his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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neesa!CROC♥! afrah ann khairiah susu ruzzie ruohannnnn li fen shubaa julia nabilah fasihah♥ kakpah(: umang2(: quan yi jessica wei qi jarratt muthe rahimi gwen lili hiu tung siti rahmat kamal atiqah Fushan FC 'o8 NADirah ((: azita ((: nur ((: jasmine mira ((: aidil jarratt-bestf! muhaimin♥ syafiqah pe ah (: drumrolls
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
![]() ENOUGH SAID :D and its just a day before __'s bday. hmmm. Labels: DA:D i feel like meeting rahimi to get some sch notes fr him. cos im alrd starting some revision to get ready fer poly (: but dont knw if hes free tday,infact i havent even ask him yet. LOL! besides,i need a male company. after so long. or ill turn into a les.haha and sch's starting in 2 weeks time. im super scared:X supposedly thought thrs gna be somebody whos gna accompany me and all.. but yeah,lets skip tht thoughts. looks like i gota be independant, fer a long time now. cos i dont knw anyone thr): and thrs gna be an overnight camp. i dont likee. haha! esp when ive no friends thr. grr. i hate myself lah. k,this post is random. gotta go (: im bored like shit. ugh! being boyfriend-less is super boring esp when thrs no one to whine to,and complain bout how miserable my life is.LOL bt come to think of it,im seriously sick of guys. n no,i wont turn into a freaking lesbian (: hahaha my ___ is home now. i hate ___. i hate home,once again now. johor bahru was terrible. i so cant live in a kampung house. HAHA i spent 3/4 of the time thr staring at the lizards on the walls(LOL!), and 1/4 wondering what i should do the next min or so _- my friends thr were the cute lil kids and cats which i fed :] jb mats are super scaryy cos i was afraid of being pukau-ed. hahaha sry,no eng translation. haha. & when they stare,they seriously stare O.O some approached me,and i literally ran my ass off. HAHA! many other stuffs happened,too lazy to blog. and i couldnt stop thinking bout ___. not even for a sec. i hate myself fer being so weak/gullible ): k,i wana eat. meeting maii at 4 at mac yishun later (: bye ppl! Monday, March 30, 2009
just came back fr msia. 3days thr,ugh.accompanied grandparents to find cure fer their 'illness'.lol im poooooooooooooooooooooped like hell. heh tmr going back yt in the aftrnoon to get cert/testimonial with maii&iifa:) and meeting maii earlier with our lappy-s at Mac. haha! we're pretty naive but so whtttt. lol! and thurs,most prob going watch movie with ezah! i super duper miss her lah cannnnnn :D gna have cousin outing soon,but God knws when uh. LOL alright,i wana rest alrd. bye ppl! (: Labels: i miss my yt assses:l Wednesday, March 25, 2009
ytd went to visit uncle (zai's dad) who's in the hospital.TTH,my favourite hospital cann. heh and here are the pics we took due to boredom!:) its been SO LONG since i took pics,so yaye! hehe. and i love them to bits :DD cos they sooo make my day :] enjoy the pics,ppl!:D nur said zai & i look lyke a couple_- HAHA! Labels: tth pics :D Tuesday, March 24, 2009
cos I'm horrible when it comes to healing,I prefer to pick at my own wounds. Labels: reality check:l Monday, March 23, 2009
just came back fr swimming with umang2!and im tiirrred to the max! ugh. no kidding sey. despite the fact tht i dont know how to swim. haha! but i did learn how to selam(dive) here & thr,and swim alil! a MAJOR improvement lah kay! heh. ;) was supposed to meet at 8am,but both of us were usual.LOL thus our dearest Friend,Mr Sun was out. gahh. gona go out again in a few mins time. Mum asked to accompany her to go to Daiso and stuffs. GAH. i swear man,once i reach home later,ill just plop! right onto my bed:D && swimming reminds me of _____. ohhh boy ): Labels: swimswim:DD Saturday, March 21, 2009
![]() this effing guy irritates me OH SO MUCH. and i hate him in 2001 & am still hating him. LOL cos hes officially an irritant,but on the brighter side, he makes me smile and laugh my ass off. :D grandma is sickk. went to visit her just now. and im still not okay. ): Friday, March 20, 2009
Maybe I was naÎve, got lost in your eyes,and never really had a chance. my mistake, I didn't know how to be in love you had to fight to have the upper hand I had so many dreams about you and me. Happy endings, well now I know... And its too late for you,and your white horse to catch me now. - White Horse by Taylor Swift Labels: im not your princess Monday, March 16, 2009
