his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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random vids yaw! :)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
wooo! some of the vids i took this week. cept fer the last one-taken by sylvia.duno whn.haha starring some of thee beloved ncos. LOL ENJOY! :)
Labels: videeeos are LOVED i feel so welfare-ish. ha (X
school was okay,i guess.dint go dwn fer recess.was mugging fer emaths got 15/21. wooo! not bad. LOL danial gt 16. freaking idiot. haha :) went to lunch with tsunami at kfc.cos cca only starts at 2-2.15. heh talked crap.laughed our asses off. thee usual stuffs la eh. hahaha. had np.the ncos randomly took a piece of paper and see who had to be the devil,angel or neutral.i got the D= devil. and i was like WAH! lol pe ah got Neutral and kak pah gt Angel! argh! so unfair la. im such a nice person so yeah,being the devil i was supposed to be, i tried my super best NOT to smile. garangg face all thee way man! lol cept fer some parts la.sing-a-long n water parade? heh ferst part was okay,reporting(damn slooow.yawns) den water parade(like gay then teach them the RIGHT way of being in pumping position. like cool la. haha then divided into 4grps. took BELOVED grp1. :) they really rock laa! taught senang diri and sedia.almost vomitted blood considering the kind of impatient person i am. LOL but yeah,they've pretty much improved la,thnks to yourstruly:) they had a pretty good laugh.laughing at each other shoutings and see-dia. but i still managed to maintain a straight face. maintain ain! hahaha and mr shaiful aka thee person who almost made me deaf thanks to his LOUD voice is super cute laaa. and i purposely sabo-ed him during sing-along. woooo! and pe ah apparently likes him,too. but yeah whtever. HE'S MINE! lol after all,he WAS in my group.and so he like me more than he like you,anyway=)HA! okok, childish can we get? LOL and she claimed tht her boyfie ran past us a few times. like,hes MINE laa! haha! then i was the cruel nco who knock it dwn + recover them a couple of times till their reaction was much,much better. (to my surprise.haha) we screamt at them,blabla fer almost everything la.adjust w/o permission and all. but they still dont really understand my sarcasm.sad case.must try to improve.LOL ------ then had a casualty.fever but still come training. enthu mah. hahaa she was weak zhihao sir and i were FORCED(read it cleeearly) by mas to send her home. how evil can she get! when i want to have dinner with the rest of the ncos!? ARGH so this izzah had 3 bodyguards sending her home. super cool right? haha. walked her till her doorstep and found out tht parent wont be in til only bout 12pm? so were like OMG and decided to show true welfare by cooking for her and washing up some dishes. i filled the pot with water,mas did the rest of the cooking (MAGGIE MEE,duh.wht else?lol!) i washed the dishes,zhihao sir used eye power. hahah then thrs a baby cockroach at the sink.i freaked out.told mas and zhihao and they freaked out even MORE.mas was cursing it. LOL damn funny la. how pathetic can we get?hahaha!and izzah just took the thing with her BARE hands, laughed at us and threw it away.felt seriously then her sis came home. blabla.cooked already went off.crapped bout some stuffs. otw going home,saw this super nice view of the clouds. picture above wasnt very clear but yeah super nice mas and i took picture of it. lol and zhihao sir want to take pics so yeah. weird,random guy :) then HOME SWEEET HOME! :D whtever the reason,liking a guy who's already taken is a recipe for horror. but how to stop liking a person you like? even if you know your psychotic,messed-up heart is only playing tricks on you? ag, teenage angst. roses are red, violets are blue chivalrous's dead, but you're kinda cute ;D thee leopards and sec3 are coming back TODAY! woo. :) Labels: its called WELFARE la haha, sec1s are wooooo this is my 200th post! woo! :)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
