his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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neesa!CROC♥! afrah ann khairiah susu ruzzie ruohannnnn li fen shubaa julia nabilah fasihah♥ kakpah(: umang2(: quan yi jessica wei qi jarratt muthe rahimi gwen lili hiu tung siti rahmat kamal atiqah Fushan FC 'o8 NADirah ((: azita ((: nur ((: jasmine mira ((: aidil jarratt-bestf! muhaimin♥ syafiqah pe ah (: drumrolls
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absence DOES make the heart grow fonder!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
![]() i find this shittily true (: shall blog more soon. nose making weird trumpet sounds. :P ps; today was awesome. thanks to youu. <3 no words could possibly describe how much i miss you, Labels: sinus officially suck cos boy,i miss you so
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
waiting for French to start simply so not looking forward to it alrd anyway, grah. and im starting to miss him alrd. sheesh. hahaha anyway,this morning, i almost died fr a combo of mens cramp + diarrhoea. got some sleep, and thanks to love, i feel so much better now! :D syg sgt pada kamuuuuuuuuuu. hehe. right now,freezing + fighting with my sinus in the sch libr. with his lappy on hand, listening to music, cafe world-ing and reading some stuffs. how bored can i get?haha. n i did my learning log. bangge tersgtlah ok. haha! i officially have only 39mins of using this lappy. befre it dies. ni ah, si dek tuuuu mls sgt nk bwk wire charger. HAHAHA. :P and ohyes, cant wait to meet my girls fer dinner later! been long since i met them! time to catch up,zura! and one fine day, i wana meet my dearest nisa too (: been YEARS since i last saw her. taek betol. haha. my ears are starting to hurt from my earpieces. argh. ps. some things are better now known/read. Labels: almost died, french suck no shit oh hail, insecurities!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
french officially suck.i crave for long john/kfc/macdonalds and any other fast-fd related things. blame it on my hunger-angst. and omggggggggggg. mixed feelings,once again. don't know, don't ask. i miss lotsa things. wait, i dont even knw wht im missing. HAH k im officially going nuts. dont bother. am right now accompanying love for his music lecture. so dull. hahaha k fine, its not as dull as my stupid psychology lec. FINE,min. hehe. anyway, currently am having a stupid migraine. and oh yes, im finally going to the doctor. i guess so uh. (: someones staring at me typing, n hes foorcing me to say tht he'd jus lost his wallet_- ni name nye nk mintak simpati. ape saje. hehe. syg sgt kamu! mitch rocks. to the max okay. he just said tht i look anorexic. best compliment,everrrrrrrrrrrrrr can! HAHA. i still feel fat. period. heh and talking bout jealousy. lets nt even start,okay? ahhh. im a bitch. period. and ohyes, im fugly alright. Labels: mixed feelings, this and that :(
Saturday, November 14, 2009
its really hard to type with tears in my eyes. just like now.i hate,hate,haaate fighting with you. but i just really find it unfair. for me. argh, shall not say nemore. no mood. and i dont have any gfs to talk to, just what i needed. why must all this happen to me,God?:( Labels: she's stronger than this not minah ehhhhhhhhhhh.
![]() i love my geek/mat (the irony,hehe!) so very the much! :) happy belated 4th monthsary my dear :D and pls eh,stop calling me minah ehhhhh. what more your small lil minah. wah sadded. hahahaha im so not okay. i look super decent anyway. haha! supposed to be studying fer my religious cls exam tmr. grah. alrightey gonna go makan now, den perhaps study. heh. and oh yes,finally chnaged my distorted blogskin. :D Labels: happy the 4th love head over heels.
