTMAS,everybody! ho ho ho! its exactly 1am right now so yeah. (and if bro found out im using the lappy,im dead!;] LOL) so yeah! im off! wooooosh! i really,really do miss you thinking of you.always and i wont go breaking your heart i couldnt even if i tried (: Labels: I Am Legend rocks, i miss you ): Sunday, December 23, 2007
argh fever.stupid flu killing me.frigging headache.and damn it,cramps. these are the times when i seriously wish im a guy=X if you think,you have nothing to lose or win, then perhaps,you shouldnt be asking us whats wrong. cos by saying that,it shows your character clearly enough. cant believe how ungrateful some idiots can get. its 2days before christmas and thanks for making me fume up all inside. or just the emotional one here? sigh. and thats only because... nah,aint gona say it. not here. doubt he'll be grateful of it anyway. and oh,i kept hearing screams from the living room. and no,it aint a nightmare. how i wish it is. sigh. one more lashing and ill swear ill run away from this hell. on a lighter note,i finished my hist! woo! (: its all pain. inside,and out kind of pain. just wish you could be here with me. eh donuts la! (: history hwk! go ain go!
ahhh.bought some yummeh donuts. im seriously like obsessed with donuts nowadays. HEH woke up superduper late today.ytd was too tired,i guess. right now multitasking;doing hist 600werds essay,chatting,blogging and listening to music. wooooooo! i love myself. LOL :) left one more hist essay only and ill be FREE FROM HIST HWK! haha and i still have maths,science and pure geog to so dead=X and gaaah.i feel like killing dad. wish he'll stop bugging me for money. like im not out of funds either.and hello,ive schwerk to do. besides finding a bloody job and torturing myself.hahaha and i gotta go gym laa.all these donuts and xmas food are getting to me): anyone wana go with me tmr? beep me la! or call or whtever. heh doubt anyone wna also. fine. ill be a LONER then. somemore tmr is christmas eve.alamak.more worse ARGH! LOL tmr perhaps watching movie with aidil,fasihah,danial they all. urgh.still having second thoughts.duno why=X ha and im obsessed with the current song. (refers to video in yours truly's blog) [: and zikrul is being super irritating la. keep tsk and ish-ing me.grrr LOL=) i gotta go back to my hist essay! i can do it! go ain,go! -super pathetic. HAHA :D moth-eaten heart. christmas! :) that girl =(
it's kind of embarrassing how I'll be studying late at night and reminisce on the times when life really should not have been this tedious. i'll spend hours on end in one of those moods, as if life was a hackneyed book written by a reluctant the end, i'll find myself upside down on my bed with my legs flailing in the air in such a fashion where it'd seem like i was waiting for something to miraculously happen. nothing ever did. of course, by the time all this was done,i'd have realized that it was far past the time i needed to i'd finish my homework and go off to sleep with one numbing feeling lullabying my mind: has my heart really been that moth-eaten? saw couples waltzing down the red-bricked roads. it was just at this certain moment i couldn't help but feel like i should maybe believe in santa again(for a second),just to make me feel more child-like and fuzzy inside. Christmas is right around the corner! *hint hint!* haha! and i still hate you. I bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about. And she's got everything that I have to live without 12.55pm,Sunday 23 Dec 2007. ----------------- so of the day. with my beloved fasihah :) --------------------- bad day? my fingers! passing out parade fer CIs and HOs :)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
morning.woke up superduper early.forced(somehow) to goto grandfather and other ppl kubur (graveyards?yea,should be) pissed off,not enough sleep nvr mind. mood quite okay ah. we go there by my uncle van la.mum sat infront.while mua at the back. mum didnt realise tht i placed my left hand on the outside part of van la. den she just slam da passenger door close and there goes my poor fingers.LOL fasihah's right la.ive slow reaction.after a few secs den i said 'MUM!!'. den she realised.i juz looked dwn la.den duno y suddenly couldnt take the freaking pain,i just broke down man.haha! super painful la. fingers on my left hand were all red,and a little swollen.grandma gave some ice to wrap and blabla.what a traumatic incident. im just super glad i didnt lose any fingers. heh=) but anyway,its all wrapped up now(by yours truly, in pain.argh. reached home only arnd 3plus.panicked cos i planned to meet fasihah at 3.40 at yishun mrt.cos nida be seated by ummm bloody 4.30? URGH! SO YEAH,met her ferst to borrow her shirt.