his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
i think i look like a freaking dead fish now :/thanks to the beloved end of year semester exams. ugh. 2 more papers to go! and im so falling ill. shit sey :( sth tells me i shld start now, but pls eh. i can hardly keep my eyes open! double ugh. ps. thanks my ♥ for teaching me OC! and the wonderful break-fast ytd and chill-arnd today :) ilysm! :) :) sometimes,i can't help but to wonder if you still do think of her. Labels: a little miserable - life's a bitch anyway Saturday, August 22, 2009
the world is gonna throw us a million reasonswhy this isn't gonna workout between us, but i'm armed with one reason why it will ♥ Labels: the more my heart can't get enough pipc paper was super shitty. period. i studied my ass off and the paper was like,wth!? HAHA. since tmr's the 1st day of fasting month, ♥ and i decided to treat ourselves to a heavy lunch at Fish&Co!:D it was my first time eating thr,too mind you! hehe. he spent 68plus bucks on us. shit. i still feel so guilty sey:/ will pay back part of the amt uh. whtever it is,thanks eh,my ♥ !:) planning to mug my ass off fer hap the whole day of tmr. I'D BETTER! if not,omg. i'll hate myself so bad sey. tsk its 1.28am and im hungry alrd. shit. what more surviving through a WHOLE day of hap revision w/o beloved food!?OMG. nvm,i believe tht i can do it. go me. HAHAHA. on the brighter side, im so becoming holy-er at this period of time so yeah!:D :D and oh! im verrrrrrrrrrrrry,teramat happy bout the news tht ♥ told to me over the phone bout his mummy, hehe! you knw,i knw lah eh :) Labels: sungguh happy sih. HAHA Thursday, August 20, 2009
ive to quit feeling so empty,at the most random times.only a day more to pipc paper. and im so not ready. f___. i want to grow tall,please! and oh,skinny just like her. im so not okay. wth. Labels: she and her crooked smile Monday, August 17, 2009
The usual cure to all my misery hangovers = my boy ♥i had fun with him,the studying and all :) still,i can't help drowning my sorrows in a pool of procrastination. Which is why I'm not doing my hap/oc revision now. damnit. I suck. or maybe its plainly cos im hungry. cos im starving myself as im soo gaining weight. even he says so!:/ and hungry = grumpy, no? i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. i must love pipc. yes,pipc paper in just 3 days time. zura please focus alrd. make sure tmr start on pipc,okay you bitch! :) Labels: stupid effing bitch Friday, August 14, 2009
i wish you didnt have to lie.i wish i didnt have to trust you so bad. i wish you'd keep to ur words of being honest to me. i wish i didnt have to shed any tears on the eve & on our 1st anni. so much for being honest. ..... i wish i dont love you so much. cos it kills me more than ever now. :( but i do.. Labels: fuck everything else, fuck trust Thursday, August 13, 2009
perhaps its true when they say;sorrow comes right before happiness.tht you'll have to get through the rain to get the rainbow. i'm glad tht after everything,it didnt end up with all tears anyway. we managed to work tgt,through our differences! :) :) happy 1st monthsary,my boy!♥ you knw,i love you so. (: && i hope you'd love the lil sth which ive prepared for you. :D Labels: the 1st. ♥ Wednesday, August 12, 2009
tht had to be the most painful 15mins of my life. yet.tht was also the only time of my life,when i sew,with tears in my eyes. Tuesday, August 11, 2009
i'll be lying through my teeth if i were to say thtim not worried at all for the upcoming exams. in fact,im super worried okay!:/ just tht,i cant seem to get a grip on myself & start studying alrd! shit sey. reality check; 9mre days to exam. i sooo gotta start revising alrd,pronto! fasting month gonna be here soon. :((: hoping to make more pahale. haha! accompanied ♥ to cut his hair,right after sch at kovan. now he look like lil boy. little boy with spiky hair. like awwwww,so cute. HAHA! :P and oh,ring-shoppinggg was a disaster. dont even ask why. HAHAHA. least we managed to get a really nice pair. once again, thanks ♥! :) i soooooo gotta start on my revision soon. tomorrow,tht is! haha! go zura,go! :D and oh! i miss my dwarfettes. no shit! :( Labels: reality check u moron Saturday, August 08, 2009
