his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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neesa!CROC♥! afrah ann khairiah susu ruzzie ruohannnnn li fen shubaa julia nabilah fasihah♥ kakpah(: umang2(: quan yi jessica wei qi jarratt muthe rahimi gwen lili hiu tung siti rahmat kamal atiqah Fushan FC 'o8 NADirah ((: azita ((: nur ((: jasmine mira ((: aidil jarratt-bestf! muhaimin♥ syafiqah pe ah (: drumrolls
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
will blog soon! :D
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() afternoon/evening of kicking balls with dearest cousins!=) actually only the boys had a match lah,but us girls were there to support them yawwwww! haha! and they gave me an awesome birthday surprise in the field,right after the game had ended. like awwwwh. so sweeeet lah can?and they bought me this frigging nice necklace!:) so we took pics,went to eat at ljs,crapped here and thr. i had an absolute amazing time with them,seriously! and im so looking forward to 17may! which is sat. time flies,god damn it. and yes,POP and chalet here i come! :)) 13may08; its the 3rd day of mt intensive. had our very FERST simulation paper. then went off to meet cikgu zahara fr individual session! (: really glad that it helped boost my confidence level. sorta. lol :D i feel like slacking now,no kidding man but argh,I CANT! trust me wen i say im gna bring my malay stuffs to the chalet:X lol and im starting to miss talking to rahimi. so weird lah=X its been super super long since we'd even talked. and it sucks tht he'd forgotten my birthday. but oh wth. hm,just gotta get tht out of my chest. heh and ive been reading articles and watching latest vids on DA:) found out tht he's been pretty stressed out & discouraged=( by the whole media coverage and the fact that he has very lil time to train fer his auditions to come. makes me sad too,okay! lol just hope he's gonna perform the best tht he can,and im really wishing tht he could go to the final 2! ;D i swear,if i could vote; i would be voting fer him like crazy alrd! lol and 9may was declared as 'Happy David Archuleta Day'! :)) like wth la! if only i live in utah,america. hahaha! a day after my birthday,shows tht its all fated yawww. LOL only god(and perhaps s & yz) knws how much im obsessed with him. heh sigh,alright. feeling a little down now. god knows why? hmm. ill try to blog soon,okay? (: Friday, May 09, 2008
AWWWWH,SO CUTE RIGHT!? HAHA! hes none other than my soon-to-be scandal, david james archuleta! :) LOL and im super super happy tht i gt A2 fr MYE malay :) had been werking pretty hard fer it,& finally! (: gearing towards A1 nw fer beloved o's! and i swear,mt intensive revision is a trauma! it hadnt even been half a day,yet i went insane alrd(X seriously,ask ruzzie. she went nuts,too! lol i guess motivational david pictures helped lah! lets hope it'd helped fer the other subjs,too! ha :) just now in sch,in the canteen,i saw ___! i told danial ah,cos he just so happened to be thr and guess wht he said to ___? "eh ___, ain suka kau ah!" (eh,ain like you ah! -in translation) and i went OMGSHITYOUASSHOLE. lol n wen aidil realised it,he said the very same thing too. and faiz went "AWWWH,AIN LIKES __!" whn ___ just standing behind me. like wth omg lah. id seriously wished id stab the 3 of them or sth. lol ahhhh,i swear i was super red just now lah. :) haha! ah gah,i hate myself man. lol ^and fyi,i dont like __lah. i just find him super adorable,thts all (: and right now im super happy cos ive just gotten david's new pics and songs! so woooo! :)) haha bye people! :) Labels: david james archuleta [: ![]() as long as you stand by me, :) AWESOME-ST BESTFRIENDS EVER! :D cx fer once looked retarded, and im glad. HAHA! ;)) esp at night. frigging nice lah i tell you! haha! and thts why they plan my birthday right thr too=) ![]() i love them like no other :] woooo! blowing the 'cake'! haha. aint actually cake lah. since they knw i like munchy donuts so much, they stacked 16 donuts on top of each other,place a few candles on them and made it look like a super awesome birthday cake! :)) ^sorry no pic of the 'cake'! forgot to take lah. lol by beloved bffs again! <33 i super super love it lah. god damn