(fyi,ive NO formal shirt-_- lol) attire is formal and i should have just worn my bloody jeans laa!damn it after lookin at other ppl dress code.feel stupid idiotic la pls.ha so yeah,rushed like shit.panicked and reached pretty late.but still so many others who are even mre latER.screw anyway,so it rained.wet weather programme den.imagine la,ive already like prepared my video-mode in my phone and all. and yeah,idiot. did the 'parade' in the alotofmemories Harmony Hall.still rmb police knowledge course.still rmb being choked by some bitches' some priza giving.blabla.guests had to stand thru out the whole thing. pretty irritated by that.after all,we ARE guests,you know! haha! ohwell,blabla.da cis,HOs all enthu sing,dance and cheer in the hall. i felt stupid looking at emotions.just felt freaking bored. ate like ive no life.(food nice?erm,its np what do u think?[X) da videos all are pretty sentimental.reminds me of atc.which reminds me of __.FISH. wen fasihah and i had to pin up(?)the CI rank on stupid rahimi LOL i couldnt even reach his shoulders!=( he had to bend well,its a ritual la so members/friends have to do tht. seriously wonder why dey cant do tht themselves. LOL then blabla.dey take more and more pictures. and i felt dumber and cold-er by the minute-_. thank god dere was fasihah.hah! we went to sit at the back of the hall.played some hand games. i taught her one and she taught me one.laughed our asses off. it was really,really fun la! she damn funny one la pls. HAHA! ;D anyway we did all this to let time pass la while waiting fer rahimi. we waited and waited. fer duno HOW LONG LA. we even told stories to each other. kinda private so yeah.i feel much more free-er tht ive told someone (: so we waited and waited,dn i realised we're the only ones left there. which is scary cos the place is super dark and erm deres no one left. so asked this maam thr,asked if bravo had been dismissed.she checked fer us and yeah.she said they had left.i was like WTF. LOL so i asked fasihah to call pang.pang said rahimi left 15mins ago. no werds could describe how angry and pissed off i was man. i almost totally blow SERIOUSLY MAN.waited so long..den kabush.urgh! mum keep calling.nagged at me.cos i nida help her to make some cookies tht ppl order fer friggin christmas.(and i nvr get paid ok!free i lied and lied to her.look like my lies are not worth is. that asshole didnt wait fer us. i was so pissed i kept quiet the whole time going home.both bus and mrt.was cursing him in my head.over and over again.LOL super angry with him la.but anyway i blame myself also cos i waited at an entrance but forgot tht theres another one also -__.fishcake. i dun really blame him cos hes UNCONTACTABLE,but still!he cn assume tht we wait fer him right!and find us before leaving?!(afterall,im nice!lol) so yeah. FUCK LA. SUPER SUPER SUPER PISSED OFF. AND NOW I NEEDA HELP MY MUM UNTIL UDNO WHT TIME. fyi,i reached home at 11.40. got scolded and nagged theres no tmr. and did i mention,my hand is partially broken,my voice is hurting super badly,my flu and fever is killing me and that im super truly exhausted by the string of activities? (ytd ptr.rmb?) and yes,i saw alot of things at the hta there. just didnt want say anything.and yes,im super spooked out. so yeah.go die la rahimi! TSK. lol sigh. msjuny wedding! pics and vids! OBS SOUVENIR! WOOO! :)
Friday, December 21, 2007
![]() and videos i took during ms juny's wedding! woooooo! msjuny was looking super hot la cn! :) da food was awesome and erm well everything was just great la! esp da decorations and all=) took lots of pics.with their camera la. it was one of a kind wedding la,i can say.super AWESOME! ;D andand stephanie and vicky was not used to seeing me in baju kurung! hahahaha! den after dat;me,kakpah,umang2,val and wenwei went to orchard. walked arnd.crapped.laughed our ass-es off in our baju kurung-_, ate and all la.a friggin funny la aye. =) ohwell,dats all fer msjuny's wedding! ill blog bout today's sec1 registration! soon. if ive da time :) woooooooooooooooo! ps;i know this is superduper late laa but. THANK YOU DANIAL FER BUYING ME SOUVENIR FROM OBS! :DD he makes me smile,without even trying ------------------------- council pictures ah! ARIEEEES! :)
![]() ![]() ![]() decided to put up only 3 pics laaa. THIRD one; us,gerls pointing to one side,and guys another side. god knows what the guys were thinking man.LOL SECOND one; erm ARIES GRP PHOTO! ahhh i spoil da pic la.look like what like that-_.eyes closed!screw u jarratt!haha!EH WAIT, its either my eyes are closed or they are too small.LOL! and i was smiling like what also.haha.but we have THE MOST loving grp picture compared to the other grps'.haha! FERST one; WHOLE COUNCIL PHOTO! WOOOOOOO!us,the great ones! lol! ohwell,will blog soon! woooooosh! ;) ---------------------------- Wednesday, December 19, 2007