ahh olevels results were out at arnd 2 today.was helping mr teo wit his ex-class,4e3.(hes MY form cher,so!) was having mixed feelings.some were screaming their asses off while there were others who were wailing,even before taking their result. and it makes me wonder how i would be like a few more months to come. like,would i scream and jump fer joy?or cry myself blind? arggh. wishful thinking.i HATE thinking how i would be,taking my OWN results. sure,i was pretty high just nw,shaking alot of ppl's hands.smiling like an ass :) still,my turn was definitely going to come.and im so not ready to face it.not yet. argh,the anxiety of taking o's and wht more getting back the results. oh my. i think i might just pee in my pants(or sth). ha. the experience was definitely an eye-opener for me.the consequences which will be awaiting for me if i were to make the wrong decision now. like if i were to just slack and stuffs,i might just faint and die on da spot when i get my results back.and thee not worth is. (ego laa,LOL) which means,i wont be using the lappy fer a long,loong time. unless necessary. hahaha. and il be super motivated now. if someone in the tail-end class of express can be a 10-pointer,WHY CANT I!? its all seriously,in the mind. if i think i can, I CAN! :) n nt forgetting my cls motto! today's effort,tomorrow's success! so,soo true laa :D heh which means,i gotta stop daydreaming bout guys,food or whtever and no,i pledge tht i will definitely NOT have a boyfriend. no matter how tempting or irresistable tht idiot can get!(resist ain,RESIST!ha) not until after,my darling o's.which is going to be here,sooner than i thought. or even if i DO have one,he'll have to study with me every single time we hang out and teach me whn im in need.LOL (okay i knw i sound like a lil kid,but yeah!) so yeah,rules and regulations apply ppl! hahahaha. anyway went home with him. :D ate and studied A LIL. lol okok,gotta go now. needa mug for tmr's e maths revision test. and study mrteo's super ALOT vocab werds and pure geog hwk.(phew!) i HAVE to get this in my friggin coconut; whther i like it or not,i HAVE to love all the subjs tht im doing. cos when im interested,ill be more motivated and will do well! :) hah screw u upside down,ain. no seriously,screw you=) you said you'd call. but yeah,blatantly you didnt. like wtfhusht. eh no,i gotta stop being so vulgar. yes. cant believe you lied. and i believed once again. and i HAVE to stop thinking bout you. reason? one word; STUDIES. and argh,im still missing you, damn it. Labels: boyfie hahaha, i feel MOTIVATED laa sey it feels so wrong to feel so right.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
![]() ahh,miss those memories. we looked idiotic but wth :) ytd; yesterday was alrite i guess. except for the fact tht i was super pissed when i found out tht we had to took ferst-aid retest.cos most of us cheated in the ferst one. HA so bloody last min,can?told at 6am and we dont have our notes with us! so yeah,bad baad morning man. lol lessons were alrite i guess. had our eng paper 1,term test.hoped i did OKAY.esp fer part 1:) was terribly disturbed by the np sec3s doing their warfront cheer over and OVER again.yes,repeatedly mind you!and there i was trying to put my head into the bloody paper.and np kept popping into my head. lol did ferst aid re-test. was stupid to me la.they gave us a scenario. and ask us to list out da things tht we have to do as an anyway,my drawing still sucks.and i HOPE the cis understand my handwriting=) played on the swing with kakpah,umang,sam, zhihao sir.crapped n stuffs. took a superduper funny vid of us screaming our asses off as if we were on the rollercoaster and all. damn idiotic la,but yeah,damn funny.LOL den waited fer a while. blabla. went home with him. wooo. :) today; friggin leopards(lol) went off to the sec3 camp in the morning. im so gonna miss them and my beloved juniors;esp FASIHAH! did the pledge was super slow and painful.(as quoted fr jarratt.HA) which is true la.i sounded super if i was dying like that. hahaha screw myself upside down for that laa.damn paiseh.even mrtay said i duno. perhaps i was thinking too much,after waving goodbye to the sec3s all. god knows why i felt so sad when they went off. felt rather..empty. after they something's missing? ah,yes. like,ah duno wht to say la. and somemre some ppl smsed me before going off.made me feel so...URGH!lol so today u can say tht danial and i had a pretty sad day la. he missed his iknowwho.and fer me,i duno la. perhaps,i just miss him?argh he kept asking me what they might doing almost every min laa. and i couldnt really put my head into wadever thts taught today.kinda wasted. esp hist.i totally blocked my mind on whtever war shit la. LOL and dan even said,"now den i realise how much i miss aidil" .like HAHAH cos he was like super alone la,lunch and after sch.and no one wanted to accompany him to go to toilet anymore and all that. haha! weirdo laa. so yeah,weird2 day today. mood totally changed. god knows why. argh and did i mention tht i woke loser up at 4.30am!? like WOAH when he has always been the one being my alarm clock. LOL then i slept back n asked him to wake me up. fair. hahah talked on the phone with him until arnd 12. cos the idiot needa sleep. so pathetic right? LOL okok. well,i guess i better go