his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
![]() finally meeting my ♥♥♥s tmr.after sooooooo long! hehe. tho its just for a short raya dinner,i really cant wait to see them again :) i'm missing him like crap now. and i mean seriously. its been 123456789 shitty days since i last met him. urgh. my breath felt as if it was sucked out everytime i think of him. God, i miss him so. :( meeting him on thurs,hope i can last that long. hehe. am hoping that Ana can make it during this thurs raya outing too. ill definitely pray fer her granddad to get well soon, Insyallah. been craving super badly for cheeeeeese fries & bbq chicken's fish&chips! :( urgh,only my syg knws how badly im craving these two items. hahaha. ohyeah,im so looking forward to the shopping spree on fri with cuzs! i so neeed a whole new wardrobe fer the up-coming semester! hehe:D now hes fighting with izan. aiyo. :( i should try stop being so affected by ppl's thingys. seriously. argh,missing him badly. wish he'd knw. of course he'l knw,u ass. HAHA i wish this feeling will just cease. period. Labels: absence SURE make the heart grow fonder, finally meeting DC♥, STUPID CRAVINGGGS Saturday, September 26, 2009
argh. things are rather getting out of hand for me.ive been awfully sick and i dont even know why. seems like its never ending and the tons of colourful pills dont seem to work anymore. i'm pretty much sick of trying to be so strong. im sick of pretending that ill be fine. tht u gota go thru da storm,to get da rainbow. im sick of praying and wishing tht it'll just come to and end. seems like trying my best is never going to be good enough. im losing my faith as time passes by,& i really really wish the pain would just end. i wonder how much more can i go through all these.. idk which hurts more,the fact that im growing weaker each day, or the fact that ive been alone all this while, and will always be.. throat's been burning like mad since ytd night, vomited my ass off, head's spinning like nobody's business, heat engulfing my body,stupid flu bringing me down.. i wish for all of this to end. i dont know why someone wants me to suffer and be dead,so much. im sorry that ive caused so much misery in this world. im sorry that i even exist. someone,pls lie to me tht il be fine. lie to me. i promise, ill believe. Labels: losing her faith Thursday, September 24, 2009
i finally got at least half of the things from my checklist :) and im as happy as a kuku bout it. heeeeeee. i have my 3/4 skinnys, Paris Hilton perfume(!!), heeels and many more! i finally discovered the wonder of wearing eyeliner,the PROPER way.hahaha and im still dyinggggg to learn how to wear the eye-shadow! omg,i am so turning into a woman,ppl! HAHA! even my mum asked me since wen i started wearing perfume, and i got stunned at her qn as much as she was,too. ;) got my ive-been-wanting-it-since-ever cardigan today! :) :) and got a friendship band,too tgt with love! hehe. ohyeah, maths paper was alright. Alhamdulilah. :) been effing sick since ytd night. now dying from a combo of flu infection+fever+runny nose+headache+awful cough! im dying alright. sucks to be sick on such a happy month! grrrr. thank god im only jln raye-ing next week onwards. if im not wrong. feeels awfully weak now. been lying in bed since,idk when :( and my inner fat woman is so coming outttt. this is so not good. hahaha cos she's perfect in the wrong ways, Labels: effing sick URGH, so-not-perfect, zura becoming a woman HAHAHAHA Sunday, September 20, 2009