woooo! gna talk bout sc camp. ah lets see.ferst day; check in was very da power cos well we showed them the kind of discipline we want from them and yeah. kinda strict. screamed at their every little faults. (i it feels nice to scream at dem once in a while la. haha! ;) then ah aiya i forget gt wht already. ummm. its games ah for part of the day if im not wrong. lunch was field cooking! council's very ferst!=) so yeah,kinda hard fer them to clean up and esp scrubing the friggin mass tins(tht belongs to np-_) wanted to well 'torture' dem fer dat,but the sec4s ended up doing the extra clean up fer them due to the lack of time. ha i was severely planning fer friggin sec1 reistration.lil stressed up. met mrs rahmat,talked bout some many changes. ARGH! dinner was packed(THANKFULLY) cos i was too lazy to erm cook. LOL ohya,deres da MM thingy. make-a-mascot. it was raining. dn accompanied my grp to np,in this stupid yellow poncho,with a hole at the back(thanks to eunice fer tearing it) to NP to buy the stuffs they need. then their own stuffs. blabla.susu,kakyah and bestfriend sorta recqee the route for the night trail la.and erm we freaked ourselves like shit.HAHA! den lights out fer sec3s.sec4s talk bout some stuffs until duno what time. had to be awake fer the turn-out anyway,so yeah.had one at 1.30 am.arnd thr la. kakyah and i planned to KIDNAP somebody.she and her friggin poncho.hah! we made a din!i blowed my super loud whistle and all.and managed to kidnap adibah,eventho i din want to. cos i wanted to take someone not so obvious and erm apparently while i pulled her out and ran with her, so many girls saw and shammini still had the time to give adibah her slippers. i thought they were goin to run after me sia,den i give dat 'shes sick,ill take care of it' look perspiring like an idiot and dey believed. LOL so we ran and ran like 3 idiots.decided to hide her behind the old np room thr. wanted another corner la but adibah and i gt some shitty feeelings so adibah dint even realise it was me whos pulling her and she was freaked out.haha! den waited fer them,they couldnt find her.haha!so yea success to kakyah and me fer da great idea of hiding her there! woooo! eventho we were almost caught-_ turn out ended.den erm sec4s had our wash up.took own sweet time.heh i seriously couldnt sleep.and i blamed aidil's friggin coffee fer dat. eventho i was dead tired,my eyes were still super big(as said by SAM) and erm really la,i just couldnt yea,slept only at 5am.LIKEWTH. lol slept on the canteen table with me,it bloody hell sucks la. so uncomfortable and wake up,all bones also pain.haha!and dint bring sleeping bag.suffered the friggin reason,cudnt slp i guess. den blabla. woke up at 6.arnd there la. AND AND i forgot bout sth!erm while da sec2s gt duno wht talk. some of us sec4s played FLOORBALL in the middle of the night :)! in the super nice 'stadium' tht one. LOL boys versus girls! GIRLS WON! WOOOO!(but of course,we used our legs too!lol) sweat like shit and werkout sey.but really fun la=) ------------ okok 2nd day! (alamak.ferst day so long,ill shorten da next 2 days kay.hee) er woke up,like a sleepy idiot.did pt.den breakfast blabla. den had amazing race fer sec1 station is at yishun park dere. with sieYOUWEI:).super near my house went back fer awhile to take some med and stuffs which I FORGOT to bring to camp.hahahaha! my bed was tempting me to like lie on it and sleep man!but yea,LOL. aidil joined our station.slacked,ate snacks,took a nap and went back to sch. after dat i duno wht.i only rmb gt ummm wash up den,BARBECUE! heh[: at fert st super irritating la da fire.smoke got into eyes all. suffering sey cook da hotdogs fer da juniors=(but after awhile thank god they TOOK OVER from us!woooo!and time fer dem to serve us.haha! den nth da.dun recall much.den after dat arnd 10pm,deres da NIGHT TRAIL! was trying my super best to scare my grp by telling them all SORTS OF THINGS. hahaha!but most of dem are true and i was pretty scared mysself la esp fr ytd's incident=X haha.but anyway i was even more scared wen i was waiting fer susu to miss call me,wen suddenly she came running to me close to tears.pretty much shivering la.i couldnt make out much of wht she was saying.all i could hear were the werds,'she carrying baby','den she cried'. and she advise me 'to be careful wen i go to this particular toilet' and i was tryin to read her eyes whether she was acting or wht cos i was right infront of my grp(and yea,we liek to act infront of dem so i chose to like ignore it.somehow.and was silently hoping tht she was yeah.but i brainwashed my grp already dey were scared.HEH actually da route tht we planned were seriously short la,despite them being pretty scary and dark,and all.but really short!so i decided to EXTEND da route fer my grp by goin to another narrow way.but before i lead dem,id checked by myself ferst la.and trust me.i saw ALOT of things zooming past and infront of me as i walked.esp at da parade sq and the labs there. but i chose to ignore la.i almost wanted to pee in my pants! but yeah. had to be strong fer my beloved grp. HAHA! ohwell,i think it was fun laa. besides learning more bout da sch,dey well learned how to protect each other and all. so sry guys if i scare u ppl too much! :) den dey played catch the tail.i joined tail was gone even before the game started.LOL screw whoever it is.haha! den sam told me wht REALLY happened to da ferst grp la(susu's team) and yeah,so it was REALLY true la,wht susu had told me.ahh,i prefer not to disclose it here.its pretty much personal and ummm.doubt da sec3s or 2s wana know wht had happened to their seniors. haha. so yeah.shhh. but yeah,i was spooked out after knowing tht.