now. have amaths hwk to do,puregeog and physics test to study for. like urggggggh! oh wth. life's a bitch! lol --------- i felt totally empty after you left. like something's missing. it was as if,you had taken my heart with you (or sth). and you'd promised to sms me every night and i really hope tht you will do so :) -then i gt slapped in the face by reality. that falling for you was never meant to be. that perhaps,all this is;infatuation,stupid teenage crush. and tht as far as im concern,i shouldnt be having these feelings. argh,how can i be so bloody naive!? just so you know, i miss you.. why does it feels so wrong to feel so right? and i kept smelling your smell! lol Labels: imy still, naivity kills Monday, January 21, 2008
argh,you're just another one of of those bastards,who dont deserve to live. npcc gt humiliated publicly fer sth we might not have done. got my heart broken(no,shattered is wht it seems),a day before my eng paper 1. how worse can my day get? thought you cared, those sweets nothings are apparently bullshit. just so you know; ily. and i still do. (i might just turn into a nun or sth man,one day. lol!) Labels: ouch.): the bitch's depressed. lol!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
im officially sick and depressed.did i mention how super hungry i am,also? lol i so,so WANT to watch P.S. I Love You la! ive just watched the trailer (thanks to fasihah fer da link! [: ) and i think its a super funny show laaa. hahaha! how i wish some idiot would just ask me out fer a date on v-day and ill simply force him to blanja me watch the show. LOL DEAREST (imaginary) boyfriend, i know you love me,so please ask me to watch thee show. and yes,dont forget a nice candle-lit dinner also,yeah? love, me :) HAHA! okay,thts all. todays a super boring day,so yeah. shall blog when i promises :) ill love you,more than that and i know what to get rahimi fer his birthday already! so wooooooo! im proud of myself maan. haha! and and,lets hope theres time :D Labels: ps i love you (I WANT WATCH LA) Saturday, January 19, 2008
ahh,dont want my entries to be too wordy, so ill try to upload as much pics alrite :) anyway had staff test today. think im gna flunk it. argh was too tired-cum-sleepy,hungry,freaking cramp.and so i cock up pretty alot. there goes my ONLY chance of getting another freaking rank before stepping dwn. my shouting was..err. horrigible. lol i duno lah. anyway it was pretty slack la. but still! im so gonna flunk it. and tht includes the theory pasrt + ferst aid. LOL and i still col myself a professional medic.hahaha!ohwell,nobodys perfect aye :) ha anyway had a terrible cramp in the morning.ate a few panadols. it worked man.HAHA! at least i dint faint or anything like tht,considering the fact tht i slept at 2am and came back home only at 10pm ytd,thanks to beloved sec1 ptr.daamn. things happened,both family & sc and i simply broke down. fuck you,weakling. and i almost cried,thinking tht i would not be able to finish studying my theory. but yeah,cont in the morning anyway.besides,ferst aid was craaaap la! lol speaking of tht,we were supposed to draw 2 types of bandages or whtever shit ah,i got so fed up,i simply drew 2 stickmen and labeled the different parts to be bandaged.LOL and i gotta admit,no one was really doing their OWN papers. hahah,typical man. just like sam and i,we kept talking to each nobodys business.haha [: ppl broke down either due to hyperventilation(lol) or stress today. yes thts how pressured we are man.given only less than 1 month fer this test. not mentioning the amt of werk we have fer our own sch shits.its like ARGH la! all i need is a break,please? sigh,but yeah whtever in yt-_. and we were like seriously happy la,after so many trainings,our hardwerk, being demoted & screwed by the CIs all,we still did manage to survive up to this day! im seriously proud of ourselves la. 22nd batch of ncos,rocking on always man!:) i simply love staff-to-be sec FOURS :) and even if i fail,i guess all tht matters is what we have attained as a squad,n not as an individual. =D (eventho it sure will look nicer with a staff rank whn i POP! haiz. ha) 1 april is my rod night! omg! why am i even counting down!? argh im sure not getting any younger as time goes by. lol as incredible as it sounds,all i ate for today was a measly sundae icecream:) believe it or not is 7.18pm and im STILL not hungry. and i seriously wonder why la. perhaps,its just my mood. sigh. and for another reason; ive no money.freaking broke.(in other werds;need to werk!lol) go ahead,and tell me that ill be fine. cos nothing seemed to be going right. its all a mess. heck,no im a mess. im sick of this. i miss you deiix. argh Thursday, January 17, 2008