my aunt says im bony now,my back and all.maybe its cos ive lost fr 49 to 42kg,of shitty weight? hmmm. sighh all day,ill feel super feverish && weak. lyke a friggin zombie. and sometimes,i cant even think (rightt). and sch's starting in 1234567890' days time. HOW!? )': and i prayyyy tht i can make it fer sam's bday celebration with DC tmr. the last time i (actually) went out,FOR REAL,was God knws when D: and most prob,i cant make it tmr. OH WTH CANN. HAIZ. maybe i should just shut my trap now,cos it really doesnt make any difference. even someone with cement for a heart will get hurt, Labels: :( Saturday, March 14, 2009
only God knws the kind of pain tht i feel,then and now.i feel like a ____ puppet,with feeling of pins & thorns on my body. i wish i could stop thinking bout nothing,and start sleeping. i hope all this pain will come to an end soon. cos yeah, i cant take it any longer. whts worse,ive no one with me. im a walking zombie on this planet Earth now,yaye me. Thursday, March 12, 2009
haiz,im so completely physically & mentally drained.only God knws how much i tried to be strong and move on. no one knws bout the heart of mine,tht has been so utterly shattered,much more torn. everythings driving me insane. i dont knw why ppl would be so cruel,in this world. nobody and NOTHING can make me fine ever again. ill smile(or even laugh) but,i duno how much of this pretense i can take. 17 years of pretense is never easy. cos im fading away, Labels: please, stop it already.. Tuesday, March 10, 2009
k,heres thee pic! :) i kept laughing,cos we looked like cheerleaders,HAHA! ;D ohwell,but trust me. up-close,the tee is really simple yet awesome:) Labels: pic:D went to yishun gym with umang2 todayy. supposed to meet at 11,but i woke up SUPER late,so met up at 12 instead. heh. not my fault eh. canot slp at night. lol! den gym-ed fer an hour plus uh i think. she kept laughing at me when i taught her bout werking out with the o.5kg dumbells. maybe cos it was pathetic,as everyone else arnd us were carrying those super,gigantic ones, making weird & constipated faces:X haha! and we could practically hear our bones CRACKING, & its only 1kg man,the weights we were training with. LOLLLLL:P and i was frigging hungry so i tempt her into eating at ljs. (: ate,talking bout sch stuffs den decided to walk arnd np fer awhile. we spent 5bucks each at funzone,& i had a BLAST! screaming my heart's out playing Daytona,shooting zombies in Living of the Dead, and this motorcycle ride game thingy,which i suck at. lol we even played the para2 dance thingy,but my mat was faulty,so WTH!?): and i could only press 2 of the buttons. SUEY OR WHATTT. LOL! den tempt her to buy the levi's signature jeans. cos of the offer. and after much thoughts,she bought them. wooo! i ROCK OR WHATT at influencing. (: hehe! den we went to the converse shop next door and bought matching printed tees. EVERLAST printed tees,2 for 30bucks (: one fer herr,and one fer mua! cos im soooo in need of new shirts. HAH ill post the pic of us,in the tees in the next post :D so overall i managed to tempt her into spending quite a lot today(WAHAHA) and she dint managed to tempt me into buying a pair of pumps. (; our plan was just to go gym,but today was simply awesome or whtt.heh so FATHIN UMAIRRAH,if you wana spend (more!) money, im so the right person fer you. haha! im surre she knws tht ;D kk,im poooped to the max! wana rest. bye ppl :D:D Labels: gym with umang was awesome:D Monday, March 09, 2009
went hunting fer my lappy bag tday,cudnt find a nice one,boohoo ):on the bright side,going to gym tmr morning with UMANG2!:) like finally or whattttttt. haha! :D:D:D okay2 im excited! cos its been LONG since i gym-ed. and i so need the exercise. *shows flabby arms!* heh and dinner with bestfs,thought was tmr,but paiseh. its nxt looks like the rain has gotten to me): feels a lil feverish. gahhhh! ive always loved the rain tho,ohtheirony=X gona watch teevee now,pray den sleeeep my asss off:] k,goodnight ppl! :) Labels: FINALLY GYM TMR:D:D Sunday, March 08, 2009