=X then supper,talked with my grp.blablabla lights out.wanted to have another turn out.but everyone was SHAGGED. even da sec4s.all eyes canot open,no more.esp aidil's. LOL had sentry duty at 2-2.30am.with sam(hu else.LOL) was still wide awake den. actually i could really sense some stuffs la while goin to the boys bunk. esp cos its like on da friggin 3rd floor.and only one staircase is open!hah and da gerls bunk too!and we had no torchlights!just walk and walk.sam looked so calm,i dint wan tto say anything.only told her during break camp(: she sensed it too!haha.ohwell but really campus is seriously freaky man. dis time sleep at da chairs,better la i think.more comfortable and not so least we dint shiver like we at northpole lidat.haha! ------- 3rd day! LAST DAY! :( morning pt.take by youwei.da rest kinda slack. some clear up and stuffs like dat.den breakfast.den duno why so fast already area cleaning.was shocked la.but yeah. checked gerls toilet.pumped them 25 and erm do 40+ (ketuk ketampi). duno what its called in eng.da go down and up dat one.hahaa. den sec4s helped with sec1 registration stuffs.felt like putting in thousands od papers sey in the freaking folders.imagine all sleepy2 den must do dat kind of werk somemore.haha!seriously man.tiring-_ den gave out prizes! best camper-VICKNES!WOOO! haha.yea,he rocked da camp best grp cheer;SAGGY-tarius.LOL best improvement;PIRA! best group/team;TAURUS! (MY horoscope!lol) eventho aries dint win anything,i still love dem la. they are still da ROCK-iest group in the camp,to mua! wahahaha! LOL break camp.took pictures. (will post pls:]) sec4s still had to complete da stupid shits-_.many were pissed. cos still had to clear sc room so yea.haha den GO HOME! not exactly la,its more of a erm,GO EAT type of thing :) ate at mac with da rest,talked with my lovely DUO <3 and blabla i spooked yz out with my ghost experiences/stories (X okay AFEW words to my darling grp peepol. ADIBAH!(grp ic); wahseh,2 years take care of ur grp!wooooo! still rmb KINGa grp wht.heh anyway a great,GREAT leader whos definitely mre den a follower!cn lead others well!and and a definite pleasure to have in a grp (: (im nice la.all nice things.hahahah) FASIHAH!; umm.this idiot hu transferred unwillingly from duno wht grp to my grp. HAHA! okok kidding(X ahh,lets awesome OIC fer da ferst day eventho she kept smilling and smilling( duno y and i feel likescreaming at her cos its a camp!haha but yeah,eventho she likes to bully me in the grp someTIMES,she definitely has the potential to be a GREAT SENIOR to her beloved juniors(which is mine oso la.heh) ppl say shes quiet,but shes me.LOL klah enough bout her! if not she havb to blanja me more munchy donuts! woooooo! haha! ;D JIANHUI!; ahhh,my BESTCADET! haha! this guy is forever enthu one la cn (: superduper helpful with his councilmates.hes always there wenever help is needed.has a great sense of alot also!lol need to talk less la.HAHA (X likes to bully me oso.grr! BUT he still knw wn and wn nt to joke wrnd with his seniors=) a definite great leader,in many ways. after all,he IS my bestcadet wht!wahahaha.and he rocks too cos he loves giving me darling pushpops! hahahah!=D CONNIE!; superduper enthu girl,who canot stop smiling.haha.despite she being pretty scared during the night trail,she still tried her best to refrain herself from screaming.and she did it!am proud of her la.haha!=) does her tasks/jobs thts given to her super alot and like to laugh like deres no tmr.shes always da cheerful one:) has the potential to become an even greaTER leader! [: NUSRAH!; quiet most of time,even tho i know outside shes super talkative.LOL carry out her tasks diligently also.never failed to help out in any of the activities tht the grp have.have to speak out more so that we know whats her opinions/ideas and all?hahaa.and ohya! shes superduper sporting! hahaha.dun feel embarassed too easily,which is GOOD la okay! haha. a great lEADER,inside and out=) ANDREW!; another quiet fellow also.haha! but hes definitely IMPROVING la. cn be seen tht hes learning to speak up.but still must talk more la!lol very,very helpful.great sense of initiative,too!an awesome leader. just have to learn to speak up more.even in np :) okay,thats all! alamak.feel like a tcher writing comments in a report boook sia.haha! i dont think any of u read my blog but aiya nvrmind la.its my sincere comments to u peepol (: hahahah and ohya.BUT OF COURSE! 9TH STUDENT COUNCIL ROCKS! (pst!this is all behind da sec3s la,but of course.hehe.true colours!LOL) woooo! like like sam is always superduper retarded n NOISY! hah! mariah is forever and ever whining and flirting with everyone.LOL shubaa is always rolling her eyes in THTKINDOFWAY and erm her sarcasm!haha! yanzhen is erm in her own mama-lala land.she and her sec3s.heee eunice and shera is forever very noisy.dey cn talk bout anything under da sun!lol jarratt and his weirdness.esp with his ELMO!super aidil and his LOST OF STUPID seriously la.cant take it sia.HHA! yifei is ummm well,in his own Discipline-Ofiicer-world of his :) susu is but of course forever in her own werld of korean youwei is still super childish,like in sec1.played floorball with him like gonna die like tht sey! and hes so welfare-ish in the camp=) lifen is so LIFEN.haha! and i hate her fer her dyed hair!! =( manting and lidu is always in their disappearing acts. LOL merilyn is so MAMA MERILYN-ish,making milo fer da sec4s before we slp.AWWWH! and erm me,well sam said i was super reason,was bored.self entertaining.made stupid lame jokes and laugh. hahahha. wooo! ;) so there you go! dont think i missed out on anyone.