Tuesday, 15 january 2008; ssgt training (again!) training was okay,i guess. repeated the same shits over and over. found a last min change in some of the rifle drills. was pissed. LOL received full info fer ssgt test;ferst aid + muster parade + ceremonial thingy. and but of course rifle drills and giving of commands.& slow march! ended pretty EARLY,u can say.5plus?cos we have hwks and tests to learn,okay!lol so me,sam,peah and some others decided to stay back to do hwks/study. guaikia-s whaat :) hahaha! ohwell,we were so stressed out,we sang and screamt our lungs out like nobodys' business. tht is called STRESSED,damn it.haha! as u can see from the ferst pic;it showed how terribly hungry we were till we actually made the friggin vending machine RICH man.seriously :) LOL and saam was soo concentrating doing her stuffs (refer to pic 2,thank you[: ) had serious difficulty in balancing during slow march. till pang thought i was actually fainting and all. like wth. LOL! and ohya,the weather was sickening.bloody,freaking sun! arggh! studied,asked kakyah to teach me AMATHS/PHYSICS,laughed my ass off with pe ah crapping almost anything we can talk and laugh about.HA den go home! and he sent me home. heh its been long man! haha :) wednesday,16 january 2008 ; normal.irritating school day. ended sch at 4.yz went off ferst.waited fer sam cos her lessons end at 5. did some of my hwks while waiting.then these 2 idiots come disturbing me. ARGH.who else but dan and aidil-_.they're seriously the most irritating irritants in the whole wide universe maaan! LOL dan and i competed on who can do the eng ws faster. and the ONLY reason,why he beat me was because he was a cheater bug! never play fair lor!he took my paper and did his,aidil distracted me by blasting super irritating and loud music to my ear and dan also took my pen.told u. haha and just so you know,the pic above is WITH his consent. haha! (: today, 17 january 2008 ahhh. did the usual stuffs. stayed back to do some work. stupid aidil taught me some amaths stuffs. but he sucks so yeah. LOL my stalker was there,somehow or rather.god knows why he was THERE.hah and pe ah and bushy were like giving me THAT look.argh,screw them.haha! at least,he dint follow me home or anything like that. :) and aidil told me tht,stalker told him tht he wana know bout me and i went -_. like wtfgushz5zxhoi5n?! hahahaha! ohwell,love is blind. besides,hes only 13! LOL ohwell,tmr LAST training fer ssgt. gotta do my best and stop playing arnd. have a maths test tmr also,wish me luck peepol! :) and tons of hwks to hand in tmr. bloody hell! LOL and i still dont really get differentiation la! sigh. screw myself upside down.ha ohwell,thts it. and thanks fasihah fer the seaweeed! loves! :D THIS BITCH GOTTA STOP FOOLING AROUND AND HAVE TO START MUGGING HER ASS OFF. RIGHT ABOUT..NOW! -PERIOD. :) WHICH MEANS YOU WONT BE ABLE TO SEE ME ONLINE. FER A LONG,LONG TIME. IF I CAN HELP IT,THT IS. LOL i have to stop thinking bout you!
random,random pic! :)
Monday, January 14, 2008
![]() -woooooo! a RANDOM,unknown guy with the SAME name as me. i mean,like wtfhijszdr! can you believe it! HA! how awesome can it get maaaan! LOL :) and fasihah even claims tht hes HOT. haha! (picture credits to dearest fasihah who still owes me a packet of seaweed[:) Labels: same name as mua LOL and the stars are falling all for us.
ahh.simply had no mood to go to school today.ferst thing;weather was AWESOME to sleep. lol and still pretty exhausted laa. why oh why must the weekends be so frigging SHORT!? argh! LOL and my motivation is no longer in school already. it figures now eh? :) had alot of hwks (ARGH!), still dont get bloody amaths_- (hate myself fer being dumb!) and had friggin beep test.sucked badly maan. gt only a 6. plus! like wtfhsbhsr! haha! all i could think about was to just survive thru da darn test! seriously man. lol and esp wen doc says i shouldnt run fer more den 4. like how pathetic can i get? :( but wth la.i dont care.just continued until 6plus till i could hardly breathe. im so wishing fer a much more blessed heart and lungs,next christmas :) i thought i was just gna fall flat on the ground and die when it only at the 4plus. i was seriously mentally cursing myself at tht point of time.weakling! lol and thank you SO MUCH to those who actually cheered me on,tho i had somehow or another disappointed you people. argh,like i say screw my idiotic organs=X sam was sick(in the head,thts wht SHE said.HA) and yz went off early as her lessons ended at 3. so unfair la damn it! lol so was a loner after pe, trying to find a way not to get wet by the super heavy rain. ps;I DIDNT SING,OKAY! lol i swear,damn it!lol so decided to went home with dan and aidil.better than being a loner,any day!