his small,little minah(NOT!) ![]() temasek poly; junior yr. pharmaceutical sci! :D :D SHORT,and happy with it.(: loud. laughs at every single little thing. chocolates,donuts and icecream make her smile like a kuku!:P loves her one,and only ♥ and oh, i am anti-veggies. ty (:
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Wednesday, June 09, 2010
k. aku nye confidence level peh cam taek. entah asl. haiz. but its not my fault what.its just me?sheesh. suey betol ah born ngn confidence low nk mampos ni. haha. pade aku,sume ppmn arnd aku lebih serba serbi cantek dan segala2 nya la. aku ni, rupe tkde. height jgn ckp. bantut siket la wei. n heels aku pkai pun tk lepas. sedih pe hidup. hahaha! tapi aku thankful yg aku ade mataer yg teramat caring sama aku, jage aku baek2, tk kasi aku maki hamun, gi clubbing sume, piercings and all. (tho aku betol2 nak uat some of these things.HAHA) tapi aku respect bby busyuk aku ni. soyeah. (: no harm done anyway. and so im still a gd girl at the end of the day. he says only my kening looks like minah. phft betol. hehe. ni post random nk mampos, sebb aku tkde org laen utk complain/whine psl keburukan aku ni. cept to maybe my mataer ah,tapi dier senang fed up. sebb utk dier,aku selawa2 nye. cam bidadari kot.haha! ohwells. least dpt jugak aku brbual ngn blog yg dah lama mati niek. which i knw tkde org lagi yg akan bace. hahaha. tapi aku appreciate, yg aku maseh punyai serba serbi kesemua yg sempurna. aku tau,ill get over this feelings soon enough. i did, but it came back. argh. ill be fineee. k i love you bby busyukk! cant wait fer tmr! ;)