(of course not!) [: so yea,okay my cramp is KILLING ME! i shall blog more bout erm msjuny wedding and hariraye haji(ytd) and sec2 registration (just now) on the next post.woooooooooooooooo! sec3s rock! mr group,ARIES rock! sec4s aka 9TH STUDENT COUNCIL ROCK! WEROCKCOUNCIL!:) AND AHHHHHHH! I LOST MY FRIGGIN VOICE!URGH! :( -------------------- aye,just came back from sc camp. so many things happened. LIKEOMFG. haa but anyway,cant talk no more. fuggin bro. enough said. ____ la. you came and you left.again. , screw that bitch. LOL
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
dude,you're WRONG.shes so much prettier thn me, shes so much smarter den me, shes so much fun-er den me, shes so much great-looking den me, shes so much happy-er den me (what?lol), shes like so perfect. and im not. KABUSH. there goes my ego,damn it. damn it.deiix whr the hell are you. i friggin need to talk to you. to whine all the shits to you. okay,tht doesnt sound good. perhaps,ill take a pass on it. and pretend. tht im fine. (^i will be.soon.) you came back. and now you left start on my hwk aye! , TMR LUNCH AT SWENSENS! WOOO! :D
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
aite,im gna start my ss hwk. like in 5mins time?eh wait no,make it 15. after my prayers :) truthfully,im not in the mood,at do my ____ but ohwell,gay piggy sorta encouraged me on. and so yeah! i decided tht i HAVE to start now. like seriously,i need da friggin motivation man! my internal one is taking a break. on hols perhaps? haha and i did a weird thing. sorta laaa. i KINDA missed i went thru his comments/testimonials in friendster and read those which i wrote fer him. told ya,its weird. but ya.just remembering those times we had together.those WEIRD moments. haha!ohwell,enough said. hope hes still alive and kicking thr at hta (: and damn it,i aint a least not fer today=) only he gets it. haha! ohwell,enough of tht! i gotta go do my prayers now :) and ohya,tmr! lunch at swensens! with mariah,bestfriend,tsunami,aidil and all. ahh,meetin stupid dil buy sth. argh! screw him. lol byee peeps! wooooo!=) (hyper,god noes why.LOL) every day i fight back the urge to text you, or call you, telling myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would. i saw __! like omg. , exercise machines,here i come! ;D
omg,i saw __'s profile!in youknowwho's profile. LOL and i went what the hell?! argh! nvm. its friggin obvious enough. tht jerk. two werds; oh ____. and im getting fatter by the day. gotta start excercising in. erm 5 mins! ;D lol and im having fever,so screw the rain! gah. will blog more. later :) excercise machines + songs,HERE I COME! hahah. carwash was AWESOME,yet tiring!! , aint pretty enough. will never be.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
carwash!aye,carwashing was more tiring den i thought la! lol so well my grp;me,sam,michael,kingston,clivan,weihao & ernest! we went to the Esso station at Thompson road thr. not as FAR as i thought also la. so dumb. haha theres this auntie who made me seriously pissed la!(sam and michael,too!ha) we call her the;'cloth-grabbing-auntie'.cos everytime we wipe, she'll either nag at us OR grab our cloth and wipe the cars HERSELF. its okay la actually,but after awhile,it seriously gt onto our nerves!haha! irritating to the core sey.and its bad enuf sam and i managed to only wash 1(or 2?) cars.which means we dint really get to play with the water,soap and all.and some embarrasing shit happens to me while i was trying to soap a particular car.dun wana talk bout it! LOL! so malu la can! sam and michael was laughing at me. heh :) lunch was superduper filling to me. rice la dei! hah continued with WIPING(take note,not washing-_-) of cars till 2.30. then it rained. so wooo! no more wiping! haha! power la. managed to wash arnd 72 cars!and raised $700 +! and ohya! frgot to mention tht our AIM fer tday is to raise enough funds to buy a lappy fer this anthony(age 15) who wishes fer one.and we're sorta under the make-a-wish foundation so yeah. obvious eh?ha! sad to say,if we were to only count on my side,we only managed to buy half of the laptop. LOL! but overall,im sure we did well!=) i heard tht the other side were able to wash cars! like DAMN LA. lol then lala. returned to AMK police division there. and ohya!do u knw tht our ride to-and-fro was the police VAN thingy? the one which prisoners ride tht one.shiok la!all of us were like superduper excited to get in and stuffs! haha! [: partaye! LOL den change into our home clothes. officer sophian sent us to the partay which is at raffles jc. so ohwell,da party wasnt wad i thought it was.cos well i was imagining those HOT guys here and dere.dancing and stuffs(sorta like prom?) but instead its a well,CHILDREN's party.mostly fer da disabled. and yeah,it was really touching and nice to see so many ppl helping out in the booths,making these ppl having a great time. and seeing them smile sure makes me feeel good. haha!