=) aidil was kind enough to lend his jacket(wooo!) which strangely smells like rahimi! no man,im serious! argh,nvm. haha and dan was erm playing arnd with the blown -up plastic put the umbrella when wet tht one.wht ever you call it [: they went to eat and study. i went off ferst,wasnt feeling well. ladeda 804 bus queue was AMAZINGLY yet,unshockingly took 806,instead. met kamal,tht idiot. LOL walked home together since he live just opp me.hah now at home,am burning pretty bad right now. screw you rain. and flu is nonetheless getting any better. damn it. and and theres ssgt training tmr,LAST MINUTE somemore. DAMN! cos i don think ill have enough energy to polish my boots,and finish my hwks by tonight. but ohwell,thts wht life in np is all about so used to it. heh did i mention 4/5 class motto has been changed to 'today's effort,tomorrow's success' ? pretty cool i guess.with mrteo and mrs ong's consent that and our class tshirt is so gna be YELLOW in colour! LOL even mrteo wants it to be so! SO YEAH! wooooo! we'll look like bananas! HA :) argh okay,im exhausted. gotta start doing my hwks now. and then prepare fer friggin np tmr. sigh,ill trade anything just fer a better life. than this. im so so burning man! lol once again,you're emotion-less. perhaps,i should just stop blogging. sigh Labels: ily and still do, im sick ARGH that's only something love can do :)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
friday, 11 january 2008; new sec1s! wooooooo! ;D ahh lets see. on fri.ahhh new sec1s came in.43 of them. and yes obviously,by saying this;i am officially a sec1 nco. god knows why they like to put me so much with the sec1s.fated,i guess-_ ohwells,they were a bunch of noisy kids who can never listen to us man. took like an oodle of my patience and projecting of voice just to get their attention. adjutant is zhihao sir (wooooo!) and training head is beloved pe ah.not forgetting admin;kak pah!so yeah,could not be ANY happier,being under them man!(: the rest of the ccas gave us THAT look wen they know of our intake of sec1s. like its OUR freaking fault tht unoewho is so bloody biased and all!i mean like WTH! 'fetched' the sec1s from the hall.missed ssgt training.kinda sad.): ha went to 3/3 lim talked to them.mas asked us to plaid our hair.-_ mas briefed us on the sec1's events.then we introduced ourselves to the sec1s. talked to them bout the basic stuffs in attire,calling us sirs/maams and all.. it was so impromptu la fer the ncos.i just randomly picked a marker and wrote things on the whiteboard. and inculded in wadever thts necessary. lol then played games.was panicking cos the hall;which is our venue was obviously filled with vb boys,table tennis people and all.kinda irritated.cos we dint 'look into the future' and all tht crap,wn such a thing i ran arnd the bloody huge sch. in search of a pathetic place thts big enough fer 43 me man,it sucks!lol asked rahimi fer help cos he was walking scolded instead fer saying 'shit' cos he said it was a vulgarity.and fer not being a gd nco which is to think fast2 and to have a back up plan beforehand.bla2 sth like that imagine i was so innocent,just wanted to ask fer help and thts wht i got. i was like 'WTFHBSRDG' in my head and curse myself fer asking him. it was simply a huge regret.LOL walked away,since it wasnt much of a help from him anyway.(HA) but i found a place by myself man! i was observant enough to spot an empty classroom which is not used by any cca.and so yeah! damn lucky.was so happy laa :) haha! played a few games,which ive never heard of in my life.credits to melissa. lol had fun,blabla taught them more on how to stand,all tht. blabla. introduced more ncos to them and all. ahh then debrief.met ms lim who's their TO. and go hooooome! (: well,i guess i kinda like this batch more then the hard feelings but yea. seem to like them more la.perhaps,cos ive bonded with most of them during sec1 orientation so i know them even better? haha,perhaps [: saturday,12 january 2008 ; ssgt training. temasek poly openhouse! (: kinda self training.but not really also la,cos jinglin was there to guide us. practised slow march,rifle drills and do the same thing over and over again. it was seriously tiring to me la.cos i duno man slow march just take so much of my bloody energy and i still cant even BALANCE my self well! ARGH! how irritating can it get man! and fathin and all kept laughing at me.kns LOL :) was particularly exhausted.even up to the last 15mins of training. decided to do static drills. HA then had an impromptu muster parade. received 2 new badges.wooooooo! and i accidentally salute-d the damn!lol then blabla. 