![]() ytd (18/9/09) was awesome. got to finally break-fast with cuzzies at Geylang! sweeet:) we ate at s11, mixture of stuffs. den walked around and stuffs. definitely had fun laughing our asses off. stupid zai. HAHA kk tmr aku mintak maaf jek dari kau ye,zai. (; someone finally prove to me tht he somehow has balls. HAHAHA thanks fer da sacrifice my dear. and making my wish come true. heh as usual camwhored here and thr. above is one of the pics(: and oh dad suddenly were sent via ambulance to ttsh, so i had to rush to the hospital. so sorry you guys bout the abrupt thingy ): && thank you my love, fer accompanying me,once more :D and oh,i finally met min's uncle,sufia and sufia's mum. was traumatized. but yeah,think i got over tht. think so. :/ i was bored while waiting fer zam to get her hair done. soyeah. HAHA. look at my fugly eyebags! urgh. today (19/9/09) nur and i accompanied zam to do her hair at chong pang! (: from 2.30 til arnd 7plus. bloody long,thts fer sure. haha! nur and i even managed to go shopping fer our last min raye stuffs. fun,HAHA! i finally got myself a simple,yet nicee heeels! and 3/4 skinny pants. HEHE okay im so excited to wear them lah okay! :) :) esp da heels. fer tmr!!! hahaha just hopefully i wont walk arnd like an idiot, falling everytime i take a step. cos im soooo not a heels person, duh? haha. (: didnt get my shades and leggings. but its alright next time eh! heh thanks nur'aidillah fitri! if not,id be so lost shopping by myself. HAHA met love. some shits happened. dont wana talk bout it! :/ hope things are okay, by tmr and stuffs like tht. *prays* its officially hari raya alrd! im not THT excited,idk why :( but whtever it is, selamat hari raya ppl! please forgive me for any wrongdoings tht ive done these past years, those which are accidental and those which arent. haha! its going to be an awesome month,so enjoy urself my Muslim &(non Muslim)friends!:D Labels: geylang with cuzzies, got my heels and 3/4s like finalllly, SELAMAT HARI RAYE MY LOVES:D Tuesday, September 15, 2009
![]() yesterday (14/09/09) had absolute fun with my ♥! we walked pretty much alot,but still. we tremendously had lots of fun! he know, i know. you dont know. so too bad. haha!:P glad he (sorta) liked the lil sth which i had made fer him :) once again,happy 2nd-monthsary my dear! today (15/09/09) visited grandma in ttsh with mummy! some 'happening' stuffs happened. damn scary but fun to watch. HAHA grandma feeling better and going to be discharged soon! Alhamdulilah :) thanks to the visiting hrs thingy which only starts at 5(2nd time), managed to meet ♥, and spend time with him!! hehe. didnt do much. walked and sat arnd. talked & more. heh (: i was so touched tht eventho he was slping like a pig,waking up at only 230pm, he rushed thru his bath and all so tht he could meet me at Novena asap. sweeeeeet much,no? hehe. thanks again my love! :) sygg dier! hehe. pssss. toook some pics. above 2 are some of them. :) reached home arnd 630 plus. ate munchy donuts+nasi lemak fer break fast. and went fer my very ferst Terawih. ferst time in my life lah okay. HAHA! i knw its pathetic to the max,but hell. least i completed it!ferst timer,ok! hehe. went with dearest cuz,nur. finally i have someone to teman me.thanks love! :D and we were so blur at da start,tht it was friggin funny. no shit. hahaha its been some time since i spend time with her neway soyeah :) hopefully us cousins can break fast tgt2 on fri or sth! :) :) tmr gotta go sch fer revision fer maths stats. URGH. on the bright side, i got to meet ♥! hehehe. break-fast with him! :) :) cant wait. (sorta) haha! all i need is 3 little words, that comes from the heart Labels: 2nd anni celebration ♥, ferst time ever terawih hehe, i love my grandma Sunday, September 13, 2009
![]() enough said? :P didnt knw making pineapple tarts could be so exacting, back-breaking, mind-blowingly irritating and anything thts related to pain. i still do not knw why ♥ could love it oh so much. HAHA! ive always hated making it. since ever. but since he loves it so much.soyeah!HEHE he better be thankful maan. after all the pain tht i had to go through(; my energy had depleted so bad tht i almost fell asleep halfway making them!:P was shitty tired alright,& to make matters worse; didnt get to spend much time with him. he was too busy shopping fer clothes with his fam. so syiok right! hmph. haha! the last time my mum blanjaed me clothes was...erm. idk. sad,no? ): ohwell. we come from diff family backgrnd eh. soyeah. im getting used to it (: im not in much of a mood today. honestly,i dont knw why myself :/ and im boreeeeeeed like shit now. phft on the bright side,tmr wil be my LAST day of baking cookies! (: and meeting ♥ on monday! hehe. awesome much? (: (: and but of course, HAPPY THE 2ND,MY DEAR BOY ♥♥♥! ilysm. :D Labels: 2nd monthsary♥, damn the pineapple tarts, if only Tuesday, September 08, 2009