=) but i gt to say,i think all of us were friggin SHOCKED when we stepped into the hall.cos like i say,we dint expect it to be tht kind!i was so pretty disappointed but yea.whtever and i dun think we really enjoyed ourselves or anything. esp da sec2 boys.haha! at least,us girls went to get tattoos(on our necks!) paintings and all that!thr was food and performances,normal stuffs. got bored.decided to go off.LOL walked quite a distance to junction8! walked a lil bit. ate at longjohnsilver!cos i was friggin hungry,thts why. HEH sec2s went to mac.den blabla. dey went off ferst. talked bout SOME stuffs.shall say no more! haha! ;DD then,go home! and thanks,wenwei fer carrying my shoebag almost the entire time home! :) and dinn was seriously friggin noisy. LOL getting used to it. ha and my hands ache terribly fr da wiping.gaaaah. and ive no mood now.superduper EXHAUSTED. but i needa like study fer my madrasah exam TOMORROW. like URGH! what the toot la. LOL and i promise to upload the pics tmr or sth. seriously tireeed. needa start studying ah! [: when im with you, it feels like falling in love all over again. frIggin cupboards, ALIFF AZIZ, council camp! :D
Friday, December 07, 2007
aye,today nth much happened laaa.woke up at 7am. slept back again. thought was meeting sam at 8.45. but it was 8.15. so obviously, i was friggin late. lol and so MANY sec3s turned up. wonderful la! haha! talked bout council camp shit. 17-19 dec (: in charge of grp no1.i only rmbed dat ic fer my grp is;adibah! and me,aidil and lidu will be well 'ic'of the grp.hah waaah.2 years with adibah. not bad ah! lol ;D den carried 2 friggin huge(AND superduper heavy)cupboards! into the friggin room tht is. and yea. suffered a lil. here and thr. ha gt hands dirty and stufs. laughed my ass off,talked some stuffs. aye,it was fun lar!=) then SAME few ppl,but this time with donovan(some sec4 and peiying joined us. with ohyes,you wei! haha! ate at fooodcourt. my food so much. frggin full la! lol [: decided to walk arnd NP once again! was bored. duh LOL! decided to find identity fer us sec4s fer sc camp. decide to call us SIRS and MAAMS in the camp. like wooo! haha.sadist-_ tmr's carwash-ing day! cum xmas partay at Raffles jc! cant wait! ;D got some info wrongly passed down. but yea,nvm lar. lol hope everything goes well tmr aye! ndand hope deres HOT HOT guys at the party or sth? heeee. and I WANT SAM TO GO,TOO PLEASE. *prays to god* heh aliff aziz is superduper cute lar. hes killing me with his friggin cute look! LOL! HES MINE! HAHAHAHA! random. lol :) i miss you too,fasihah! -in reply to ur sms. haha. :D and i superduper miss you,too. 8 MORE DAYS!, car-wash this sat!, i miss you..
Thursday, December 06, 2007
today is a dumb day. haha!went to sch with sam to collect books. i was in home clothes and i got shoooed out. LOL! but nevertheless,managed to get in. wooooo! haha :) sam was wearing pe,so i exchanged shirts with her just to get in the bloody office,to grab some shitty form. got nagged at,by the friggin office wth. lol stole a candy or two!n da werds in my sweet wrapper doesnt make any sense-_- under FAS thingy. gt everything for free. woooo! haha! ate at Mac,at Causeway point. (yes, i think ive been going there everday after sch man! haha bored of friggin np lar. so small. aiyo. heee. went to starbucks,talked bout boyfiesyndrom and stuffs=) den lalala. went home. sleeeeept. until duno wht time. wen to yishun lib. returned 3bloody overdued books. owe da friggin lib 60cents. bloody hell. LOL screw u! haha now gt new system; can borrom 8 to 16 books! WOOO! went nuts,borrowed 4 MORE books. otw home,ate choc waffle. missed it. duno why. LOL! i love myself fer being random man ;D currently reading this book titled; a hopeless romantic. its like superduper nice lar.and i cant take my eyes of it!! hah! seriously relates to the kind of life im having. cant wait to show it to sam. haha! la la la. blog song is getting onto my nerve! LOL! but its still NICE LAR! heh (: gt a mail from msjuny b0ut the carwashing thingy this sat. sounds superduper fun. i cnt wait! lol and theres gna be this CHRISTMAS PARTY straight after tht! its like I WANA GO LAR! AND ILL DANCE MY ASS OFF! lol was talking to kak pah about it! like,hope theres hot GUYS there! HAHA! aye,im going nuts. 8 mre days to rahimi being back. damn u,asshole. LOL and i was thinking of killing him. gone fer good? ayeeee,dats worse! nono! haha. i fell fer you. and dats when everything started to go wrong. pack room!, its raining lar!, and i miss you ):