these are some quotes i find awesome (:have fun reading them! :D im still nt okay,but oh well. ill be fineeee :DD ![]() The absolute best feeling in the world,is realizing you're perfectly happy, without the thing you thought you needed the most. Run through the rain, jump in all the puddles, and yell your heads off. Enjoy the times most people are disappointed about. && sometimes,when a person means that much to you, not even the truth can change your mind. I finally learned what life’s about, Hanging on when your heart’s had enough, and giving more when you want to give up. Honestly,if you find someone who can make you feel like you're the best goddamn thing on the planet just by calling you beautiful, then stick with them. They're a rare breed. everything happens for a reason. tears eventually fade & one day everything will be how its supposed to be. moving on is a process & you have to promise yourself that your really ready to let go. Labels: quotes:D Saturday, March 07, 2009
![]() (yaye,my bro is a year older alrd!;]) and thts da muffins tht i baked fer him,with strawberry icing since he loves strawberry flavour! (: see,wht a niceee sister i am. HAHA! ohwell,glad he love it :] & tht muffins da money all,come fr me,aidil and some others. lol and yes,i baked them just this morning,so they're fresh fr thee oven!:D anyway met up dan,aidil,jiahui & derrick at bk to pass the muffins. chat alil while,den i went to lib to return a bk. dan accompanied me (: den went home to vacuum,and blabla2. now going out again,with mum. gah,im sleepy cannnnnn. lol and this is another one of his present, a jersey with his name on it! and no.9 cos he loves TORRES:X and aidil said it cost alot,so yeah. LOL k,i gota go now. im tireeeeeeeeeeed. oh wth. and OH! danial said im a minah now. like wth. HAHA! im so the same can (: okayy bye ppl! ((: Labels: dan's bdaaaaay Friday, March 06, 2009
![]() im not even a big fan of zac efron,bt he is kindaa cute. haha! besides its bout beign 17 all over AGAIN. im only starting to become one(: and the start-off is lyke shit alrd. LOLLLLL oh what ill fate. :X anyway,i so wana watch this movie! watched the trailer,pretty awesome! and yeah,currently downloading Confessions Of a shopaholic & putting the movie into my itouch. hope can lah uh. lol && ytd outing to gym with cuz was cancelled. D: DONT ASK. im super distressed bout it. LOL cos the last time i went out with ANYONE was god knws wen. sigh. tho i ive bestfs,good frens,cuz and all,i seriously feel lyke yeah ive no one. told you my life suckkk. haha and the only thing tht cheers me up nowadays would be,talking to God in my prayers and watching Hindustan movies nonstop. WOO!:D no kidding,they seriously made me smile lyke what like tht. ha! okay,im gona wait fer sth brilliant to happen. bye ppl! (: Wednesday, March 04, 2009
AND OMG,HOW COULD I FORGET TOMENTION THAT DAVID ARCHULETA (AKA MY LONG LOST BOYF.HAHA!) IS COMING TO SINGAPORE THIS APRILLLL!:D i dunt really knw bout the details, but lets wait tgt,my friends :) & i shall drag my dwarfclan along,I DONT CARE!:] Labels: DA COMING TO SINGAPORE AHHH:) ![]() i went awwwwwh,looking at his FATS (FABULOUS ABS & THIGHS!) :D ive always admired his acting and all,dint knw his bod is so wow. haha!
so decided to sneak into his,too.heh :)
looking at his abs is just simply for fun,bt of course. lol && yes,tmr going to gym with dearest MIRA! meeting her at 10,wdls mrt:D ive been seriously physically yeah! cant wait fer tmrr. hahaha. and ohYEAH,my eye is getting better. thank God :)) getting a lil feverish, so bye ppl! (:
Monday, March 02, 2009
i just read my tagboard,lol;ITAA! i frgot tht u also on hols now. haha! wana go gym and then shopping with us also? join lah,the more,the merrier!:) besides u also forever the rich,kan kan kann? HAHA! we've chnaged the date to THURS instead. pape beep me lah kayyyy:D will be super glad if you can make it:)) Labels: tagboard(: ytd night was one of the suckiest ever. my swollen eye got worse,leading to my throbbing head. and an additional combo of chest pains:X one after another,so how the hell was i supposed to slp?): seriously thought i was going to faint & die on the bed, with the on-off chest pains tht i had. lol thank god,i tahan-ed && managed to slp at last and tht was God kns wht time uh. sighh which also means tht gym(plus shoppingg!) with mira tmr, is postponed to thurs. since my eye's still not so well. everytime i blink,it hurts. _- && stupid frgging chest pains): okay gota rest my eye,and prayyyy fer the best. cos i really needa take my passport sized photo fer my poly thingy. supposed to hand in the damn things today,seelah stupid eye): everytime i breathe,it hurts :[ Labels: gym postponed to THURS, ouch. MY EYE