![]() i miss how things used to be for us. i miss my girls super damn much. :( thought i could somehow or rather, get over it, but i guess i was wrong. way wrong. & im honestly sorry for what happened. im still wishing tht things could be the way it used to be.. haiz. enough of tht alrd. been pretty long since i last blogged eh?heh grandma gt warded in beloved ttsh. visited her in the morn by myself:) I FINALLY MET ♥, after 7 freaking days of not meeting him!GOSH. and aww, he wore so smart and spiked his hair fer me! hehe. he definitely made me smile like a kuku and i fell in love him all over again♥ went home,made this weird-looking cookie. mum forced me into it,phft. its the 18th day of fasting month & i alrd made 5types of cookies! :D fast eh time flies. seems like only ytd wen it was the ferst day of fasting! haha means raye is here soooooooon. excited to the max,but of course! HEH. im so so going to cut my haphazard fringe tmr! and try to make it less haphazard(tho its kinda impossible). HAHA SOMEONE'S SUPPOSED TO HAVE HIS HAIR CUT TMR,TOO! you better okay! you knw who you are. HAHAHA!♥♥♥ im waaaaaiting for him, who's rebooting his lappy since idk wht time? hah. Labels: cos you belong with me Tuesday, September 01, 2009
and oh,did i mention tht it feeels way awesometo meet my beloved besties after so long!? super miss them lah :) and im glad none of us have changed!! sam's still noisy, zhen's still mother-ly,cx's still blur & im still as irritating:D awwww. honestly,they really do mean the world to me! ♥♥♥ and i so cant wait for 09.09.09! :D just dont make me walk all the way fr orchard to esplanade, when im fasting,all over again, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease! HAHAHA. Labels: bffs bffs bffs ♥ its been a pretty hectic weekend fer me,and i like! hehe :) sat, went fer rod night. met my beloved squadmates after sooo long! had fun,laughing our asses off, screaming our lungs out and singing pearly shells & warfront cheer all over again, remincisng those years we shared back then in sec sch life. i definitely miss those moments! 22th will forever be my love :') sunday -had religious class in the morning as usual. then rushed off to amk to meet ♥. went costa sands tgt :) eventho i dint even stay overnight due to some personal reasons, i definitely had fun watching twillight on the small beds, laughing at weiyang's fringe almost getting caught on fire and etc. HAHA and most imptly,cos i got to spend time with ♥ by the sea and all(: cos i freaking hell missed him, and i still do now! :( den we break fast at Bbq Chicken at Downtown!! ive been begging him to bring me thr,since ever! HAHA! :P and we sat at the nice2 pink cushions. which we've always been wanting to sit at since the ferst time we saw them. below is a pic oh him,which makes me melt so bad everytime i look at it.hehe! then bade farewell to my a9l2-mates,and i felt bad tht he didnt return back to chalet,as he sent me home and it was alrd late by den :( returned home,and tht had to be one of the most horrible nights in my life cos i could hardly rmb anything else once i got home. :/ and the next day had to be the worst hangover(so-called) everrr. today(mon) went back to sch with zhen. met beloved FASIHAH n frens!:) some seniors whom i HARDLY recognize. honestly,lots of ppl changed! and idk why but ppl kept saying tht i lost a lot of weight. so weird! HAHA and oh,they still laugh at me fer being vertically-challenged. PHFT!:P chill at zhen's house,watched a movie. blabla. thts bout it :) and oh,i didnt meet ♥ today. effing miss him. no shit. ugh! :( on a brighter note,im making raye cookies starting fr tmr onwards! excited to the max,but of course! hehe! Labels: hectic weekend or whatttttt