Wednesday, December 05, 2007 is superduper boring can?went to sch in the morning to pack/unpack(whichever u want ah) the friggin council MANY turned up sey.LOL thats so sarcastic in case you well,dont know :) packed the room. and stuffs. blabla. ate longjohn(aka my fav at BK. long story. lol then the 7 of us;me,sam,khai,susu,bestfriend,aidil and kakyah! we were so idiotic la. walked arnd Northpoint. then nth to do,ended up at Causeway point. haha! wanted to catch a movie but err,duno fickledminded!=X went to METRO,once again to check out on the prom dresses! ha wasnt in the mood. well,read the previous post? heh and erm the boyfiesyndrome is getting to me. HAHA! i duno. sigh. just feel so,erm lonely? grrr rahimi's gone fer his camp thingy. danial's still in his friggin OBS. and yes,so im talking to myself on msn -_-. homeworks still not touched. MAMPOS! lol and it rained nonstop. but now,it stopped. just whn i planned to play in the rain,gah! lol aye,look! its not my fault i fell fer him! gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! sigh addicted to this song. currently playing!. thanks to kak pah i have it! wooooo! haha :) and life is a Nightmare! :)
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
woke up. stare in blank space. more fights.was wishing that i could just vanish into thin air,or sth-_- please lar.give me a break,can?wake up only,already fight.WTH.ha want to go out,also argue.shampoo finish also then suddenly was using lappy,bro came back.asked me play sis's. then fight lar bout connection all. like wth! i dont care la! gahhh! then mum gna cut my hp line. next year,january): siggh. must find a way,to well work sth out.speaking of work,im finding one. superduper need the money badly.fer friggin health. haha! rahimi is going fer his camp thingy fer 9 bloody days. which means i'd have 9days of talking to myself on msn-_- okay,thats awful lar! hahaha. ahhh,nvm ill find a way. all the BEST dude! and im gona miss you! woooooo! haha :) im coughing. like nobody's business. family is under superduper wheres that idiot when you friggin neeed him? URGH i so,so need someone to talk to,on the phone lar. sigh. no matter what,im still HIGH la. :) duno why, lol theres council meeting tmr and friday. duno wad shit lar. screw council can? no,really.not in the moood fer school. argh! . . . . . cos it feels empty without your smses,phone calls. and mostly,you. did i do something wrong? or issit..hmm,just me again? sigh. i superduper and once again,i SHOULDNT. grrrr! screw me lar. hmph Simple Plan - I'm Just A Kid I woke up it was 7 I waited til 11 Just to figure out that no one would call I think I've got a lot of friends But I don't hear from them What's another night all alone When you're spending every day on your own And here it goes I'm just a kid And life is a nightmare I'm just a kid I know that it's not fair Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me And maybe when the night is dead I'll crawl into my bed staring at these 4 walls again I'll try to think about the last time I had a good time Everyone's got somewhere to go & they're gonna leave me here on my own And here it goes I'm just a kid And life is a nightmare I'm just a kid I know that it's not fair Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me What the hell is wrong with me Don't fit in with anybody How did this happen to me? Wide awake I'm bored & I can't fall asleep And every night is the worst night ever I'm just a kid I'm just a kid I'm just a kid I'm just a kid I'm just a kid I'm just a kid And life is a nightmare I'm just a kid I know that it's not fair Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is Nobody wants to be alone in the world I'm just a kid And life is a nightmare I'm just a kid I know that it's not fair Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is Nobody wants to be alone in the world Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me tonight I'm all alone tonight Nobody cares tonight Cause I'm just a kid tonight ---------- ku enggan bercinta lagi ):3.<> then i realise,my fairytale is never going to happen.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
im coughing non-stop right now.bugger sey.=Cand im superduper pissed with my dad and bro. dad fer being such a pain in the ass.he should just go marry a bloody atm machine or seriously sey. and bro,well he should just die knocked dwn by a friggin lorry. and no,i aint sadistic.they bloody hell deserve it la please. and i got shouted at.fer nothing.fer helping my mum-_- i just returned from buying some food fer da family. like WOAH. every inch of me is seriously wishing tht im dead by now.period. madrasah exam was okay.super easy actually.if i'd finished studying=X was given an hour.everyone completed it in like 20mins or less.ha halfway thru.muthe smsed.said he cant meet me.errm.yaye? haha! and it felt FOREVER for my ustazah to say 'pass dwn ur scripts' and all.grr anyway,was at the bus-stop.daydreaming and at the same time cursing my frigging family for the shits tht i went thru in the morning. then sudenly this guy went up to me and snap his fingers,and i was like WTH!? lol. and its tht friggin muthe. hahaha! so i did meet him,n yeah thts all la (: speaking of that irritant,i was sleeping so nicely la ytd night. when he CALLED me at 12pm ++. the wind was so power and all. and he had to kacau my sleep! haha. den he said sorry and all. but yeah. since im awake,im the type who cant sleep back. yeah. hell la LOL talked to him on the phone,studied my madrasah thingy at the same time. finished talking at arnd 2am plus.he said he canot tahan. haha! idiot heard tmr is the sec4s prom? like woooooo! but too bad its not mine! or ill be superduper nervous right now. ha :) andai ku dapat pilih emas permata, kupilih senyuman mu. them. my LOVE (:
