his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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neesa!CROC♥! afrah ann khairiah susu ruzzie ruohannnnn li fen shubaa julia nabilah fasihah♥ kakpah(: umang2(: quan yi jessica wei qi jarratt muthe rahimi gwen lili hiu tung siti rahmat kamal atiqah Fushan FC 'o8 NADirah ((: azita ((: nur ((: jasmine mira ((: aidil jarratt-bestf! muhaimin♥ syafiqah pe ah (: drumrolls
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
PRACTICAL WAS OKAY! THANK GOODNESS! :)but still have a few stupid mistakes here and thr,so argh! met mr teo for english isg,den mdm saudah with sam fr ss :) i find mdm saudah ultra cute lah,the way she teach and all!=D tmr's ss and english,and its super stressful cos so MAAAANY shits to rmb for both subjects! argh,shitty life. lol just gona try my very best for tmr paper;esp compo and ss! and perhaps il be meeting cikguzahara fer malay and mrs g. ong fer maths if shes freeee! hahaha alrite,right now im like SUPER motivated to study lah! god knows why,but its a goooood thing,so yeah! (: i just hope that this BURNING DESIRE (chey!) to do well wont end just hre! and and area2 POP is on 17 may! :)) JU,I WAANT GO! haha. for obvious reasons,but of course. lol kay,people- wish me all THE BEEST! :DD Monday, April 21, 2008
school was supeeer hot and exhausting.for some super weird reason. gah. bloody weather. felt like a walking zombie after power nap. lol anyway,just now went to buy bubble tea. thought it was 1 buck,but wth,now its 1.20 -_- nvm the increase but was just shocked lar cos i hand $1 to the person alrd then i was like SHIT cos being the idiot that i am,whenever i wana buy things- ill bring the EXACT amount. duno la. habit i guess, lol. then i dig2 into my pouch fer the frigging 20c. then this cute lil malay boy (pri sch,based on the shirt hes wearing). he handed out a 20c coin for me,and i was like damn paiseh lar cos i must have looked goddamn pathetic digging fer a 20c coin=X but i went 'erm,nvmnvm. i have. heh' call it ego. hahaa found the 20c neway so yeah. the boy so nice lar! (: lol alright,chem and ss here i COME! :) zainal go study lar! lol i need a boyf. to carry my books for me these 2 days. cos ive to clear the bloody locker and desk, and im in an absolute mess! argh,sucks lar! LOL sigh,ohwells. (:
Sunday, April 20, 2008
fasihah took it. shes so obsessed with me. LOL YUMMMMEH! ((: I KNW YOU'RE JEALOUS! lol alright. went to wdls lib with dearest-fasihah. not boyf ah. just so you know. lol and erm studied chem and ss! (: (proof on top!) met irritating danial,loser and their gang thr. blabla. ate at macdonalds,studied a lil more. treat-ed myself to MUNCHY DONUTS! ((: they seriously make me smile la! =D heh. and fasihah cant stop laughing at me. i think ill make a pretty good clown :) i still love her nonetheless! [: and i feel alil bit feverish. sigh ohwell,bro nagging. grrr. you wouldnt believe me,would you? Saturday, April 19, 2008
gifts fr loved ones (: bestf-s,forever and eveeer! :D blur cos yz sucks at taking pics. LOL! new sec1 councillors! :)) MATTHEW! dearest treasurer! =D our very,very LAST billy-banja! ): alrite so ytd was investiture. which marks the day of 9th sc in stepping down ): i was goddamn excited in the morning,counting down the hours to the investiture(for some weird reason!) eventho i dunt want the time to arrive also! weird eh? but yeah,thts how the feeling was anyway. hah so finally its time for the march in. i was beside cx ((: was talking to her bout duno what all. lol fine sry la,cnt stop talking. ha almost cried during shubaa's speech. but tahan-ed myself. lol and i kept telling myself to cry ONLY after ive went up the stage. :) seriously all thre sec4s were trying very hard not to cry. haha ohyeah,befre tht,we went nuts and did billybanja on STAGE! :)) and took many many pics,but i dunt have them. not all. lol alrite so jarratt's video was super nice! :) really love it lar! showed the many memories tht we'd gone through these 4 years. thank god the music was kinda lively if not id alrd broken down. lol then received a few gifts from the darling sec3s! super sweeet la they all. made a video fer us. super touching lar. n damn my ugly pics in it. HA (: i was damn sad and all. but i dint cry. oh the irony. haha weird lar,duno why. instead the sec3s cried as if we died like tht. LOL anyway,yeah. thats about it. may the above pictures tell the storyy,yeah? (: i love you,sec3s! thanks for everything! :)) especially dearest fasihah♥ lastly,i love you my sec4s! always dearest to my heart lah. ill never ever forget those memories we had together :D pains me to leave the council,but oh wth. sigh,ill miss you guys. ): ROSNAH & ZAILAN! hahahahaha. kk nvm,inside joke (: heh you knw,i knw zal=) david james archuleta ♥. Labels: council investiture, ill miss you guys ): Wednesday, April 16, 2008
okay, im sorry for being such a bitch.but oh what the hell la. how could she, ARGH nvm. im just being a super jealous bitch, thats all. hahahaha! ((: oh my sweet heartache, Monday, April 07, 2008