it. seriously. haha! they said it looked like me! cos of the headphones and the IDOL book. HAHA they sure knw me best man. ;) and trust me wen i say,its super super ex lah okay! heh big,big card made by the BEST bestfs one could ever have! :) inside got out photos; fr sec1-sec4s. ((: love the wishes inside it maan. haha! the woman whom i ALWAYS fight with! haha! she still rocks tho. only cos she gave me this. LOL no lah. you super super rock lah,okay syl? and to ur qn; yes, he did wish me :) MAIIFAEZAH! <3 no werds could describe how much i love you guys la. haha! malay class has been a super bore w/o you ppl man ): i love you people so so much la okay? since ive just lost my water bottle, i shall take super great care of this one! ;D heh frigging beautiful necklace, and a vid made esp fer me(starring david archuleta!woo!) fer my sweeet sixteen-by dearest FASIHAH! :) super cute n cuddly bear + a BIG blue card with sweet wishes from super sweet people whom i truly love! :D same ppl who contribute the cake too,actually! you knw who you are,a great THANK YOU! :) fr dearest SHAUNICE! :) the guy who,greatfully, ate finish my cake fer me :) fr fasihah,dan,dil and gang :) ^gang cos thrs just too many to be named. ha! i dont really like strawberry,but oh wth :)) haha! and ahh,these are some of the gifts tht ive received on my sweet 16 :) but cant put all the pics lah,no space and i lazy also. LOL so yeah. just wana say a HUGE thank you-s to those who had wished me,gave me presents or even to those who actually had given me the 16 beatings tht i dont really deserve ;D namely; fasihah,aidil and danial fer the surprise in canteen :) i think its like super sweeeet lah! hahaha. minus the part whr i gt saboed by very own cake, and i smelt like puke/strawberry the whole day. LOL :)) thanks to many,many of you who wished me,whether it was at midnight, wee early hours of the morning or at the very night :) those birthday wishes had definitely made me smile lah! heh to my bestfriends- thank you fer the AWESOME-ST bday celebration one could ever have! the laughing, walking, perspiring, complaining, superhungry+thirsty, crapping, lame shits we talked bout, gossips, and everything lah they definitely made my day yawww! esp the surprise,but of course! :) the super lovely 16 MUNCHY DONUTS-cake and awesome gifts! :D i swear ill never ever forget this day lah,and im loving the singapore river and the esplanade more than ever now. thanks to these memories! [: and yes sam,thanks fer being an awesome planner too man. hahaa i love you guys, and forever will :) TO ALL! :)) but seriously lah,at the end of the day; my sweeet sixteen would not be so sweet w/o you all! :) so once again,THANK YOU! i had a blast! heh sweeetest sweet sixteen one could ever have? YEAH, DEFINITELY LAH. NO DOUBT BOUT IT! (: Labels: my sweeeeet sixteen :) david james archuleta :)
Friday, May 02, 2008
so far myes sci paper have been shitty fer me.ferst is freaking physics,now its beloved chem. ARGH but yeah,its over. cant turn back time eh? lol sigh,just gona slog (spelling?) through the rest of my papers. and pray that ill not fail them. like seriously,or im dead:X so far,sci and a maths' gna be a total failure fr me. lol ------------- anyway,im having this CRAZE fr david james archuleta! :) like seriously man. hes like everywhr! -to me,i mean like on my hp wallpaper,screensaver and all! and im NOT obsessed lah okay. its a just motivation towards o's,THATS ALL! :)) everytime i look at his pic,ill think- david says,"GO STUDY!" and ill do just tht! sure,may seem alil weird. but oh wth. it sure is helping me fer my myes. :D HEH aim 6(times 2) pts fer oleveeels! :)) -12,cos obviously 6 is impossible fr me. haha! "i'll eat a tarantula,just to meet him! :) i'll eat 2 tarantulas,just to kiss him! :)) i'll live with tarantulas fr the rest of my life if i were to marry him! :DD" ^conversation at bk (inclusive of yz shaving her head bald,if the 3rd one were to happen. LOL) i love myself fer being random man! heh HAHAHA so i was going nuts when tht conversation took place. eh wait,no, i still am. lol ohwells :) anyway i gotaa go mug! :)) "i dont know why you're trying so hard to fit in-when you're born to stand out" -What a girl wants