Relationships are hard and a lot of people say that it doesn’t work without trust, and yeah, that’s true. But I think in order to be completely head over heels, you have to be willing to be stupid. You have to be willing to fall. Labels: l o v e graaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
![]() ferst and foremost, would like to sincerely apologise to nur cos am nt able to attend the Muse concert thingy at Rp tmr evening, tho she had alrd booked the seats fer me. im so sorry dear :( but im really really in a mess right now.with the concurring tests,hwks and lab report! thurs- cell bio test (i knw nuts bout it!argh!) fri- maths stats test (omg) sat - CIP newspaper collection + gym-ing sunday- religious cls main exam next monday- cell bio test (once AGAIN!) :X told you, im in a mess right now. ending school at 6/7 everyday aint helping neway. having to take 3 buses definitely aint a help either. graaaaaaaaaaaaah! my health is getting no better. cough and flu is just pissing me off even more as time goes. sometimes i just wana cut away my nose(as suggested once by clarence!HA) or even to bring a damn box of tissue to sch to make things easier. hahaha. even panadol flu cant help. neither can the cough syrup. i think its the end. HAHAHA. ah, il be fine soon. so i hope. and im so pissed with some shit right now. im thiiiiiiiiiiiis close to blogging in malay,like a friggin minah. no shit. yes,my inner minah is on the verge of coming out. haa. but im going to spare you guys the gory details. besides, im kinda too shagged and slpy anyway. haha. ohwells, another day perhaps? for now,i just wana cool down. and just live life as per normal. period. ps;idk wht the hell is wrong with my blogskin! but oh wth, shall do it nicely once ive the time. nights my loves!:D Labels: as always shits happen every single day for my late nights,
Sunday, November 08, 2009
![]() Labels: you you you love,
![]() Labels: i love you tell me if its worth it,
fights. ironically, its one of the things which i hated most butit also always get to me, in whtever situation im in. fights amongst my family is never ending, fights with cousins (sometimes,misunderstandings,tht is) fights with besties (last time, but nw no since i hardly see them neway) fights with gfs in school (i dont knw if wht we're having is a fight, or cold shoulder but whtever it is, i hate it. but whtever, maybe i deserve it) fights with him. my love. my one and only. my everything. she's a major loser in whtever she does. she always make him cry, and doesnt even knw wht she did,wht went wrong. she hates guys who kuat binget, but nvr fails to be close to them, getting hurt in the process, and feeling shitty every other time. its bad enough her dad and bro are the 'awesomest' guys in the whole wide Universe. having to go thru life all these years had nvr been easy, and is not either now. she gotta stop affecting ppl, erasing the smiles of the ppl she love, stop making them cry(w/o knwing why), stop being ungrateful to him, stop making him angry by reducing my foul language, stop making people regret in knwing her. its bad enough, thrs hardly ppl arnd her who do truly care. some pretend to, some perhaps truly do, but maybe she just doesnt knw it. sometimes i think i care too much bout other ppl feelings tht, w/o realising it i tend to frget bout my own. frget that i can hurt,too. that im just an ordiary 17yr old girl who's life aint all tht great afterall. that i bleed to knw tht im alive, i cry when i couldnt take it anymore, i smile when good things happen, and feel loved, whenever he's around. i think im having a major pms now, and i soo need my gfs to talk to. but wth. i dont have any in poly. awesome. cept fer sasha tht is, but dint really talk to her just now. just alil. stupid hwk. i dont mind telling him anything and everything but sometimes, its hard when i keep hurting him in every lil way. its like hurting myself. how stupid can i get? i want to stop the hurting,pronto! and he's awfully sick now. since this morning. i really hope it aint my fault. tho i really feel guilty bout it. making him teared and all. i hope he'll get well soon. and im sorry for everything.. im not such a good gf,after all am i? but nvm, ill be fine. ill try to be better, i promise. and zura never break her promises, doesnt she? oh, you'll really start to hate yourself when all you can do is ERASE the smiles of the people you love. Labels: bitch always look on the brightside of life,no?
Saturday, November 07, 2009
on the brightside, which i evidently have frgotten to mention,ive finally gotten my sought-for-since-ever Ripples slippers!!!!! :D and tmr im finally going gym-ing, after wht it feeels like ages. heh i so need to shed off these fats,babyy! HAHA. okay,enough zura. hehe. ohyeah, happy belated sweet 17, sab! (: ps; i miss my dwarfies :( pps; i miss himmmmmmmmmmm. :( :( Labels: insecurities go away alrd Friday, November 06, 2009
![]() pretty much describes what i felt at the end of sch day today. ah, lets not even talk about it. i guess,ive just never thought it would be this hard. thats all. anyway,sch's been pretty much hectic this past week. tests,assignments and BELOVED(ha!) lab reports are getting to me. more dumb,unrelevant(to me,tht is) things to be studied. french is pissing me off in a way, cos i cant rmb most of the damn words, and psychology is just driving me up the wall. period. on the bright side,csas2 is a-okay. did my presentation. was the 1st one to present. fishcake betol. but i think i did okay. so thank god,i did mine alrd. hehe. bmic and cell bio is making me reminscine the torture i had with bchem. ARGH im just really,really glad i have him by my side. still at my side, at the end of the day. no matter how hard things may get fer us, we'll get through the damn diploma tgt. and if God's willing, with awesome results too. :) not pretty or whtever shit she wants to be, but still surviving. tell me im stronger than this. Labels: semester 2 is a whore - no shit