4/7 ppl went off. a small,pathetic grp of ppl left. continued with our self training. peah's eye kept twitching by itself. haha! dismissed at 12.30! woooohooo! haha! went to eat with umang2,pe ah and kakpah! beloveds pe ah blanjaed me,cos she gt her pay. haha. thanks la dei! [: ------------- went to john little(i think,lol!) and sprayed some perfume on ourselves since we smell pretty bad after our training. LOL they went off to sp. i went home,changed into a new set of clothes. met dan and sam at city hall. went all the way to bedok. aidil was waiting fer us there. took the 69 bus,if i was not was raining.and i asked stupid qns.duno y.LOL reached in about 10 mins time. the school was simply HUGE man! it suck fer a reason;the school drainage system man.cos it was raining heavily and it was damn flooded.ha! but really cool la the courses they offer there.a really happening sch with ppl dancing arnd all,and the pop music they played is SO my type. haha! and received a huge bag with many many things inside! lol i love it okay! (: gona bring it to sch one day! haha! but its KINDA too big fer me-_ or just tht,im small): walked arnd the huge sch.dan was tired,so fast. irritating and ohya! i met my primary sch fren.hes like soooooo tall. i have to like seriously LOOK UP in order to talk to him. arnd 1.8plus i guess? liek wth man! cant believe he still remember and can recognise me! ha! and met these other 4 mats from the sch. blabla. too lazy to explain what had happened. lol sam badly wanted to get the 'i am..' tshirt. LOL which is cool,tht i gotta agree=) thank you aidil fer getting me that candy floss!lol but it really wasnt necessary la. then blabla. thats all. went home. looong journey man. crapped with the 2 of dem. talked bout prom and questioned dan bout it all. hahaha! ---- went to da shop near my house there. met another pri sch fren of mine;shazeman. whom ive totally forgotten his name cos wasnt really close to him. suddenly asked which pri sch i was from. and he asked fer my no. and blabla. (: we smsed.nice guy.typical mat.he and his breakdancing routines.ha den blabla. okay,better stop now. tooooo long an entry already da! haha :) and and, thank you la fasihah for the seaweed! -on fri tht one! =D confessions of the day; i miss your smell. those days you walk me home. those days tht seem to last forever. those days tht no longer seem to exist. just so you know. i simply miss everthing tht is,about you :) its as if my heart knows; you're the missing piece Labels: HELLO sec1s :), imy, ssgt training was FUYO, tp simply rocks;D smiles,tears,lies. cheers to the teenage years
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
ahh so,school was normal stuffs i guess.hectic,tiring,sleepy,boring,stressful and its like so school-ish la. lol and im still irritated by the stupid stairs of the friggin huge sch.ARGH! ha went to sch alone.reach by 6.45.friggin early la.somemore today flexi. cos needa see mrs ong,cos missed one lesson on A maths Differentiation. kanasai la.taught us fer like 30mins only cos she had a meeting. and so i was a loner,but thank god,bastard was there=)drank milo and 'hung out' with him in his bb room talking bout anything under the sun (: hah waited fer the other two idiots to come.LOL :) then accompanied khai to take the pledge fer mic was and i swear,he was flirting with me la just now okay!in the office! HAHA [: ask aidil and khaai! they were there! they'll be my erm witnesses! wooo! hah den blabla. puregeog was erm getting boring-er as time passes had a really TOUGH time staying awake during hist. just couldnt take it. thank god louise was sitting behind and he kept buggin me.kicking my chair all. so yeah i was WIDE AWAKE,thanks to him.haha! :) and god bless,fer da strepsils which i depended on to stay awake. ha eng,blatently is the BEST-test and most enjoyable lesson ever la can!eventho we studied bout skills fer compre,but i find it seriously useful and i love the comments mr teo wrote in my journal! so cute la he. haha! woooooo!