had inter-class captain's ball competition,sec4/5 tht is. 4/5 lost to 4/6. but oh wth,they put up a great fight tho :) happy 1month anniversary to dan & nus__! :) think dan is reaally sweet lar. he bought her a cake, eventho she had actually forgotten about it. LOL dont be sad lar kay? im sure she'll get u sth ((: if only i have a guy like tht, oh how wonderful would my life be? hahaha but guess wht? they're either taken or are gay. lol and no,im not implying tht i like dan or nithing. pls ah hes my beloved bro fer 3 years, n still counting. hah :D i think that loser should seriously just kill himself. he dont deserve to live after wht he'd done to many girls. bastard was pretty emo in class today. wonder what happened. hope hes fine tho. dude, cheer up la kay? your bitch will always be here for you :)) _____________________ investiture and POP is getting nearer as time passes. sad to say,im pretty reluctant to let go to the sec3s. feels as if my batch had just taken over and now, its alr time to step dwn and focus on our o's. looks like once again,im gna break dwn during investiture. ha not forgetting perhaps also ROD night. oh, ill miss da sec1 sqd oh so much lar. its hard,but yeah. gotta let go. now. sigh. just wish it would last longer. n i regretted not cherishing it before. now its a little too late la eh? ha ohwell,n i promised them tht ill come back in 2yrs time; the time by whn they had already taken over the unit :) im sure, they would do a really great job,nonetheless :DD sigh,it sucks to grow. seriously. haha. :) HAPPY SWEEET 16,PEIYING! :] its nice to be sent back home, once in a while too,you knw :)
kayaking course 1-star! :))
Sunday, April 06, 2008
seriously,look at our SUNBURNT faces! lol haha, nth better to do. while waiting fer bus at kallang thr (: ![]() tht HOT instructor is mine! apparently,its supposed to be only me and him in the pic. but duno why so many extras. grrr. HAHA! ((: ![]() the squad, and the beloved instructors; - nor,yihui & EUGENE(the hot one,woo!) [: kayaking course-1 star was a great experience man! i was able to finally conquer my fears of swimming, and being on a kayak n can row properly alr! (: ha i managed to swim to the middle of the waters, swam back and actually survived! with a lifevest,that is. lol i almost drowned at one part cos was panicking but yeah, instructor Nor seriously rocks la. she made me feeel safe. haha capsizing was tough at ferst fer everyone cos its like scary lar. and in my grp i was the ferst to go. suey,i tell you. lol ended up well,cept fer my leg gt stuck and i was in the water_- fer duno how long cos the rest dint realise i was calling fer help. LOL then learnt how to rescue and all. takes a lot of energy.seriously. and now i can easily carry a freaking kayak so WOO! :) its heavy okay,mind u! in sec2,i couldnt even lift it up=X learnt many many other skills and drills. my kayak is no longer spinning arnd in the water. lol n i have more confidence in the water now also! yaye! :] and instructor eugene is seriously hot,n hes only 18 ((: nono,i aint a stalker! i just talked to him you knw. haha n he kept observing me and giving me personal lessons -actually thts cos my skills suck,so yeah _- but oh wht the hell,i spent time with him so WOOOO! :) and i knw the rest of the squad is jealous bout tht, esp umang2 who claims he's hers,like no lor! hahaha finished the course with a few (quite bad)cuts on my hands, sunburnt hands,legs and face ): and really,really bad muscle ache at shoulder and upper body. its the price to pay fer getting a 1-star,i guess. lets just say; its seriously worth it,okay? ((: cept fer the sunburnt is killing me! i looked like a really stupid tomato, and even walking hurts! argh touch me and ill kill you. hah & i hate you,mr sun. lol alright i guess i gotta study now. anyway,i still smell like the freaking river _- Labels: eugene is hot :), kayaking is love :D, SUNBURNT grr Thursday, April 03, 2008
going kayaking-1 star course tmr! :)) super super excited but nervous! ill pray to god tht i wont drown la! haha cos i seriously canot swim, argh ): esp during capsize drills,damn scared lar. lets just hope tht ill be saved by some hot blonde with really nice fringe or sth. :D oh whtever ain! alright its time to do hwk! i really should stop slacking lar. lol so many people are attached just in this week. just feels reaaally weird. iono why la=X perhaps jealousy? oh, what the hell. anyway,o's comes ferst! ((: cos i miss tht feeling, of being loved too. Labels: kayaking tmr [: Wednesday, April 02, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AIDIL AND JIAHUI! (: ferst pic; loser's. 2nd one; jiahui's alrite so celebrated these 2 birthdays in the morn. cake, presents and stuffs. all went well i guess :) but waited fer them too long tht the candles actually melted _- LOL went thru quite alot fer tht bastard's gifts, surprise and the freaking cards. so he better appreciate it man. haha [: as fer jiahui, her present will be here. SOON. (i hope) heh no -kaching- la! hahaha had NAPFA ytd. confirm canot get Gold la ): cos i gt a freaking D fer my standing broad jump. just gotta admit tht my legs are too short )): hahaha,ahh neways did excellent on the rest [: and today my whole body's aching, like nobodys business la sey! cant even sit _- had a hard time walking arnd the darn sch. lol kay fine im old, like whatever la! ha ohya,had council bonding session in the morn. played soccer with da sec2s :)) had an awesome time lar! seriously. heh den blabla. slept in between all the lessons. super exhausted. god knws why la=X feel super lethargic. like forever sey. grr. and ohya! im going kayaking course (npcc) on fri and sat :) pretty excited,yet nervous! cos im still afraid tht i would drown or sth wen its time to capsize! gah! lol pray fer me tht ill survive,okay? [: haha! think thts bout it. got a test to study and TONS of hwk ): and i gotta rush to the lib to return freaking overdue books. argh! and i seriously should stop thinking bout boys already. haha :) cos im fine, without you. ill be the one laughing the hardest. oh just you wait. bye ppl! :)