Saturday, December 01, 2007
aha.just like ive promised? pictures time! LOLso here are daaaaaaa awesome pics tht we took this afternoon :) ![]() successfully scanned my neos,usin my sucky scanner!:DD and my EYES! 2 lines -__-. lol
today. saturday,1 December 2007. was supposed to wake up at 6. but woke up instead at 6.38 was superduper pissed off with myself la.rushed like one hell of and idiot.met sam outside the school instead of usual plan. mood wasnt that gd.but well okay in a mess,thts i changed into erm a mre 'garang' nco.felt nice actually to like once in a while,shout at them and all(fer da right reasons la.duh) and hell no,i aint sadistic!and i took muthe's advice. just use monotone voice really of the sec1s was seriously shivering when i talked to her.felt super guilty. like was i really THAT fierce?like cmon la.i dont scold fer SOME ncos were playing arnd while da rest wanted to keep up the stern thingy. felt so friggin pissed with them,and i went to eat nasilemak.HA packed up room.blabla.some ppl gt angry,pissed.or wadever la. hah,it is SO my squadmates la (: so after training(which felt like an eternity,no really), me,sam,sylvia,husna,umang2,bushy and pe ah went to have our lunch at long john silver.(yes,we're at yishun,wht u expect!?hah) talked like some crazy idiots.den walked arnd NP and took some neos. 7 of us were like really crazy la.shouting and pushing each other.LOL and we crammed ourselves in this tiny corner,while trying to edit the pics.haha it was really,really funny la.and the pics turned out,well GREAT i guess! the editings (by sylvia and bushy) was awesome,as well! : DD ahh and so im gna post the pics in the NEXT entry cos well. yeah its easier that way laaa. i guess so. lol :) and NOCTURNAL ASS's having his madrasah exam like now? so well,good luck DONKEY/ASSHOLE/IDIOT :) ! day before ytd. thursday,29 November 2007. hmm.thurs got what ah? lol. hm. ahh nth much la. rotted at home. studied my madrasah exam-__- and yeah,talked to muthe aka donkey fr 12midnight to arnd 4am? LOL 6years never talk leh.of course alot of shit to crap la :) and hes still the asshole whom i knw in pri3.tht bugger who kacau me til i give up and leave me amazingly speechless.LOL yesterday.friday,30 November 2007. planned to go fer a run in the morning. but since, i was too freaking tired to wake up cos stayed up so late ytd night(:, i woke up and yeah planned to go out with sam,too! =) bt ended up watching movie 'Enchanted' with sam,aidil and dan -__- LOL aidil (or issit dan) blanja-ed me so YEAH! free tics! woo! lol it was a really,really awesome movie la.i mean esp fer girls.doubt any guy esp dan and aidil understand wth was going on.they looked so blur. haha! it was like bout this princess fairytale thingy.ive never liked them tht much wen i was small or anything like dat,bt i still find it amazingly NICE :) and i told sam,before the movie tht i would NOT fall fer any ass fer a period of time(she'll pay me,too!lol) but after watching the movie,its NOT helping at all la! i just feel like singing and dancing(just liek da friggin princess in the movie) everywhere i go. nt really la. in short,i just want my fairytale to be here. SOOON. lol and how my wish my boyfie is as sweet and as romantic as tht friggin prince edward :D ate nachos(so little,yet so ex!lol) and some popcorn. den dan and aidil went to timez0ne,while sam and i went to Metro. we checked out some of the prom dresses there.LOL nth better to do la. and thanks to her,im seriously cant wait fer MY prom to come. evnthough i knw i wont have a friggin date fer it but yeah! da dresses are like so preetaye la! and ive never worn one before in my life,okay! LOL (: took some pictures. like some idiots.but wth. we're still kids la okay=) dan was not in a really good mood.dont ask me why.dont want to explain went home.dreamed bout whn my friggin prince would suddenly 'appear'. ha watched Like Mike. was pretty bored. not much shows. muthe called again. talked fr 12(or is it 1am?) to er 3+ am? i had np so i seriously neeeded the slp.besides,he sounded like he was goin to die anytime like tht sey on the phone.tht watched Supernatural with him.still dont like it la.find it crap.ha! conclusion;hes the most irritating irritant in the WHOLE wide world la. insisted that i owe him a few treats. like wth. muke tak tahu malu. LOL he sang (like a frog) tune-lessly on the least,i was entertained :DD and i managed to sleep at only arnd 4am plus thanks to my beloved cough=C pssssssssst,im superduper sorry if the dates of my entries are like friggin messy.cos ahh,duno la how i blog also.haha! he's my true love love/heart's desire. my other half. i fell for him in just a day. no really! it really was just A DAY! so close,yet so far. -Enchanted :)