=) and not forgetting to my bestfriend and kakpah,too! fer being AWESOME sitting partners,who never fails to talk to me at every available moment in his lesson :) HA and theres physics test tmr.i studied in school just now so YEAAH! lol and i needa study fer E and A maths later.revise through again. coconut rusty la.haha[X i needa see cikgu zahara tmr morning instead of just now after sch cos she couldnt make it. and erm meeting mrs ong fer maths after school tmr also. argh,tight schedule maan. just hope i dont suddenly fall asleep or anything like that. haha! and eh im hungry laa! :( screw myself upside down. tsk! lol A maths is EMO cos no one understands it :) SO,SO TRUE LA! lol anyway,FASIHAH OWES ME SEAWEEED LA! you cant run away from me maan! LOL woooooo! gna use some of da vocab werds which mrteo had taught us!LOL and erm pssssst! they all are from experiences okay! ha [= sarhan wielded my file around in class just now,in a disturbing manner i certainly detest to be forced to do menial work around here (at home) jarratt ong yan xiong has been an ingrate to his bestfriend. LOL danial and his preposterous behaviour has never failed to make me laugh :) to be relegated back to being cadets,is one of the hardest things that has ever happened to us. i was confounded when he confessed his feelings to me. my remitted love for you and argh,i think ive just broken someone's heart. didnt meant to. sorry i was such a bitch ): and i feel so..bad,can? gah. and I know I'll be ok even tho my skies are turning gray cuz you're my, true love, my whole heart, please don't throw that away. Labels: english lessons sooo rock:), my love for you, old-boring school, sorry ive been a bitch im a weirdo,enough said :)
Monday, January 07, 2008
ahhh.weird day.weird things happened.enough said. lots of hwks to do. ss diagnostic test tmr. did eng compo test just now. wrote craaaaap. LOL ohwells,wishing fer da best! haha :) and aidil changed his clothes in the canteen. imagine how disturbing it was. lol and theres ssgt training tmr. needa prepare. ARGH fugshit. lol and have a date with cikgu zahara and also pe ah. and danial wants to join in too,i guess -_ fer obvious reasons? haha! idi0t ;D awwwwh. rahimi. i miss talking to you,too! but now you and your ci-shits. HA ohwell,damn life :) and OHYA! ive grown shorter! and im superduper pissed with it.LOL i almost turned wth,every year,i SHRINK! ): arggggggggggh! alrite gtg. shoorrt post=) but it pains me even more, such a futile effort & being subservient has never helped,either. Labels: weird day, weird things happened x) thts when i love you,no matter what
Sunday, January 06, 2008
friday,4 january 2008' cca bazaar! us. toilet. wooooooo! =) dearest pe ah. love the blurred effect. LOL! okay,stupid shot. wasnt even ready. screw vic! haha! (: (ps;its not tht my camera sucks or wad.just that the cameraman sucks!LOL) ive so much to blog. i seriously dont even know where to begin. lol lets start with erm,cca bazaar? ahh,from the pics,im sure you can tell wad kind of day it was :) got to wear 'full-set' of badges and red sash with youwei. felt super happy.thanks to sieyouwei and pang laaa. LOL ahh did da usual stuffs. screamed (sth like at ppl to join np. dragged most of those whom i know,or who know me. haha =) god bless council. i know pretty much a no of them.and it makes it even blabla.rained.pds was AWESOME.really loved it! in my opinion, np and ncc got the MOST attention from the crowd. thank god fer the police vehicles la!LOL and the superduper loud mic or wadever you call it=)worked like a charm.ha took pictures as a squad(forced by whoelsebutsoh).LOL pretty cool la. was expecting the policemen who came to be hot or sth but yeah.disappointment da.haha! then took pictures. blablaaa. went to mac and ate. talked bout da shits dat's been happening in our squad. bought mum's bday cake and bloody ex present. went home! :) and ohya! was cutting mum's cake at home and all. wen mum and bro got in a fight-_ wad a bday. and so happening la can. lol sigh fucked up. ytd. saturday, 5 january 2008. ; torturing ssgt had ssgt training.and bloody muster parade.which we gt only one pathetic badge=X got screwed up early in the morning by the cis.fer almost everything under the sun. drill canes messy la.no1 uniform.being disciplined.yada2 and we gt demoted to SEC4 CADETS,and cadets can only call us ic. FUCK lol and and np room is banned to us thanks to my bloody mouth=X i felt seriously guilty.and i hate myself la fer saying tht 'we dint bother to' cept fot that it was the truth. i should stop being truthful in np i guess. haha being demoted was our fault.our disciplined sucked really2 bad. cant blame on anyone else but ourselves i guess.cos only 15 turned up. IMAGINE learnt a few new rifle drills.pretty cool la to me. and also slow march! woooo! haha and i kept losing my balance while doing and i even gt chest pain after awhile. weeeird.but i kept pressing on.dun wana show the cis how weak i can get. afterall,im an nco. throw face only sia. haha!fine,ego.wadever:) and and most of the things we gt scolded of wasnt even our fault. we knew nth bout it. and we were accused of being blind and deaf.and