you know all I can think of is youfor this evening I will play back every message that you sent & I will sleep to the sound of your voice now I don't like using words like forever but I will love you til the end of today && in the morning when I remember everything that you are, I know I'll fall for you all over again. Labels: love dont mind my irritating face! and awww,hes so cute right! stupid,candid pic. heh ;D voice,please come back sooon! i think ive actually forgotten how i originally sound like sey :( haha! once again,tgif! its been an awfully exacting week with the stupid tests & all. but thankfully,ive my boy♥ with me who has nvr left my side, esp when i needed him the most. simply,the awesome-est! :) hehe. we survived the most dreaded subjs tgt-biochem,pipc & oc! blithe,enough said:D he did so much for me,those little2 things which simply touch my heart every day of my life. which will never fail to put a smile on my face :) if only he knws how much i love him for trying so hard to be a romantic ass, as he knws tht he aint one. hahaha! so sweeeeet right? fuh! hehe. im so glad tht the weekends is here alrd,but its still quite a despair as i would not be able to meet him :( but oh hell. absence makes the heart grow fonder,no? heh! ;) i can't help imagining him with his guitar at the beach, serenading me with his super melodious voice, looking right into my eyes.... (well you get it,right? haha!) how i wish,it'd happen. well,maybe someday. (: Labels: khas untuk hati yang kusayangi Wednesday, August 05, 2009
today was alright,besides the fact tht i still sound like a frigging guy/rocker. \m/studied & makan-ed with him fr 9 till 1 like tht. oh,he's an amazinggg teacher!(: and yes we skipped,2 hrs of frigging biochem. and no,i dont feel guilty at all.HAHA studied my ass off (sorta!) for oc test. hope i can pass it! :D and he's just like the sweeeetest thing ever u knw! :P he actually helped me clean my super dirty pencil case,while i was studying! like fuh kan! pls lah. you can hardly find this type of species alrd u knw.hehe! den we skipped maths stats(didnt feel guilty!) and had a loooong chat at ljs. thanks my boy,for the listening ear. you knw i love you so,yeah? ♥ i feeeeel fat. like shit sey. i gotta go for a run,pronto! still waiting for the drowsiness to sink in. cough syrup,work ur magic alrd!:) cos its the little things tht made me fall in love with you. ♥♥ Labels: cos when he smiles - i feel like a little child i don't even want to think about it. somehow,thrs this depressing aura which affects me so. i hate being a loser. & right now, i can't help but to feel like one. Labels: i hate this feeling Monday, August 03, 2009
throat hurts really,realllly bad! ):to an extent of losing my voice, and sounding like a guy now. ugh! i so shld have listened to boyf wen he told me not to eat the laksa and drink the Ice milo. shit lah. why must i be so stubborn!? haha! 2nd lunch with him was funnnnnnn. as usual!(: but wht rocks more was when i went to AMK park with him.hee i (kinda) forced him to siiiiing for me. :P cos his voice's like gold like tht sey. sing also so diff meh!? HAHA! but he did so la! he was painfully shy at the start, but after awhile, think he got used to me staring at his face, trying to make him lose his concentration. hahaha! and omg,i was soo awed lah cos he can really really sing!! as in no shit! tho his voice may not sound very (erm) guy-ly, but eh when he sings, sound like a guy leh. i kept asking him bout tht. HAHAHA aiseh,bottomline is my boyf can sing super well and im mighty proud of it. HEHE! be jealous okay! hahahaha! :P and and oh,did i mention tht he can play the guitar pretty well,too?:D! okay,why am i even promoting him to the public!? hahaha! all i'm trying to say is tht he really,really rocks my socks off, and i love him so :) Labels: he's sooo mine HEH Sunday, August 02, 2009
fri was slaaaack like shit. and i had fun with my girls,going all crazy, jumping arnd & screaming our heads off,in the stupid neoprint booth. (: today is my sleeeeeping day!:D i woke up,bathed,ate,watched tv,vacuumed da home and slept again. hehe. feels gooooood to be able to have some eye-shut after so long!(: and oh i had a lil tiff with him ytd. was otp till arnd 4am. urgh,i hate it when shits happen. but whtever it is,im glad we are fine now:D && i love him more than ever now. (: 2 tests next weeek. excluding a stupid csas practical assesment thingy. im soooo not looking forward to next week! :( on the bright side, i cant wait to meet him! :D :D its 228am. i shld so be rolling arnd on my bed now. haha! ps; i love you. Labels: i miss my boy damn much D:, neoprint addiction