in need of virtual duno wad shit. god knows how pissed i was.everyone,actually.and cis dint even want to hear our reasons! i wanted to just purposely to over-exert myself or sth and blame it on them. but yeah.i was in a super bad into my old sense after awhile. kinda talked it all to jl. she sorta understand. like FINALLY someone gets it! lol so yeah.cursed dem all da way,while we were running to our destinations. had fun laughing with kakyah bout rahimi's command.da siku shit.LOL damn funny la! gt lectured by ____. talked so long sia. i swear,i almost dozed off. LOL i changed my sitting position like erm 5 times!? yes,bloody long -_. said he was disappointed in our squad.not respecting ci and all. yada2. and new np rules bout shirts and all. behaviour,all tht shits. was upset,cos it was all true.dun want my batch to worsen as time pass. sigh talked to the top5 fer awhile. ate. blabla. went home. slept. was awoken by danial. (idiot!) was sleeping super nice la. wen he called at 6plus. asked whether i can pass him the malay hwks and all tht. met him,aidil and fasihah at mac to pass the hwks. photocopied some stuffs. aidil blanjaed me fer tht. cos it was ex,mind you! THANK YOU LA! lol :) went to ljs.guys ate.i did my hwk.(not really.LOL) and fasihah was in her own world aidil did most of my eng hwks fer me. LOL he volunteered to help okay! so yeah.[: blabla. went home! pretty late. gt nagged at. lol and tmr's sch and im so not ready to face preparation fer o's. im not even in a rush to grw up la okay! but no choice. gah! being a sec4 sucks.esp wen ure in the canteen during recess,and ure the shortest in the queue. and this includes the secondary one students. -_ i hate myself fer a few exams coming up fer me this coming week. and still left with ss sbq (alil more),eng compo,compre and journal. quite a lot but hopefully can be done by tmr! wooooooo! if not im dead=X i miss him. but he have no feelings. so yeah,forget it la ain. refrain from guys! lol bleah! im sorry if i mislead u in anyway. never did i wish to break your heart da. and im still fucked up with my family ): Labels: cca bazaar, stupid life, TORTURE;ssgt training Tuesday, January 01, 2008
went to kj house to do homework.with jarratt,danial and aidil.(and kj,but of course[:) the guys talked more than they do work,OBVIOUSLY (X and i managed to do my emaaths!wooooo!only anyway was supposed to meet at 11,at admiralty. but i woke up friggin late.and was erm 20mins late.LOL anyway,danial was even LATER lor.half an hour late.haha and pooor jarratt who was on time. keke. kj's dad so kind.and cute.LOL gave us some keropoks and drinks :) den did out stuffs.dan asked stupid qns.(as usual.LOL) and kj and aidil was irritating me by staring at me so tht i cant concentrate on my friggin work.assholes i tell you.LOL anyway talked crap with them.time passed and it was arnd 2 plus. all of us sorta missed our decided to eat (: ate at admiralty there la but of course. talked bout some council,np random stuffs. laughed our asses off.and theres this weird family who kept staring at our food and us.i guess so creepy.LOL blabla. kj went off.da rest of us went to yishun. jarratt went off=( went to arcade with dan and aidil. played daytona.3 times! blanjaed by aidil :D hahaha! gt 2nd da ferst and second round. last round gt LAST!! and i used auto while da other 2 idiots used MANUAL! irritating.LOL and stupid aidil kept laughing at me.cos my car keep crashing into things.haha! den we played several games of PHOTOHUNT,all time fav (: pretty fun la play with da 2 idiots.dey were pretty sharp. but i pro-er la but of course. LOL craapped.laughed.dey made fun of me -_ and GO HOME! okay people im sorry its a little late,but anyway HAPPY NEW YEAAAAAAAR!! ;D finished my hwk. SORT OF! LOL er left with malay and eng compo. chem ws. and physics (alil more!). haha quite an achievement if u ask me :) gna do malay compo later. gna ignore da rest. hahaha and gna go down LATER and pass steph some of my hwks to her. wooooo! IM NICE LA CAAAN =) and like super busy right now.sending shits to ppl and this mat still gt time to menggatal with me on msn.freak.LOL and he asked fer my WOAAAAAH. HAHAHA. tsk! mats=) anyway,new year resolution; -no boyfieeeeeeeee! lol fer a year.hahha( yah right ain!) -concentrate more on studies and get GOOD grades fer darling o's :) -be a better donkey to iknowwho =D -STOP BEING SO COMMITTED TO NP AND COUNCIL;to use da time to study=( -to live life to the FULLLEST! so dat dere'll be absolute no regrets! haha! wahsey.not bad ah? lol anyway i gtg! BRO'S SCREAAAAAMING =X and and,! imyrs (: -go figure!and if u can,keep it to yourself! LOL ;D